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Code Security capabilities

The following code security capabilities are supported in the Go library, for the specified tracer version:

Code Security capabilityMinimum Go tracer version
Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA)1.49.0
Runtime Code Analysis (IAST)not supported

Supported deployment types

TypeRuntime Software Composition Analysis (SCA)Runtime Code Analysis (IAST)
Amazon ECS
AWS Fargate
AWS Lambda

Language and framework compatibility

Supported Go versions

The Datadog Go Tracing library is open source. View the GitHub repository for more information.

The Datadog Go Tracing Library has a version support policy defined for Go versions. The two latest releases of Go are fully supported, while the third newest release is considered in maintenance. Older versions may function, but no support is provided by default. For special requests, contact support.

You must be running Datadog Agent v5.21.1+

Starting from tracer version 1.53.0, code security capabilities do not require [CGO][15].


The Go tracer includes support for the following frameworks, data stores and libraries.

The Go packages listed in this page are relevant for Code Security capabilities. You can also find more tracing integrations in APM’s tracing compatibility page.

Note: The Go integrations documentation provides a detailed overview of the supported packages and their APIs, along with usage examples.

If you don't see your library of choice listed, fill out this form to send details.

Web framework compatibility

  • Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is supported on all frameworks

Networking framework compatibility

  • Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is supported on all frameworks

Data store compatibility

  • Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is supported on all frameworks

Note: The Go integrations documentation provides a detailed overview of the supported packages and their APIs, along with usage examples.

If you don't see your library of choice listed, fill out this form to send details.

Web framework compatibility

  • Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is supported on all frameworks

Networking framework compatibility

  • Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is supported on all frameworks

Data store compatibility

  • Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA) is supported on all frameworks
PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft