unbound.thread.num.queries (count) | The number of queries received by thread Shown as query |
unbound.thread.num.queries_ip_ratelimited (count) | The number of queries rate limited by thread Shown as query |
unbound.thread.num.cachehits (count) | The number of queries that were successfully answered using a cache lookup Shown as query |
unbound.thread.num.cachemiss (count) | The number of queries that needed recursive processing Shown as query |
unbound.thread.num.dnscrypt.crypted (count) | The number of queries that were encrypted and successfully decapsulated by dnscrypt Shown as query |
unbound.thread.num.dnscrypt.cert (count) | The number of queries that were requesting dnscrypt certificates Shown as query |
unbound.thread.num.dnscrypt.cleartext (count) | The number of queries received on dnscrypt port that were cleartext and not a request for certificates Shown as query |
unbound.thread.num.dnscrypt.malformed (count) | The number of requests that were neither cleartext nor valid dnscrypt messages Shown as request |
unbound.thread.num.prefetch (count) | The number of cache prefetches performed |
unbound.thread.num.zero_ttl (count) | The number of replies with ttl zero because they served an expired cache entry Shown as response |
unbound.thread.num.recursivereplies (count) | The number of replies sent to queries that needed recursive processing Shown as response |
unbound.thread.requestlist.avg (gauge) | The average number of requests in the internal recursive processing request list on insert of a new incoming recursive processing query Shown as request |
unbound.thread.requestlist.max (gauge) | Maximum size attained by the internal recursive processing request list Shown as request |
unbound.thread.requestlist.overwritten (count) | The number of requests in the request list that were overwritten by newer entries Shown as request |
unbound.thread.requestlist.exceeded (gauge) | Queries that were dropped because the request list was full Shown as query |
unbound.thread.requestlist.current.all (gauge) | Current size of the request list Shown as request |
unbound.thread.requestlist.current.user (gauge) | Current size of the request list (only the requests from client queries) Shown as request |
unbound.thread.recursion.time.avg (gauge) | Average time it took to answer queries that needed recursive processing Shown as second |
unbound.thread.recursion.time.median (gauge) | The median of the time it took to answer queries that needed recursive processing Shown as second |
unbound.thread.tcpusage (gauge) | The currently held tcp buffers for incoming connections Shown as buffer |
unbound.total.num.queries (count) | The total number of queries summed over threads Shown as query |
unbound.total.num.cachehits (count) | The total number of cache hits summed over threads Shown as hit |
unbound.total.num.cachemiss (count) | The total number of cache misses summed over threads Shown as miss |
unbound.total.num.dnscrypt.crypted (count) | The total number of dnscrypt crypted summed over threads Shown as query |
unbound.total.num.dnscrypt.cert (count) | The total number of dnscrypt cert summed over threads Shown as query |
unbound.total.num.dnscrypt.cleartext (count) | The total number of dnscrypt cleartext summed over threads Shown as query |
unbound.total.num.dnscrypt.malformed (count) | The total number of dnscrypt malformed summed over threads Shown as request |
unbound.total.num.prefetch (count) | The total number of prefetch summed over threads |
unbound.total.num.zero_ttl (count) | The total number of zero ttl summed over threads Shown as response |
unbound.total.num.recursivereplies (count) | The total number of recursive replies summed over threads Shown as response |
unbound.total.requestlist.avg (gauge) | The total number of requests averaged over threads Shown as request |
unbound.total.requestlist.max (gauge) | The maximum of the thread requestlist.max values Shown as request |
unbound.total.requestlist.overwritten (gauge) | The number of requests in the request list that were overwritten by newer entries summed over threads Shown as request |
unbound.total.requestlist.exceeded (gauge) | The total number of queries that were dropped because the request list was full summed over threads Shown as query |
unbound.total.requestlist.current.all (gauge) | The current size of all threads' request lists Shown as request |
unbound.total.recursion.time.avg (gauge) | The average time it took to answer queries that needed recursive processing averaged over threads Shown as second |
unbound.total.recursion.time.median (gauge) | The median of the time it took to answer queries that needed recursive processing averaged over threads Shown as second |
unbound.time.now (gauge) | The current time in seconds since 1970 Shown as second |
unbound.time.up (gauge) | The uptime since server boot in seconds Shown as second |
unbound.time.elapsed (gauge) | The time since last statistics printout in seconds Shown as second |
unbound.mem.total.sbrk (gauge) | If sbrk(2) is available an estimate of the heap size of the program in bytes Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.cache.rrset (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the RRset cache Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.cache.message (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the message cache Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.cache.dnscrypt_shared_secret (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the dnscrypt shared secrets cache Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.cache.dnscrypt_nonce (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the dnscrypt nonce cache Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.mod.iterator (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the iterator module Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.mod.validator (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the validator module. Includes the key cache and negative cache. Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.mod.respip (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the respip module Shown as byte |
unbound.mem.streamwait (gauge) | Memory in bytes in use by the TCP and TLS stream wait buffers. These are answers waiting to be written back to the clients. Shown as byte |
unbound.num.query.type (count) | The total number of queries over all threads by type Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.class (count) | The total number of queries over all threads by class Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.opcode (count) | The total number of queries over all threads by opcode Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.tcp (count) | The number of queries that were made using TCP towards the unbound server Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.tcpout (count) | The number of queries that the unbound server made using TCP outgoing towards other servers Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.tls (count) | The number of queries that were made using TLS towards the unbound server. These are also counted in num.query.tcp because TLS uses TCP. Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.tls.resume (count) | The number of TLS session resumptions. These are queries over TLS towards the unbound server where the client negotiated a TLS session resumption key |
unbound.num.query.ipv6 (count) | The number of queries that were made using IPv6 towards the unbound server Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.flags (count) | The number of queries by flag set in the header Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.edns.present (count) | The number of queries that had an EDNS OPT record present Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.edns.DO (count) | The number of queries that had an EDNS OPT record with the DO (DNSSEC OK) bit set Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.ratelimited (count) | The number of queries that are turned away from being sent to nameserver due to ratelimiting Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.dnscrypt.shared_secret.cachemiss (count) | The number of dnscrypt queries that did not find a shared secret in the cache Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.dnscrypt.replay (count) | The number of dnscrypt queries that found a nonce hit in the nonce cache and hence are considered a query replay Shown as query |
unbound.num.answer.rcode (count) | The number of answers to queries from cache or from recursion by return code Shown as response |
unbound.num.answer.rcode.nodata (count) | The number of answers to queries that had the pseudo return code nodata Shown as response |
unbound.num.answer.secure (count) | The number of answers that were secure Shown as response |
unbound.num.answer.bogus (count) | The number of answers that were bogus Shown as response |
unbound.num.rrset.bogus (count) | The number of rrsets marked bogus by the validator |
unbound.unwanted.queries (count) | The number of queries that were refused or dropped because they failed the access control settings Shown as query |
unbound.unwanted.replies (count) | The number of replies that were unwanted or unsolicited Shown as response |
unbound.msg.cache.count (count) | The number of items (DNS replies) in the message cache Shown as item |
unbound.rrset.cache.count (count) | The number of RRsets in the rrset cache Shown as item |
unbound.infra.cache.count (count) | The number of items in the infra cache Shown as item |
unbound.key.cache.count (count) | The number of items in the key cache Shown as item |
unbound.dnscrypt_shared_secret.cache.count (count) | The number of items in the shared secret cache Shown as item |
unbound.dnscrypt_nonce.cache.count (count) | The number of items in the client nonce cache Shown as item |
unbound.num.query.authzone.up (count) | The number of queries answered from auth-zone data (upstream queries) Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.authzone.down (count) | The number of queries for downstream answered from auth-zone data Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.aggressive.NOERROR (count) | The number of queries answered using cached NSEC records with NODATA RCODE Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.aggressive.NXDOMAIN (count) | The number of queries answered using cached NSEC records with NXDOMAIN RCODE Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.subnet (count) | The number of queries which received an answer and contained EDNS client subnet data Shown as query |
unbound.num.query.subnet_cache (count) | The number of queries answered from the EDNS client subnet cache Shown as query |