Supported OS Linux Windows Mac OS

Versión de la integración4.1.0

Información general

Squid es un servidor de almacenamiento en caché y reenvío de proxy web de código abierto que funciona como intermediario entre clientes y servidores en red. Actúa como puerta de enlace, permitiendo a los clientes acceder a diversos recursos de Internet, como sitios web, archivos y otros contenidos de los servidores.

Esta integración proporciona enriquecimiento y visualización para logs de Squid. Lo ayuda a visualizar información detallada del análisis de logs de Squid a través de las reglas de detección y dashboards predefinidos, mejorando las capacidades de detección y respuesta.

Además, incluye monitores preconfigurados para enviar notificaciones proactivas sobre lo siguiente:

  1. Tasa alta de errores del servidor
  2. Uso de CPU excedido
  3. Solicitudes de alta latencia
  4. Tasa alta de errores HTTP del cliente

Este check monitoriza métricas de Squidi del Gestor de caché a través del Datadog Agent.



El check de Squid del Agent está incluido en el paquete del Datadog Agent. No es necesaria ninguna instalación adicional en tu servidor Squid.



Para configurar este check para un Agent que se ejecuta en un host:

Recopilación de métricas
  1. Edita el archivo squid.d/conf.yaml, que se encuentra en la carpeta conf.d/ en la raíz del directorio de configuración de tu Agent. Para conocer todas las opciones de configuración disponibles, consulta el squid.d/conf.yaml de ejemplo:

  2. Reinicia el Agent.

Recopilación de logs

Disponible para la versión 6.0 o posteriores del Agent

  1. La recopilación de logs está deshabilitada por defecto en el Datadog Agent; habilítala en tu archivo datadog.yaml:

    logs_enabled: true
  2. Descomenta y edita este bloque de configuración en la parte inferior de tu archivo squid.d/conf.yaml:

      - type: file
        path: /var/log/squid/cache.log
        service: "<SERVICE-NAME>"
        source: squid
      - type: file
        path: /var/log/squid/access.log
        service: "<SERVICE-NAME>"
        source: squid

    Cambia los valores de los parámetros path y service y configúralos para tu entorno.

  3. Reinicia el Agent.


Para entornos en contenedores, consulta las plantillas de integración de Autodiscovery para obtener orientación sobre la aplicación de los parámetros que se indican a continuación.

Recopilación de métricas
<INIT_CONFIG>en blanco o {}
<INSTANCE_CONFIG>{"name": "<SQUID_INSTANCE_NAME>", "host": "%%host%%", "port":"3128"}
Recopilación de logs

Disponible para la versión 6.0 o posteriores del Agent

La recopilación de logs se encuentra deshabilitada de manera predeterminada en el Datadog Agent. Para habilitarla, consulta Recopilación de logs de Kubernetes.

<LOG_CONFIG>{"source": "squid", "service": "<YOUR_APP_NAME>"}


Ejecuta el subcomando de estado del Agent y busca squid en la sección Checks.

Datos recopilados


La integración de Squid recopila los logs de acceso y caché.

Formatos de logs de acceso compatibles

NombreEspecificación de formato
squid%ts.%03tu %6tr %>a %Ss/%03>Hs %<st %rm %ru %[un %Sh/%<a %mt
común%>a - %[un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st %Ss:%Sh
combinado%>a - %[un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st "%{Referer}>h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh

Para más información, consulta Formatos de logs de Squid.

Nota: El tipo logformat por defecto es squid. Puedes actualizar el formato de log compatible en /etc/squid/squid.conf, luego reinicia Squid.

Para utilizar el tipo combined para logformat, añade las siguientes líneas a tu archivo /etc/squid/squid.conf:

logformat combined   %>a %[ui %[un [%tl] "%rm %ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st "%{Referer}>h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log combined

A continuación, reinicia el servicio squid mediante el siguiente comando:

sudo systemctl restart squid


  • El panel Top Avg Request Duration by URL Host se cargará sólo si el tipo squid por defecto de logformat está configurado.
  • Los paneles Top Browsers y Top HTTP Referrer sólo se cargarán si el tipo combined de logformat está configurado.


