Cloud Cost Management

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Cloud Cost Management provides insights for engineering and finance teams to understand how infrastructure changes impact costs, allocate spend across your organization, and identify inefficiencies.

Gain insights into all of your cloud provider's cost and usage on the Cloud Costs Overview page in Datadog

Datadog ingests your cloud cost data and transforms it into metrics you can use in a search query on the Analytics page. If costs rise, you can correlate the increase with usage metrics to determine the root cause.


Data Collected

Cloud Cost Management collects tags for the AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud integrations. This table provides a non-exhaustive list of out-of-the-box tags associated with each integration.

Tag NameTag Description
aws_availability_zoneThe Availability Zone that hosts the line item.
aws_bill_entityThe AWS seller that your account is with. Transactions can either be an AWS Marketplace purchase (AWS Marketplace) or a purchase of other AWS services (AWS).
aws_bill_typeThe type of bill that this report covers (such as Purchase).
aws_cost_typeThe type of charge covering the line item (such as SavingsPlanCoveredUsage).
aws_discount_lease_termThe length of time that a Reserved instance is reserved for.
aws_discount_purchase_optionHow you chose to pay for a reservation (such as All Upfront).
aws_ec2_compute_product_familyThe type of usage for an EC2 Compute line item (such as BoxUsage or SpotUsage).
aws_instance_familyThe family an instance type belongs to (such as Compute Optimized).
aws_instance_typeThe instance type of the line item.
aws_management_account_idThe ID of the billing/payer account associated with the line item.
aws_management_account_nameThe name of the billing/payer account associated with the line item.
aws_member_account_idThe ID of the account associated with the line item.
aws_member_account_nameThe name of the account associated with the line item.
aws_operationThe specific operation covered by the line item (such as RunInstances).
aws_pricing_termThe method of purchase for the line item (such as Spot).
aws_pricing_usage_unitThe pricing unit that AWS used for calculating the usage cost (such as Hours).
aws_productThe product name associated with the line item (such as ec2).
aws_product_familyThe type of product associated with the line item (such as Compute Instance for EC2).
aws_regionThe AWS region hosting the resource (such as us-east-1).
aws_reservation_arnThe ARN of the RI covering the line item.
aws_reservation_modification_statusIndicates whether the RI lease was modified or unaltered (such as Manual).
aws_resource_idThe individual resource ID associated with the line item, like an EC2 instance ID or an S3 bucket.
aws_savings_plan_arnThe ARN of the Savings Plan covering the line item.
aws_usage_typeThe usage details of the line item (such as USW2-BoxUsage:m2.2xlarge).
bill/billing_entityThe AWS seller that your account is with. Transactions can either be an AWS Marketplace purchase (AWS Marketplace) or a purchase of other AWS services (AWS).
bill/bill_typeThe type of bill that this report covers (such as Purchase).
bill/invoicing_entityThe AWS entity that issues the invoice.
bill/payer_account_idThe account ID of the paying account. For an organization in AWS Organizations, this is the account ID of the management account.
is_aws_ec2_computetrue for line items that represent EC2 Compute usage.
is_aws_ec2_compute_on_demandtrue for line items that represent EC2 Compute usage, paid for On-Demand.
is_aws_ec2_compute_reservationtrue for line items that represent EC2 Compute usage, paid for using a Reservation.
is_aws_ec2_compute_savings_plantrue for line items that represent EC2 Compute usage, paid for using a Savings Plan.
is_aws_ec2_spot_instancetrue for line items that represent EC2 Compute usage, on Spot instances.
line_item/availability_zoneThe Availability Zone that hosts the line item.
line_item/currency_codeThe currency that this line item is shown in (USD by default).
line_item/legal_entityThe provider of your AWS services.
line_item/line_item_typeThe type of charge covered by the line item (such as Credit).
line_item/operationThe specific AWS operation covered by the line item (such as RunInstances).
line_item/product_codeThe code of the product measured (such as Amazon EC2 for Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute).
line_item/resource_idThe individual resource ID associated with the line item (Optional).
line_item/tax_typeThe type of tax that AWS applied to the line item.
line_item/usage_account_idThe ID of the account that used the line item.
line_item/usage_typeThe usage details of the line item (such as USW2-BoxUsage:m2.2xlarge).
pricing/lease_contract_lengthThe length of time that the RI is reserved for.
pricing/purchase_optionHow you chose to pay for the line item (such as All Upfront).
pricing/termWhether your AWS usage is Reserved or On-Demand.
pricing/unitThe pricing unit that AWS used for calculating the usage cost (such as Hours).
reservation/availability_zoneThe Availability Zone of the resource associated with the line item (such as us-east-1).
reservation/modification_statusShows whether the RI lease was modified or unaltered (such as Manual).
reservation/reservation_arnThe ARN of the RI that the line item benefitted from.
reservation/subscription_idThe unique ID that maps the line item with the associated offer.
savings_plan/instance_type_familyThe instance family that is associated with the specified usage (such as m4).
savings_plan/offering_typeThe type of Savings Plan purchased (such as ComputeSavingsPlans).
savings_plan/payment_optionThe payment options available for the Savings Plan (such as All Upfront).
savings_plan/purchase_termDescribes the duration or term of the Savings Plan (such as 1yr).
