Supported OS

Versión de la integración0.0.1

Información general

Este check monitoriza Apache Flume.


El check de Flume no está incluido en el paquete del Datadog Agent, por lo que es necesario instalarlo.


Para el Agent v7.21/v6.21 o posteriores, sigue las instrucciones a continuación para instalar el check de Flume en tu host. Para instalarlo con el Agent Docker o versiones anteriores del Agent, consulta Uso de integraciones de la comunidad.

  1. Ejecuta el siguiente comando para instalar la integración del Agent:

    datadog-agent integration install -t datadog-flume==<INTEGRATION_VERSION>
  2. Configura tu integración como si fuese una integración de base.


  1. Configura el Agent Flume para habilitar JMX añadiendo los siguientes argumentos JVM a tu
export JAVA_OPTS=""
  1. Edita el archivo flume.d/conf.yaml, que se encuentra en la carpeta conf.d/ en la raíz del directorio de configuración de tu Agent, para empezar a recopilar datos de rendimiento de Flume. Consulta el flume.d/conf.yaml de ejemplo para conocer todas las opciones de configuración disponibles.

    Este check tiene un límite de 350 métricas por instancia. El número de métricas devueltas se indica en el resultado del estado. Puedes especificar las métricas que te interesan editando la configuración a continuación. Para obtener instrucciones detalladas sobre la personalización de métricas para recopilar, consulta la documentación de los checks de JMX. Si necesitas monitorizar más métricas, ponte en contacto con el servicio de asistencia de Datadog.

  2. Reinicia el Agent.


Ejecuta el subcomando de estado del Agent y busca flume en la sección Checks.

Métricas de componentes

Las métricas recuperadas por este check dependen de la fuente, del canal y del sumidero utilizados por tu Agent Flume. Para ver una lista completa de las métricas expuestos por cada componente, consulta Métricas de componentes disponibles de la documentación de Apache Flume. Para ver una lista de las métricas que puedes ver en Datadog, consulta la sección Métricas de esta página.

Datos recopilados

The maximum number of events that can be queued in the channel at any time. For channel types without a capacity limit the value will be zero.
Shown as event
The channel fill percentage.
Shown as percent
The number of events currently queued in the channel.
Shown as event
The total number of events that have been attempted to be put into the channel.
Shown as event
The total number of events that have successfully been put into the channel.
Shown as event
The total number of attempts that have been made to take an event from the channel.
Shown as event
The total number of events that have successfully been taken from the channel.
Shown as event
The timer for the Kafka channel commits.
Shown as time
The timer for the kafka channel retrieving events.
Shown as time
The timer for the Kafka channel sending events.
Shown as time
The count of rollbacks from the kafka channel.
Shown as event
The total number of failed write events.
Shown as event
The number of append batches attempted containing zero events.
Shown as event
The number of failed read events from the channel.
Shown as event
The number of append batches attempted containing the maximum number of events supported by the next hop.
Shown as event
The number of append batches attempted containing less than the maximum number of events supported by the next hop.
Shown as event
The number of connections closed by this sink.
Shown as connection
The number of failed connections.
Shown as connection
The number of connections created by this sink. Only applicable to some sink types.
Shown as connection
The total number of events that have been attempted to be drained to the next hop.
Shown as event
The total number of events that have successfully been drained to the next hop
Shown as event
The timer for the Kafka sink sending events.
Shown as time
The count of rollbacks from the Kafka sink.
Shown as event
The total number of failed read source events.
Shown as event
The total number of failed channel write events.
Shown as event
The total number of events successfully accepted, either through append batches or single-event appends.
Shown as event
The total number of events received, either through append batches or single-event appends.
Shown as event
The total number of single-event appends successfully accepted.
Shown as event
The total number of single-event appends received.
Shown as event
The number of open connections
Shown as connection
The total number of generic processing failures.
Shown as event
The total number of append batches accepted successfully.
Shown as event
The total number of append batches received.
Shown as event
The timer for the Kafka source committing events.
Shown as time
The count of empty events from the Kafka source.
Shown as event
The timer for the Kafka source retrieving events.
Shown as time


Flume no incluye eventos.

Checks de servicio

Returns CRITICAL if the Agent is unable to connect to and collect metrics from the monitored Flume instance. Returns OK otherwise.
Statuses: ok, critical

Solucionar problemas

¿Necesitas ayuda? Ponte en contacto con el servicio de asistencia de Datadog.

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft