The Datadog Puppet module supports Linux and Windows and is compatible with Puppet >= 7.34.x or Puppet Enterprise
version >= 2021.7.x. For detailed information on compatibility, check the module page on Puppet Forge.
The Datadog Puppet Module v4.x drops support for Puppet <= 6 and Datadog Agent v5. To upgrade or install the Datadog
Agent v5+ on Puppet <= 6, use module v3.x.
By default, Datadog Agent v7.x is installed. To use Agent version 6, change the setting agent_major_version.
Agent v5-specific legacy options have been removed. Refer to the for more details and the datadog_agent class comments for all available options.
Updates and breaking changes have been made in the below agent integrations:
suppress_errors config should now be used instead of supress_errors (backward-compatible)
ssl_verify accepts only Boolean values
tls_verify options have been added
use_mount, all_partitions, and tag_by_filesystem accept only Boolean values
TCP Check
skip_event option has been removed sinced Datadog Agent v6.4+
To install and pin specific integration versions, use datadog_agent::install_integration. This calls the datadog-agent integration command to ensure a specific integration is installed or uninstalled, for example:
To enable reporting of Puppet runs to your Datadog timeline, enable the report processor on your Puppet master and reporting for your clients. The clients send a run report after each check-in back to the master.
Set the puppet_run_reports option to true in the node configuration manifest for your master:
The dogapi gem is automatically installed. Set manage_dogapi_gem to false if you want to customize the installation.
Add these configuration options to the Puppet master config (eg: /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf):
[main]# No modification needed to this section# ...[master]# Enable reporting to Datadogreports=datadog_reports# If you use other reports, add datadog_reports to the end,# for example: reports=store,log,datadog_reports# ...[agent]#
You can add tags to reports that are sent to Datadog as events. These tags can be sourced from Puppet facts for the given node the report is regarding. These should be 1:1 and not involve structured facts (hashes, arrays, etc.) to ensure readability. To enable regular fact tagging, set the parameter datadog_agent::reports::report_fact_tags to the array value of facts—for example ["virtual","operatingsystem"]. To enable trusted fact tagging, set the parameter datadog_agent::reports::report_trusted_fact_tags to the array value of facts—for example ["certname","extensions.pp_role","hostname"].
NOTE: Changing these settings requires a restart of pe-puppetserver (or puppetserver) to re-read the report processor. Ensure the changes are deployed prior to restarting the service(s).
Use dot index to specify a target fact; otherwise, the entire fact data set becomes the value as a string (not very useful)
Do not duplicate common data from monitoring like hostname, uptime, memory, etc.
Coordinate core facts like role, owner, template, datacenter, etc., that help you build meaningful correlations to the same tags from metrics
Verify your Puppet data is in Datadog by searching for sources:puppet in the Event Stream.
To enable the Datadog Agent Network Performance Monitoring (NPM) features follow these steps:
(Windows only) If the Agent is already installed, uninstall it by passing win_ensure => absent to the main class and removing other classes’ definitions.
(Windows only) Pass the windows_npm_install option with value true to the datadog::datadog_agent class. Remove win_ensure if added on previous step.
Use the datadog_agent::system_probe class to properly create the configuration file:
class { 'datadog_agent::system_probe':
network_enabled => true,
You can run the Puppet Agent manually to check for errors in the output:
sudo systemctl restart puppetserver
sudo puppet agent --onetime --no-daemonize --no-splay --verbose
Example response:
info: Retrieving plugin
info: Caching catalog for
info: Applying configuration version '1333470114'
notice: Finished catalog run in 0.81 seconds
If you see the following error, ensure reports=datadog_reports is defined in [master], not [main].
err: Could not send report:
Error 400 on SERVER: Could not autoload datadog_reports:
Class Datadog_reports is already defined in Puppet::Reports
If you don’t see any reports coming in, check your Puppet server logs.
To generate tags from custom facts classify your nodes with Puppet facts as an array to the facts_to_tags paramter either through the Puppet Enterprise console or Hiera. Here is an example:
class { "datadog_agent":
api_key => "<YOUR_DD_API_KEY>",
facts_to_tags => ["","networking.domain","my_custom_fact"],
For structured facts index into the specific fact value otherwise the entire array comes over as a string and ultimately be difficult to use.
Dynamic facts such as CPU usage, Uptime, and others that are expected to change each run are not ideal for tagging. Static facts that are expected to stay for the life of a node are best candidates for tagging.
These variables can be set in the datadog_agent class to control settings in the Agent. See the comments in code for the full list of supported arguments.
variable name
The version of the Agent to install: either 6 or 7 (default: 7).
Lets you pin a specific minor version of the Agent to install, for example: 1:7.16.0-1. Leave empty to install the latest version.
Collect an instance’s custom EC2 tags as Agent tags by using true.
Collect an instance’s EC2 metadata as Agent tags by using true.
The Datadog site to report to. Defaults to, eg: or
The Datadog intake server URL. You are unlikely to need to change this. Overrides datadog_site
Overrides the node’s host name.
An array of <KEY:VALUE> strings that are set as tags for the node.
Allow other nodes to relay their DogstatsD traffic through this node.
A boolean to enable the APM Agent (defaults to false).
A boolean to enable the process Agent (defaults to false).
A boolean to enable the process cmdline scrubbing (defaults to true).
An array to add more words beyond the default ones used by the scrubbing feature (defaults to []).
A boolean to enable the logs Agent (defaults to false).
A boolean to enable the Windows NPM driver installation (defaults to false).
An enum (present/absent) to ensure the presence/absence of the Datadog Agent on Windows (defaults to present)
A boolean to enable logs collection for all containers.
A hash to provide additional configuration options (Agent v6 and v7 only).
A regex used to extract the hostname captured group to report the run in Datadog instead of reporting the Puppet nodename, for example: '^(?<hostname>.*\.datadoghq\.com)(\.i-\w{8}\..*)?$'
(1) agent_extra_options is used to provide a fine grain control of additional Agent v6/v7 config options. A deep merge is performed that may override options provided in the datadog_agent class parameters. For example:
class { "datadog_agent":
< your other arguments to the class >,
agent_extra_options => {
use_http => true,
use_compression => true,
compression_level => 6,
(2) hostname_extraction_regex is useful when the Puppet module and the Datadog Agent are reporting different host names for the same host in the infrastructure list.