

Webhooks enable you to:

  • Connect to your services.
  • Alert your services when a metric alert is triggered.


Go to the Webhooks integration tile and enter the URL and name of the webhook you want to use.


To use your webhook, add @webhook-<WEBHOOK_NAME> in the text of the metric alert you want to trigger the webhook. It triggers a POST request to the URL you set with the following content in JSON format.

Datadog only issues a retry if there is an internal error (badly formed notification message), or if Datadog receives a 5XX response from the webhook endpoint. The timeout for any individual request is 15 seconds and missed connections are retried 5 times.

Note: Custom headers must be in JSON format.

To add your own custom fields to the request, you can also specify your own payload in the Payload field. If you want your payload to be URL-encoded, check the Encode as form checkbox and specify your payload in JSON format. Use the variables in the following section.


ID to aggregate events belonging together.
Example: 9bd4ac313a4d1e8fae2482df7b77628
ID to link events from the time an alert triggers until it resolves.
ID of the alerting monitor.
Example: 1234
Name of the metric if it’s an alert.
Example: system.load.1
Priority of the alerting monitor.
Example: P1, P2
Query of the monitor that triggered the webhook.
Comma-separated list of tags triggering the alert.
Example: availability-zone:us-east-1a, role:computing-node
Summary of the alert status.
Example: system.load.1 over host:my-host was > 0 at least once during the last 1m Note: To populate this variable in webhook payloads from Logs Monitor alerts, $ALERT_STATUS must be manually added in the Webhook integration tile.
Title of the alert.
Example: [Triggered on {host:ip-012345}] Host is Down
Type of alert notification.
Example: Recovered, Triggered/Re-Triggered, No Data/Re-No Data, Warn/Re-Warn, Renotify
Type of the alert.
Example: error, warning, success, info
Date (epoch) where the event happened.
Example: 1406662672000
Email of the user posting the event that triggered the webhook.
Text of the event.
Example: @webhook-url Sending to the webhook
Title of the event.
Example: [Triggered] [Memory Alert]
Type of the event.
See the list of event types under Examples.
The hostname of the server associated with the event, if there is one.
ID of the event.
Example: 1234567
List of JSON objects with the incident’s attachments, such as postmortem and documents.
Example: [{"attachment_type": "postmortem", "attachment": {"documentUrl": "https://app.datadoghq.com/notebook/123","title": "Postmortem IR-1"}}]
JSON object with the incident commander’s handle, uuid, name, email, and icon.
JSON object with an incident’s customer impact status, duration, and scope.
Example: {"customer_impacted": true, "customer_impact_duration": 300 ,"customer_impact_scope": "scope here"}
JSON object mapping each of an incident’s fields to its values.
Example: {"state": "active", "datacenter": ["eu1", "us1"]}
List of JSON objects with the incident’s integrations, such as Slack and Jira.
Example: [{"uuid": "11a15def-eb08-52c8-84cd-714e6651829b", "integration_type": 1, "status": 2, "metadata": {"channels": [{"channel_name": "#incident-1", "channel_id": "<channel_id>", "team_id": "<team_id>", "redirect_url": "<redirect_url>"}]}}]
The message of the incident notification.
Public ID of the associated incident.
Example: 123
Severity of the incident.
Status of the incident.
Title of the incident.
List of JSON objects with the incident’s remediation tasks.
Example: [{"uuid": "01c03111-172a-50c7-8df3-d61e64b0e74b", "content": "task description", "due_date": "2022-12-02T05:00:00+00:00", "completed": "2022-12-01T20:15:00.112207+00:00", "assignees": []}]
URL of the incident.
Example: https://app.datadoghq.com/incidents/1
UUID of the associated incident.
Example: 01c03111-172a-50c7-8df3-d61e64b0e74b
Date when the event was last updated.
URL of the event.
Example: https://app.datadoghq.com/event/jump_to?event_id=123456
A JSON object containing a logs sample from log monitor alerts. The maximum length of the sample message is 500 characters.
  "columns": [
  "label": "Sample Logs",
  "rows": [
      "items": [
        "15:21:18 UTC",
      "message": "[14/Feb/2023:15:21:18 +0000] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200"
      "items": [
        "15:21:13 UTC",
      "message": "[14/Feb/2023:15:21:13 +0000] \"GET / HTTP/1.1\" 200"
Namespace of the metric if it’s an alert.
ID of your organization.
Example: 11023
Name of your organization.
Example: Datadog
Priority of the event.
Example: normal or low
The name of the security rule.
The unique identifier of the signal.
The severity of the security signal.
Example: medium
The title of the security signal.
The message of the security signal.
The security signal attributes.
Example: {"network":{"client":{"ip":""}}, "service": ["agent"]}
The security rule ID.
Example: aaa-aaa-aaa
The queries associated with the security rule.
Example: ["@evt.name:authentication"]
The security group by key value pairs.
Example: {"@usr.name":"john.doe@your_domain.com"}
The security rule type.
Example: log_detection
URL of the image if the event contains a snapshot.
Example: https://p.datadoghq.com/path-to-snapshot
Name of the Synthetics test.
Name of the first failing step of the Synthetics test.
Summary of Synthetic test details.
  "result_id": "1871796423670117676",
  "test_type": "browser",
  "test_name": "Test name",
  "date": "Nov 05, 2021, 09:49AM UTC",
  "test_url": "https://app.datadoghq.com/synthetics/edit/apc-ki3-jwx",
  "result_url": "https://app.datadoghq.com/synthetics/details/anc-ki2-jwx?resultId=1871796423670117676",
  "location": "Frankfurt (AWS)",
  "browser": "Chrome",
  "device": "Laptop Large",
  "failing_steps": [
      "error_message": "Error: Element's content should contain given value.",
      "name": "Test span #title content",
      "is_critical": true,
      "number": "3.1"
Comma-separated list of the event tags.
Example: monitor, name:myService, role:computing-node
Value of the key tag. If there is no key tag or the key tag has no value, this expression evaluates to an empty string. Example: If $TAGS includes role:computing-node, then $TAGS[role] evaluates to computing-node
Text of the event without Markdown formatting.
User posting the event that triggered the webhook.
Example: rudy
Username of the user posting the event that triggered the webhook.

Custom variables

In addition to the list of built-in variables, you can create your own custom ones in the integration tile. You can use these variables in webhook URLs, payloads, and custom headers. A common use case is storing credentials, like usernames and passwords.

You can also hide custom variable values for extra security. To hide a value, select the hide from view checkbox when you edit or add a custom variable:

Hide from view checkbox masks custom variable values


HTTP Basic Authentication

If you want to post your webhooks to a service requiring authentication, you can use basic HTTP authentication by modifying your URL from https://my.service.example.com to https://<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@my.service.example.com.

OAuth 2.0 Authentication

If you want to post your webhooks to a service that requires OAuth 2.0 authentication, you can setup an Auth Method. An Auth Method includes all of the information required to obtain an OAuth token from your service. Once an Auth Method is configured and associated with a webhook, Datadog will handle obtaining the OAuth token, refreshing it if necessary, and adding it to the webhook request as a Bearer token.

To add an Auth Method, click the Auth Methods tab then click the New Auth Method button. Give the Auth Method a descriptive name, then enter the following information:

  • Access Token URL
  • Client ID
  • Client Secret
  • Scope (optional)
  • Audience (optional)

Click Save to create the Auth Method. To apply this Auth Method to a webhook, go back to the Configuration tab and select an existing webhook configuration and click the Edit button. The Auth Method that you created should now appear in the Auth Method select list.

Multiple webhooks

In a monitor alert, if 2 or more webhook endpoints are notified, then a webhook queue is created on a per service level. For instance, if you reach out to PagerDuty and Slack, a retry on the Slack webhook does not affect the PagerDuty one.

However, in the PagerDuty scope, certain events always go before others—specifically, an “Acknowledge” payload always goes before “Resolution”. If an “Acknowledge” ping fails, the “Resolution” ping is queued due to the retry logic.


Sending SMS through Twilio

Use as URL: https://<ACCOUNT_ID>:<AUTH_TOKEN>@api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/<ACCOUNT_ID>/Messages.json

and as a payload:

    "To": "+1347XXXXXXX",
    "From": "+1347XXXXXX",
    "Body": "$EVENT_TITLE \n Related Graph: $SNAPSHOT"

Replace To with your phone number and From with the one Twilio attributed to you. Check the Encode as form checkbox.

Creating an issue in Jira

Use as URL: https://<JIRA_USER_NAME>:<JIRA_PASSWORD>@<YOUR_DOMAIN>.atlassian.net/rest/api/2/issue

and as a payload:

    "fields": {
        "project": {
            "key": "YOUR-PROJECT-KEY"
        "issuetype": {
            "name": "Task"
        "description": "There's an issue. See the graph: $SNAPSHOT and event: $LINK",
        "summary": "$EVENT_TITLE"

Do not check the “Encode as form” checkbox.

List of event types in the Webhooks payload

Event TypeAssociated Monitors
ci_pipelines_alertCI Pipelines
ci_tests_alertCI Tests
error_tracking_alertError Tracking
event_alertEvent using V1 endpoint
event_v2_alertEvent with V2 endpoint
monitor_slo_alertMonitor based SLO
metric_slo_alertMetric based SLO
query_alert_monitorMetric, Anomaly, Forecast
service_checkHost, Service Check
trace_analytics_alertTrace Analytics

Further reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: aaron.hoffman/SDCD-952_write-rollback-cd-docs