Fleet Automation

Join the Beta!

Fleet Automation is in beta. Access it from the Fleet Automation page in Datadog.

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Datadog Fleet Automation allows you to centrally govern and remotely manage Datadog Agents at scale to support your evolving observability needs.

The fleet automation page

With the Fleet Automation platform, you can:

  • View Agent and Agent integration configurations to help confirm deployment changes and ensure configuration consistency.
  • Send a flare from within your organization, reducing the time it takes to debug issues on an Agent.
  • Ensure your fleet of Agents is using the latest feature enhancements by identifying outdated Agent versions.
  • Help rotate API keys and ensure old keys can be disabled with no impact by identifying which Agents, and how many Agents, are using a particular key.

Use the Fleet Automation page to gain insight into unmonitored hosts, Agents that need to be updated, or Agents that have integration issues. For each Agent, you can see:

  • The Agent version
  • Whether the Agent has any unconfigured or misconfigured integrations
  • The services that the Agent is monitoring
  • The Agent’s Remote Configuration status
  • The products that are enabled on the Agent

Selecting an Agent gives you more information about it, including its configuration, connected integrations, and a support tab that you can use to send a remote flare.

An Agent's integration information

Configuring Fleet Automation

Fleet Automation incorporates several Datadog features, which are all enabled automatically in Agent version 7.49/6.49 or later. To ensure you have access to all of the features, upgrade your Agents to version 7.49/6.49 or later.

If you’re using an older Agent, you might still be able to enable the following Datadog features individually:

  • Remote Configuration: For information on supported Agent versions and configuration steps, see Enabling Remote Configuration.
  • Agent configuration: Agent version 7.39/6.39 or later is required to enable the Agent configuration tab. It is enabled by default in Agent versions 7.47.0/6.47.0 or later. To enable Agent configuration manually, set inventories_configuration_enabled in your Agent configuration file to true. Alternatively, use the DD_INVENTORIES_CONFIGURATION_ENABLED environment variable.
  • Agent integration configuration: Agent integration configuration is enabled by default on Agent versions 7.49/6.49 or later. To enable Agent integration configuration manually, set inventories_checks_configuration_enabled in your Agent configuration file to true. Alternatively, use the environment variable DD_INVENTORIES_CHECKS_CONFIGURATION_ENABLED.

Datadog recommends upgrading your Agents regularly to make sure you have access to the latest features.

Send a remote flare

Before you send a flare, make sure that Remote Configuration is enabled on the selected Agent.

To send a remote flare:

  1. From the Fleet Automation page, select an Agent that requires support.
  2. Click Support.
  3. Click Send Support Ticket.
  4. Provide an existing Zendesk support ticket number. If you don’t provide a ticket number, one is created on your behalf.
  5. Enable Debug mode to allow Datadog support staff to troubleshoot your issue faster. The log level is reset to its previous configuration after you send the flare.
  6. If you are troubleshooting your application, enable application tracer level logs to be included in the flare.
  7. Click Send Ticket.
The Send Ticket button launches a form to send a flare for an existing or new support ticket

Control access to Fleet Automation

Fleet Automation is available to all users in a Datadog organization. You can control access to specific functionality:

API keys readRestricts which users can view and search Agents by API key.
Agent flare collectionRestricts which users can remotely send flares.

For information on setting up roles and permissions, see Access Control.

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: alex/docs/openai-php