Key-value pairs in the form key:value to be attached to the custom command as numerical values (the --measures parameter can be specified multiple times). (Requires datadog-ci >=v2.35.0) Default: (none) Example: size:1024
サポートされていない CI プロバイダーで実行しても、datadog-ci が失敗しないようにします。この場合、コマンドは実行されますが、Datadog には何も報告されません。 デフォルト: false
Prevents datadog-ci from sending the custom span to Datadog. All other checks are performed. Default: false
If the job name does not match the entry defined in the workflow configuration file (the GitHub job ID),
the DD_GITHUB_JOB_NAME environment variable needs to be exposed, pointing to the job name. For example:
If the matrix strategy is used, several job names are generated by GitHub by adding the matrix values at the end of the job name, within parenthesis. The DD_GITHUB_JOB_NAME environment variable should then be conditional on the matrix values: