DDSQL Expressions and Operators

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Value expressions are the general expression language used to produce values for conditions, SELECT expressions, filters, and clauses like WHERE, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY. The expression syntax of DDSQL is a superset of SQL expression syntax.

Arithmetic operators

DDSQL supports standard binary and unary infix arithmetic notation from SQL and many other languages:

+addition2 + 35
-subtraction2 - 3-1
*multiplication2 * 36
/division (non-truncating)5 / 22.5

The standard order of operations applies. To control the order of operations, add parentheses: (5 - 2) * 3.

Comparison operators

DDSQL implements the following comparison operators:

>greater than2 > 3false
<less than2 < 3true
>=greater than or equals3 >= 2true
<=less than or equals3 <= 2false
=equals*3 = 3true
!=, <>not equals3 != 3false

For tag references and tag groups, the equality operator (=) is treated as a “contains” comparison. See the Querying Tags in DDSQL for more details.

SQL comparison keywords

DDSQL supports the following SQL keywords, which function as standard Boolean operators:

NOTFilter records based on more than one condition.SELECT * FROM host WHERE NOT env = 'prod';Return all hosts that are not in the prod environment.
ANDFilter records based on more than one condition.SELECT * FROM host WHERE env = 'prod' AND cloud_provider = 'aws';Return all hosts that are in the prod environment and the AWS cloud provider.
ORFilter records based on more than one condition.SELECT * FROM host WHERE env = 'prod' AND cloud_provider = 'aws';Return all hosts that are either in the prod environment or the aws cloud provider.

DDSQL also supports the following comparator keywords as they are defined in the SQL standard:

IS NULLSelect rows if the specified field is null.SELECT * FROM host WHERE cloud_provider IS NULL;Return all rows that contain no data in the cloud_provider column.
IS NOT NULLSelect rows if the specified field is not null. Exclude rows with missing data.SELECT * FROM host WHERE cloud_provider IS NOT NULL;Return all rows that contain data in the cloud_provider column.
LIKESearch for a specific pattern in a string value. You can use the following wildcard characters to define the patterns:
Percent sign (%): Represents zero, one, or multiple characters.
Underscore (_): Represents a single character.
SELECT * FROM aws_eks_cluster WHERE LOWER(logging) LIKE '%"enabled":true%';Return all rows from the aws_eks_cluster table where the logging column is "enabled":true.
NOT LIKEExclude rows from a search, where the row has a specific pattern in a string value. You can use the wildcards % and _ for pattern matching.SELECT * FROM aws_eks_cluster WHERE LOWER(logging) NOT LIKE '%"enabled":true%';Return all rows from the aws_eks_cluster table where the logging does not have "enabled":true%'.
INFind multiple values in a WHERE clause. The IN operator is shorthand for multiple OR conditions.SELECT * FROM host WHERE cloud_provider IN ('aws', 'gcp');Return all rows from host table where the cloud_provider value is either ‘aws’ or ‘gcp’.
NOT INReplace a set of arguments with the <> or != operator that is combined with the AND operatorSELECT * FROM host WHERE cloud_provider NOT IN ('aws', 'gcp');Return all rows where cloud_provider is not aws or gcp.

DDSQL supports the BETWEEN keyword such that a BETWEEN x AND y is equivalent to a >= x AND a <= y. See the Postgres documentation for BETWEEN for details.

Logical operators

ANDBoolean logic, a & b
ORBoolean logic, a || b
XORBoolean logic, a ^ b
NOTBoolean logic, !a
IS NULLReturns true for each row that is null


The CASE expression is a generic conditional expression, similar to if/else statements in other programming languages. CASE comes in two forms, simple and searched.

Simple CASE statements

Simple CASE statements use the following syntax:

CASE expression
  WHEN value THEN result
  [ WHEN ... ]
  [ ELSE result ]

The expression is computed, then compared to each of the value expressions in the WHEN clauses until one is found that is equal to it. If no match is found, the result of the ELSE clause, or NULL if ELSE is omitted, is returned.

Searched CASE statements

Searched CASE statements use the following syntax:

  WHEN condition THEN result
  [ WHEN ... ]
  [ ELSE result ]

If a condition’s result is true, the value of the CASE expression is the result that follows the condition, and the remainder of the CASE expression is not processed. If the condition’s result is not true, any subsequent WHEN clauses are examined in the same manner. If no WHEN condition yields true, the value of the CASE expression is the result of the ELSE clause. If the ELSE clause is omitted and no condition is true, the result is NULL.


CAST specifies a conversion from one data type to another.


CAST(expression AS type)

Not all types are convertible in this way.

DDSQL also supports Postgres casting syntax:


For example, SELECT 1::text;.

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft