Watchdog Impact Analysis


Whenever Watchdog finds an APM anomaly, it simultaneously analyzes a variety of latency and error metrics that are submitted from the RUM SDKs to evaluate if the anomaly is adversely impacting any web or mobile pages visited by your users.

If Watchdog determines that the end-user experience is impacted, it provides a summary of the impacts in Watchdog APM Alert. This includes:

  • A list of impacted RUM views
  • An estimated number of impacted users
  • A link to the list of impacted users, so that you can reach out to them, if needed.

This feature is automatically enabled for all APM and RUM users. Whenever Watchdog APM alerts are associated with end-user impacts, affected users and view paths appear in the Impacts section of your Watchdog alerts. Click users to view the affected users’ contact information if you need to reach out to them. Click view paths to access the impacted RUM views for additional information.

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: aliciascott/DOCS-9725-Cloudcraft