The number of server-side HTTP requests aborted due to client-side aborts.
Shown as request
The amount of traffic received from neighbors in Cache Digest messages.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic sent to neighbors in Cache Digest messages.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory used to store Squid's own Cache Digest.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of memory used by enabling the Cache Digests' feature.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of Cache Digest messages received from neighbors.
Shown as message
The number of Cache Digest messages sent to neighbors.
Shown as message
The number of times Cache Digests resulted in the selection of a neighbor as the next-hop for a cache miss.
The number of client transactions that resulted in an error.
Shown as error
The amount of traffic sent to clients in responses that are cache hits
Shown as kibibyte
The number of cache hits in response to client requests.
Shown as hit
The amount of traffic received from clients in their requests.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic sent to clients in responses.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of HTTP requests received from clients
Shown as request
The amount of CPU used by squid, as reported by getrusage( ).
Shown as percent
The amount of traffic received in all ICP messages, including both queries and replies.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic sent in all ICP messages, including both queries and replies.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of ICP messages received from neighbors, including both queries and replies
Shown as message
The number of ICP messages sent to neighbors. This includes both queries and replies but doesn't include HTCP messages.
Shown as message
The amount of traffic received from neighbors in ICP queries.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic sent to neighbors in ICP queries.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of ICP queries received from neighbors.
Shown as query
The number of ICP queries sent to neighbors.
Shown as query
The number of times that Squid timed out waiting for ICP replies to arrive.
Shown as error
The amount of traffic received from neighbors in ICP replies.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic sent to neighbors in ICP replies.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of times Squid queued an ICP message after the initial attempt to send failed.
Shown as message
The number of ICP replies received from neighbors.
Shown as response
The number of ICP replies sent to neighbors.
Shown as response
The number of times ICP resulted in the selection of a neighbor as the next-hop for a cache miss.
The number of (major) page faults as reported by getrusage( ).
Shown as fault
The number of times Squid called select( ) or poll( ) in the main I/O loop.
Shown as item
The number of server-side requests (all protocols) that resulted in some kind of error.
Shown as error
The amount of traffic read from the server-side for all protocols.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic written to origin servers and/or neighbor caches for server-side requests.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of requests forwarded to origin servers (or neighbor caches) for all server-side protocols.
Shown as request
The number of requests sent to FTP servers that resulted in an error.
Shown as error
The amount of traffic read from FTP servers, including control channel traffic.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic written to FTP servers, including control channel traffic.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of requests sent to FTP servers.
Shown as request
The number of server-side HTTP requests that resulted in an error.
Shown as error
The amount of traffic read from HTTP origin servers and neighbor caches.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic written to HTTP origin servers and neighbor caches.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of server-side requests to HTTP servers, including neighbor caches.
Shown as request
The number of Gopher, WAIS, and SSL requests that resulted in an error.
Shown as error
The amount of traffic read from Gopher, WAIS, and SSL servers.
Shown as kibibyte
The amount of traffic written to Gopher, WAIS, and SSL servers.
Shown as kibibyte
The number of "other" server-side requests. Currently, the other protocols are Gopher, WAIS, and SSL.
Shown as request
The number of orphaned cache files removed by the periodic cleanup procedure.
Shown as file
The number of objects (swap files) read from disk.
Shown as file
The number of objects (swap files) saved to disk.
Shown as file
The number of unlink requests given to the (optional) unlinkd process.
Shown as request


El check de Squid no incluye eventos.

Checks de servicio

Returns Critical if the Agent cannot connect to the Squid URL, OK otherwise.
Statuses: ok, critical

Resolución de problemas

¿Necesitas ayuda? Ponte en contacto con el soporte de Datadog.

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft