



Provider name: HealthCheckEnabled
Description: Indicates whether health checks are enabled.


Type: INT32
Provider name: HealthCheckIntervalSeconds
Description: The approximate amount of time, in seconds, between health checks of an individual target.


Provider name: HealthCheckPath
Description: The destination for health checks on the targets.


Provider name: HealthCheckPort
Description: The port to use to connect with the target.


Provider name: HealthCheckProtocol
Description: The protocol to use to connect with the target. The GENEVE, TLS, UDP, and TCP_UDP protocols are not supported for health checks.


Type: INT32
Provider name: HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds
Description: The amount of time, in seconds, during which no response means a failed health check.


Type: INT32
Provider name: HealthyThresholdCount
Description: The number of consecutive health checks successes required before considering an unhealthy target healthy.


Provider name: IpAddressType
Description: The IP address type. The default value is ipv4.


Provider name: LoadBalancerArns
Description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the load balancer that routes traffic to this target group. You can use each target group with only one load balancer.


Provider name: Matcher
Description: The HTTP or gRPC codes to use when checking for a successful response from a target.

  • grpc_code
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: GrpcCode
    Description: You can specify values between 0 and 99. You can specify multiple values (for example, “0,1”) or a range of values (for example, “0-5”). The default value is 12.
  • http_code
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: HttpCode
    Description: For Application Load Balancers, you can specify values between 200 and 499, with the default value being 200. You can specify multiple values (for example, “200,202”) or a range of values (for example, “200-299”). For Network Load Balancers, you can specify values between 200 and 599, with the default value being 200-399. You can specify multiple values (for example, “200,202”) or a range of values (for example, “200-299”). For Gateway Load Balancers, this must be “200–399”. Note that when using shorthand syntax, some values such as commas need to be escaped.


Type: INT32
Provider name: Port
Description: The port on which the targets are listening. This parameter is not used if the target is a Lambda function.


Provider name: Protocol
Description: The protocol to use for routing traffic to the targets.


Provider name: ProtocolVersion
Description: [HTTP/HTTPS protocol] The protocol version. The possible values are GRPC, HTTP1, and HTTP2.




Provider name: TargetGroupArn
Description: The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target group.


Provider name: TargetGroupName
Description: The name of the target group.


Provider name: TargetHealthDescriptions
Description: Information about the health of the targets.

  • administrative_override
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: AdministrativeOverride
    Description: The administrative override information for the target.
    • description
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Description
      Description: A description of the override state that provides additional details.
    • reason
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Reason
      Description: The reason code for the state.
    • state
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: State
      Description: The state of the override.
  • anomaly_detection
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: AnomalyDetection
    Description: The anomaly detection result for the target. If no anomalies were detected, the result is normal. If anomalies were detected, the result is anomalous.
    • mitigation_in_effect
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: MitigationInEffect
      Description: Indicates whether anomaly mitigation is in progress.
    • result
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Result
      Description: The latest anomaly detection result.
  • health_check_port
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: HealthCheckPort
    Description: The port to use to connect with the target.
  • target
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: Target
    Description: The description of the target.
    • availability_zone
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: AvailabilityZone
      Description: An Availability Zone or all. This determines whether the target receives traffic from the load balancer nodes in the specified Availability Zone or from all enabled Availability Zones for the load balancer. For Application Load Balancer target groups, the specified Availability Zone value is only applicable when cross-zone load balancing is off. Otherwise the parameter is ignored and treated as all. This parameter is not supported if the target type of the target group is instance or alb. If the target type is ip and the IP address is in a subnet of the VPC for the target group, the Availability Zone is automatically detected and this parameter is optional. If the IP address is outside the VPC, this parameter is required. For Application Load Balancer target groups with cross-zone load balancing off, if the target type is ip and the IP address is outside of the VPC for the target group, this should be an Availability Zone inside the VPC for the target group. If the target type is lambda, this parameter is optional and the only supported value is all.
    • id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Id
      Description: The ID of the target. If the target type of the target group is instance, specify an instance ID. If the target type is ip, specify an IP address. If the target type is lambda, specify the ARN of the Lambda function. If the target type is alb, specify the ARN of the Application Load Balancer target.
    • port
      Type: INT32
      Provider name: Port
      Description: The port on which the target is listening. If the target group protocol is GENEVE, the supported port is 6081. If the target type is alb, the targeted Application Load Balancer must have at least one listener whose port matches the target group port. This parameter is not used if the target is a Lambda function.
  • target_health
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: TargetHealth
    Description: The health information for the target.
    • description
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Description
      Description: A description of the target health that provides additional details. If the state is healthy, a description is not provided.
    • reason
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: Reason
      Description: The reason code. If the target state is healthy, a reason code is not provided. If the target state is initial, the reason code can be one of the following values:
      • Elb.RegistrationInProgress - The target is in the process of being registered with the load balancer.
      • Elb.InitialHealthChecking - The load balancer is still sending the target the minimum number of health checks required to determine its health status.
      If the target state is unhealthy, the reason code can be one of the following values:
      • Target.ResponseCodeMismatch - The health checks did not return an expected HTTP code. Applies only to Application Load Balancers and Gateway Load Balancers.
      • Target.Timeout - The health check requests timed out. Applies only to Application Load Balancers and Gateway Load Balancers.
      • Target.FailedHealthChecks - The load balancer received an error while establishing a connection to the target or the target response was malformed.
      • Elb.InternalError - The health checks failed due to an internal error. Applies only to Application Load Balancers.
      If the target state is unused, the reason code can be one of the following values:
      • Target.NotRegistered - The target is not registered with the target group.
      • Target.NotInUse - The target group is not used by any load balancer or the target is in an Availability Zone that is not enabled for its load balancer.
      • Target.InvalidState - The target is in the stopped or terminated state.
      • Target.IpUnusable - The target IP address is reserved for use by a load balancer.
      If the target state is draining, the reason code can be the following value:
      • Target.DeregistrationInProgress - The target is in the process of being deregistered and the deregistration delay period has not expired.
      If the target state is unavailable, the reason code can be the following value:
      • Target.HealthCheckDisabled - Health checks are disabled for the target group. Applies only to Application Load Balancers.
      • Elb.InternalError - Target health is unavailable due to an internal error. Applies only to Network Load Balancers.
    • state
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: State
      Description: The state of the target.


Provider name: TargetType
Description: The type of target that you must specify when registering targets with this target group. The possible values are instance (register targets by instance ID), ip (register targets by IP address), lambda (register a single Lambda function as a target), or alb (register a single Application Load Balancer as a target).


Type: INT32
Provider name: UnhealthyThresholdCount
Description: The number of consecutive health check failures required before considering the target unhealthy.


Provider name: VpcId
Description: The ID of the VPC for the targets.

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft