Amazon Connect


Amazon Connect offers self-service configuration and enables dynamic, personal, and natural customer engagement.

Enable this integration to see all your Connect metrics in Datadog.



If you haven’t already, set up the Amazon Web Services integration first.

Metric collection

  1. In the AWS integration page, ensure that Connect is enabled under the Metric Collection tab.
  2. Install the Datadog - Amazon Connect integration.

Log collection

Enable logging

Configure Amazon Connect to send logs either to a S3 bucket or to CloudWatch.

Note: If you log to a S3 bucket, make sure that amazon_connect is set as Target prefix.

Send logs to Datadog

  1. If you haven’t already, set up the Datadog Forwarder Lambda function.

  2. Once the Lambda function is installed, manually add a trigger on the S3 bucket or CloudWatch log group that contains your Amazon Connect logs in the AWS console:

Data Collected


The average number of times a queued callback to a customer could not be dialed because the customer's number is in a country for which outbound calls are not allowed for the instance.
The maximum number of times a queued callback to a customer could not be dialed because the customer's number is in a country for which outbound calls are not allowed for the instance.
The minimum number of times a queued callback to a customer could not be dialed because the customer's number is in a country for which outbound calls are not allowed for the instance.
The average number of call recordings that failed to upload to the Amazon S3 bucket configured for your instance.
The maximum number of call recordings that failed to upload to the Amazon S3 bucket configured for your instance.
The minimum number of call recordings that failed to upload to the Amazon S3 bucket configured for your instance.
The average number of voice that exceeded the concurrent active calls limit for the instance.
The maximum number of voice that exceeded the concurrent active calls limit for the instance.
The minimum number of voice that exceeded the concurrent active calls limit for the instance.
The average number of voice calls both inbound and outbound received or placed per second in the instance.
The maximum number of voice calls both inbound and outbound received or placed per second in the instance.
The minimum number of voice calls both inbound and outbound received or placed per second in the instance.
The average number of concurrent active voice calls in the instance at the time the data is displayed in the dashboard.
The maximum number of concurrent active voice calls in the instance at the time the data is displayed in the dashboard.
The minimum number of concurrent active voice calls in the instance at the time the data is displayed in the dashboard.
The average percentage of the concurrent active voice calls service limit used in the instance.
Shown as percent
The maximum percentage of the concurrent active voice calls service limit used in the instance.
Shown as percent
The minimum percentage of the concurrent active voice calls service limit used in the instance.
Shown as percent
The average number of times the error branch for a contact flow was executed.
The maximum number of times the error branch for a contact flow was executed.
The minimum number of times the error branch for a contact flow was executed.
The average number of times a contact flow failed to execute due to a system error.
The maximum of times a contact flow failed to execute due to a system error.
The minimum number of times a contact flow failed to execute due to a system error.
The average of the longest amount of time in seconds that a contact waited in a queue. This is the length of time a contact waited in a queue during the refresh interval.
The average of the longest amount of time in seconds that a contact waited in a queue. This is the length of time a contact waited in a queue during the refresh interval.
The average of the longest amount of time in seconds that a contact waited in a queue. This is the length of time a contact waited in a queue during the refresh interval.
The average number of calls that failed because the phone number is not associated with a contact flow.
The maximum of calls that failed because the phone number is not associated with a contact flow.
The minimum number of calls that failed because the phone number is not associated with a contact flow.
The average number of voice calls that were missed by agents during the refresh interval.
The maximum number of voice calls that were missed by agents during the refresh interval.
The minimum number of voice calls that were missed by agents during the refresh interval.
The average number of times a contact flow security key (public signing key) was used to encrypt customer input in a contact flow.
The maximum number of times a contact flow security key (public signing key) was used to encrypt customer input in a contact flow.
The minimum number of times a contact flow security key (public signing key) was used to encrypt customer input in a contact flow.
The average number of calls that were rejected because the queue was full.
The maximum number of calls that were rejected because the queue was full.
The minimum number of calls that were rejected because the queue was full.
The average number of contacts in the queue.
The maximum number of contacts in the queue.
The minimum number of contacts in the queue.
The average number of voice calls that were rejected because the rate of calls per second exceeded the maximum supported limit.
The maximum number of voice calls that were rejected because the rate of calls per second exceeded the maximum supported limit.
The minimum number of voice calls that were rejected because the rate of calls per second exceeded the maximum supported limit.
The average ratio of packet loss for calls in the instance reported every 10 seconds.
The maximum ratio of packet loss for calls in the instance reported every 10 seconds.
The minimum ratio of packet loss for calls in the instance reported every 10 seconds.


The Amazon Connect integration does not include any events.

Service Checks

The Amazon Connect integration does not include any service checks.


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PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft