
Supported OS Android Linux Windows iOS Mac OS


With the Datadog RUM React integration, resolve performance issues quickly in React components by:

  • Debugging the root cause of performance bottlenecks, such as a slow server response time, render-blocking resource, or an error inside a component
  • Automatically correlating web performance data with user journeys, HTTP calls, and logs
  • Alerting your engineering teams when crucial web performance metrics (such as Core Web Vitals) fall below a threshold that results in a poor user experience

Monitor your React applications from end-to-end by:

  • Tracking and visualizing user journeys across your entire stack
  • Debugging the root cause of slow load times, which may be an issue with your React code, network performance, or underlying infrastructure
  • Analyzing and contextualizing every user session with attributes such as user ID, email, name, and more
  • Unifying full-stack monitoring in one platform for frontend and backend development teams


Start by setting up Datadog RUM in your React application. If you’re creating a new RUM application in the Datadog App, select React as the application type. If you already have an existing RUM application, you can update its type to React instead. Once configured, the Datadog App will provide instructions for integrating the RUM-React plugin with the Browser SDK.

Error Tracking

To track React component rendering errors, use one of the following:

  • An ErrorBoundary component (see React documentation) that catches errors and reports them to Datadog.
  • A function that you can use to report errors from your own ErrorBoundary component.

ErrorBoundary usage

import { ErrorBoundary } from '@datadog/browser-rum-react'

function App() {
  return (
    <ErrorBoundary fallback={ErrorFallback}>
      <MyComponent />

function ErrorFallback({ resetError, error }) {
  return (
      Oops, something went wrong! <strong>{String(error)}</strong> <button onClick={resetError}>Retry</button>

Reporting React errors from your own ErrorBoundary

import { addReactError } from '@datadog/browser-rum-react'

class MyErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
    addReactError(error, errorInfo)

  render() {

React Router integration

react-router v6 allows you to declare routes using the following methods:

To track route changes with the Datadog RUM Browser SDK, first initialize the reactPlugin with the router: true option, then replace those functions with their equivalent from @datadog/browser-rum-react/react-router-v6. Example:

import { RouterProvider } from 'react-router-dom'
import { datadogRum } from '@datadog/browser-rum'
import { reactPlugin } from '@datadog/browser-rum-react'
// Use "createBrowserRouter" from @datadog/browser-rum-react/react-router-v6 instead of react-router-dom:
import { createBrowserRouter } from '@datadog/browser-rum-react/react-router-v6'

  plugins: [reactPlugin({ router: true })],

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    path: '/',
    element: <Root />,

ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root')).render(<RouterProvider router={router} />)

Go further with Datadog React integration


Connect your RUM and trace data to get a complete view of your application’s performance. See Connect RUM and Traces.


To start forwarding your React application’s logs to Datadog, see JavaScript Logs Collection.


To generate custom metrics from your RUM application, see Generate Metrics.


Need help? Contact Datadog Support.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: aaron.hoffman/SDCD-952_write-rollback-cd-docs