This page outlines the basic features of the Datadog Agent for Debian. If you haven’t installed the Agent yet, instructions can be found in the Datadog Agent Integration documentation.
Packages are available for 64-bit x86 and Arm v8 architectures. For other architectures, use the source install.
On the 64-bit x86 architecture, Debian 7 (wheezy) and above are supported in Agent < 6.36.0/7.36.0. Debian 8 (jessie) and above are supported in Agent >= 6.36.0/7.36.0. SysVinit is supported in Agent v6.6.0+.
On the 64-bit Arm v8 architecture, Debian 9 (stretch) and above are supported.
In Agent v6 and v7, the service manager provided by the operating system is responsible for the Agent lifecycle, while other commands must be run through the Agent binary directly. In Agent v5, almost everything is done through the service manager.
If you installed the Agent with Single Step APM Instrumentation, and you want to uninstall the Agent, you need to run additional commands to uninstall APM Instrumentation.
The Agent contains an embedded Python environment at /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/. Common binaries such as python and pip are contained within /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/bin/.