savings_plan/regionThe AWS Region that hosts the AWS services (such as US East (N. Virginia)).
savings_plan/savings_plan_arnThe unique Savings Plan identifier.
Tag NameTag Description
accountnameThe name of the account associated with the line item.
accountowneridThe ID of the owner associated with the line item.
billingaccountidThe ID of the billing account associated with the line item.
billingaccountnameThe name of the billing account associated with the line item.
billingcurrencyThe currency associated with the billing account.
billingperiodThe billing period of the charge.
billingperiodenddateThe end date of the billing period.
billingperiodstartdateThe start date of the billing period.
billingprofileidThe unique identifier of the Enterprise Agreement enrollment.
billingprofilenameThe name of the Enterprise Agreement enrollment.
chargetypeThe type of charge covering the line item: Usage, Purchase, or Refund.
consumedserviceThe name of the service the line item is associated with.
costcenterThe cost center defined for the subscription for tracking costs.
costinbillingcurrencyThe cost in the billing currency before credits or taxes.
costinpricingcurrencyThe cost in the pricing currency before credits or taxes.
currencyThe currency associated with the billing account.
dateThe usage or purchase date of the charge.
effectivepriceThe blended unit price for the period. Blended prices average out any fluctuations in the unit price, like graduated tiering, which lowers the price as quantity increases.
exchangeratedateThe date the exchange rate was established.
exchangeratepricingtobillingThe exchange rate used to convert the cost in the pricing currency to the billing currency.
frequencyIndicates whether a charge is expected to repeat. Charges can either happen once (OneTime), repeat on a monthly or yearly basis (Recurring), or be based on usage (Usage)
InvoiceIdThe unique document ID listed on the invoice PDF.
invoicesectionidThe ID of the MCA invoice section.
invoicesectionnameThe name of the EA department.
isazurecrediteligibletrue if the charge is eligible to be paid for using Azure credits.
locationThe data center location where the resource is running.
metercategoryThe top level service that this usage belongs to (such as Networking).
meteridThe unique ID for the meter.
meternameThe usage details of the line item (such as L8s v2 or General Purpose Data Stored).
meterregionThe data center location for the services priced based on location (such as West US 2). Use resourcelocation to see location data without N/A.
metersubcategoryThe name of the meter subclassification category (such as General Purpose - Storage). Use metername or metercategory to see top-level classification without N/A.
offeridThe name of the offer purchased.
partnumberThe ID used to get specific meter pricing.
plannameThe marketplace plan name if purchased through marketplace.
PreviousInvoiceIdReference to an original invoice if this line item is a refund.
PricingCurrencyThe currency used when rating based on negotiated prices.
pricingmodelThe type of usage (such as Reservation).
productnameThe name of the Azure product at a granular level, such as VM or disk type and region.
productorderidThe ID for the product order. Use productname to see top level product information without N/A.
productordernameThe name of the product order. Use productname to see top level product information without N/A.
publishernameThe publisher for marketplace services.
publishertypeThe type of publisher: Microsoft for Microsoft Customer Agreement accounts and Azure for Enterprise Agreement accounts.
reservationidThe ID for the purchased reservation instance. If you see N/A values, these are OnDemand resources, which can be checked using the pricingmodel tag.
reservationnameThe name of the purchased reservation instance. If you see N/A values, these are OnDemand resources, which can be checked using the pricingmodel tag.
resourcegroupThe name of the resource group the resource is in. Not all charges come from resources deployed to resource groups.
resourceidThe ID of the Azure resource.
resourcelocationThe data center location where the resource is running (such as westus2).
resourcenameThe name of the resource. Not all charges come from deployed resources.
servicefamilyThe service family that the service belongs to (such as Compute). Tag consumedservice has deeper insights on infrastructure types.
subscriptionidThe ID for the Azure subscription.
subscriptionnameThe name for the Azure subscription.
termDescribes the duration or term of the Savings Plan in months (such as 12).
unitofmeasureThe unit of measure for billing for the service. For example, compute services are billed per hour.
Tag NameTag Description
service_descriptionThe Google Cloud service (such as Compute Engine or BigQuery)
project_idThe ID of the Google Cloud project that generated the Cloud Billing data.
project_nameThe name of the Google Cloud project that generated the Cloud Billing data.
cost_typeThe type of cost this line item represents: regular, tax, adjustment, or rounding error.
sku_descriptionA description of the resource type used, describing the usage details of the resource.
resource_nameA name customers add to resources. This may not be on all resources.
global_resource_nameA globally unique resource identifier generated by Google Cloud.
Tag NameTag Description
allocated_resourceThe type of resource used by a container workload (such as cpu or mem).
allocated_spend_typeContainer costs are split into three spend types: resources used by a workload (usage); resources reserved by a workload, but not used (workload_idle); and resources that are not reserved or used by any workload (cluster_idle).
ecs_cluster_nameThe name of the ECS cluster hosting a workload.
kube_cluster_nameThe name of the Kubernetes cluster hosting a workload.
orchestratorThe container orchestrator (such as kubernetes or ecs).

Use cloud cost data

Visualize infrastructure spend alongside related utilization metrics with a retention period of 15 months to spot potential inefficiencies and savings opportunities.

When creating a dashboard, select Cloud Cost as the data source for your search query.

Cloud Cost available as a data source in dashboard widget creation

Optionally, you can programmatically export a timeseries graph of your cloud cost data by using the Metrics API.

Use daily Datadog cost data

Visualize daily Datadog spending alongside related utilization metrics with a retention period of 15 months to spot potential inefficiencies and savings opportunities.

When creating a dashboard, select Cloud Cost as the data source for your search query.

Datadog costs as an option for the Cloud Cost data source in a dashboard

Optionally, you can programmatically export a timeseries graph of your Datadog cost data by using the Metrics API.

Create tag rules

Use Tag Pipelines to ensure comprehensive cost tracking by standardizing the tags across all cloud resources. This prevents any cost data from being overlooked.

Create a tag rule in Tag Pipelines to ensure your cloud resources use standard tags

You can create tag rules to correct missing or incorrect tags and add inferred tags that align with your organization’s business logic.

Create a cost monitor

Proactively manage and optimize your cloud spending by creating a Cloud Cost Monitor. You can choose Cost Changes or Cost Threshold to monitor your cloud expenses.

Create a Cloud Cost monitor that alerts on cost changes

Allocate costs

Use Container Cost Allocation metrics to discover costs associated with clusters and workloads across Kubernetes, AWS ECS, Azure, and Google Cloud. Gain visibility into pod-level costs, identify idle resource costs, and analyze costs by resource type.

Further reading

PREVIEWING: alex/docs/openai-php