Configure auditd Number of Logs Retained


Determine how many log files auditd should retain when it rotates logs. Edit the file /etc/audit/auditd.conf. Add or modify the following line, substituting NUMLOGS with the correct value of 5:

num_logs = NUMLOGS

Set the value to 5 for general-purpose systems. Note that values less than 2 result in no log rotation.


The total storage for audit log files must be large enough to retain log information over the period required. This is a function of the maximum log file size and the number of logs retained.


Shell script

The following script can be run on the host to remediate the issue.


# Remediation is applicable only in certain platforms
if [ ! -f /.dockerenv ] && [ ! -f /run/.containerenv ] && rpm --quiet -q audit; then



# Strip any search characters in the key arg so that the key can be replaced without
# adding any search characters to the config file.
stripped_key=$(sed 's/[\^=\$,;+]*//g' <<< "^num_logs")

# shellcheck disable=SC2059
printf -v formatted_output "%s = %s" "$stripped_key" "$var_auditd_num_logs"

# If the key exists, change it. Otherwise, add it to the config_file.
# We search for the key string followed by a word boundary (matched by \>),
# so if we search for 'setting', 'setting2' won't match.
if LC_ALL=C grep -q -m 1 -i -e "^num_logs\\>" "$AUDITCONFIG"; then
    escaped_formatted_output=$(sed -e 's|/|\\/|g' <<< "$formatted_output")
    LC_ALL=C sed -i --follow-symlinks "s/^num_logs\\>.*/$escaped_formatted_output/gi" "$AUDITCONFIG"
    if [[ -s "$AUDITCONFIG" ]] && [[ -n "$(tail -c 1 -- "$AUDITCONFIG" || true)" ]]; then
        LC_ALL=C sed -i --follow-symlinks '$a'\\ "$AUDITCONFIG"
    printf '%s\n' "$formatted_output" >> "$AUDITCONFIG"

    >&2 echo 'Remediation is not applicable, nothing was done'
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