Troubleshoot an Agent Check

If you are experiencing issues with an Agent Check, use these commands to get more troubleshooting information.

Note: Replace <CHECK_NAME> in the examples below with any Agent check. For example: activemq, ceph, or elastic. Review an integration’s documentation to confirm the Agent check name.

Note: To temporarily disable a service check while troubleshooting, rename /conf.d/<CHECK_NAME>.d/conf.yaml to something other than the .yaml or .yml file extension, such as conf.yaml.disable.


To test an Agent check, run:

sudo -u dd-agent datadog-agent check <CHECK_NAME>

If you want to include rate metrics, add --check-rate to your command, for instance for Agent v6.x run:

sudo -u dd-agent datadog-agent check <CHECK_NAME> --check-rate

If your issue continues, reach out to the Datadog support team with a flare.


Run the following script from an elevated (run as admin) PowerShell command line, with the proper <CHECK_NAME>:

For Agent versions >= 6.12:

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\bin\agent.exe" check <CHECK_NAME>

For Agent versions <= 6.11:

& "$env:ProgramFiles\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded\agent.exe" check <CHECK_NAME>


For systems using systemd, use journalctl to assist with debugging.

The following command shows the status of the Datadog Agent.

sudo systemctl status datadog-agent

If the Agent failed to start, and no further information is provided, use the following command to display all logs for the Datadog Agent service. If needed, use -r to print logs in reverse order.

sudo journalctl -u datadog-agent.service

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs