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Use the Network ACL component to visualize network access control lists from your Amazon Web Services architecture.

Screenshot of an isometric Cloudcraft diagram showing the 'Network ACL' AWS component.


Use the toolbar to configure and customize the component. The following options are available:

  • Visibility: Toggle the visibility of the component on the diagram.
  • Color: Select a fill color for the body of the component and an accent color for its symbol. You can use the same colors on 2D and 3D views or different colors for each.
  • Name: Give the NACL a name.
  • Shape: Select a shape for the component.
  • Padding: Increase or decrease the amount of space inside the component.
  • Rules: View inbound and outbound rules for the NACL.


Use the Cloudcraft API to programmatically access and render your architecture diagrams as JSON objects.


The following is an example JSON of a Network ACL component:

    "type": "networkacl",
    "id": "acl-0mqj0d4dxpmf9iru3",
    "arn": "arn:aws:ec2:us-east-1:762056483071:network-acl/acl-0mqj0d4dxpmf9iru3",
    "region": "us-east-1",
    "visible": true,
    "name": "acl-0mqj0d4dxpmf9iru3",
    "shape": "rectangular",
    "padding": 2,
    "nodes": [
    "inboundRules": [
            "ruleNumber": 100,
            "protocol": "-1",
            "portRange": "0",
            "target": "",
            "targetType": "ip",
            "access": "allow"
            "ruleNumber": 32767,
            "protocol": "-1",
            "portRange": "0",
            "target": "",
            "targetType": "ip",
            "access": "deny"
    "outboundRules": [
            "ruleNumber": 100,
            "protocol": "-1",
            "portRange": "0",
            "target": "",
            "targetType": "ip",
            "access": "allow"
            "ruleNumber": 32767,
            "protocol": "-1",
            "portRange": "0",
            "target": "",
            "targetType": "ip",
            "access": "deny"
    "color": {
        "isometric": "#5698ff",
        "2d": "#5698ff"
    "link": "",
    "locked": true
  • type: string: The type of component.
  • id: string: A unique identifier for the component consisting of the string acl- followed by a random 17-character alphanumeric string.
  • arn: string: The globally unique identifier for the component within AWS, known as Amazon Resource Names.
  • region: string: The AWS region for the component. All global regions are supported except cn- regions.
  • visible: boolean: If false, the component becomes semi-transparent on the diagram. Defaults to true.
  • name: string: The name for the NACL.
  • shape: string: The shape of the component. Accepts either dynamic or rectangular. Defaults to retangular.
  • padding: number: The padding value for the component. Defaults to 2.
  • nodes: array: An array of component IDs that are inside the NACL.
  • inboundRules: array: The rules for incoming traffic for components inside the NACL.
    • ruleNumber: number: The rule number for the NACL.
    • protocol: string: The protocol for the rule. Accepts either -1, meaning “All,” or a specific protocol.
    • portRange: string: The listening port or port range for the traffic.
    • target: string: The source of the traffic (CIDR range).
    • targetType: string: The target type for the rule. Accepts either ip or ipv6.
    • access: string: The type of access for the rule. Accepts either allow or deny.
  • outboundRules: array: The rules for outgoing traffic for components inside the NACL.
    • ruleNumber: number: The rule number for the NACL.
    • protocol: string: The protocol for the rule. Accepts either -1, meaning “All,” or a specific protocol.
    • portRange: string: The listening port or port range for the traffic.
    • target: string: The destination for the traffic (CIDR range).
    • targetType: string: The target type for the rule. Accepts either ip or ipv6.
    • access: string: The type of access for the rule. Accepts either allow or deny.
  • color: object: The fill color for the component body.
    • isometric: string: The fill color for the component in the 3D view. Must be a hexadecimal color. Defaults to #ECECED.
    • 2d: string: The fill color for the component in the 2D view. Must be a hexadecimal color. Defaults to #CC2264.
  • link: uri: Link the component to another diagram using the blueprint://ID format or to an external website using the https://LINK format.
  • locked: boolean: If true, changes made to the component using the application are disabled until unlocked.
PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft