

Widgets are building blocks for your dashboards. They allow you to visualize and correlate your data across your infrastructure.



Display your widgets under groups:

Product Analytics

Visualize Product Analytics data:


Visualize infrastructure and architecture data:

Annotations and embeds

Decoration widgets to visually structure and annotate dashboards:

Lists and streams

Display a list of events and issues coming from different sources:

Alerting and response

Performance and reliability

Full screen

You can view most widgets in full screen mode and do the following:

  • Change time frames
  • Move backward or forward by the time frame selected
  • Pause the graph at the current time or view the live graph
  • Reset the time frame
  • Export the graph to a dashboard, notebook, or copy the query
  • Download the data producing the graph in a CSV format

To access the widget overview directly, click the full-screen button on the top right-hand corner of the widget.

Additional options are available for timeseries widgets.

Custom links connect data values to URLs such as a Datadog page or your AWS console.

To customize interactions with data inline your generic widgets, see Custom Links.

Unit override

Customize unit values displayed on widgets to add context to your data. For more use cases and information, see the Customize your visualizations with unit overrides.

  • Unit override: choose to display units in the family of ‘memory’, and have Datadog take care of displaying the appropriate scale depending on data (such as megabytes or gigabytes).
  • Unit and scale override: fix units to a single scale (display data in megabytes regardless of value).
  • Define custom units: define completely custom units (like ’tests’ instead of a generic count).

This is not an alternative for assigning units to your data.

Set units at the organization level:

Global time selector

To use the global time selector, at least one time-based widget must be set to use Global Time. Make the selection in the widget editor under Set display preferences, or add a widget (global time is the default time setting).

The global time selector sets the same time frame for all widgets using the Global Time option on the same dashboard. Select a moving window in the past (for example, Past 1 Hour or Past 1 Day) or a fixed period with the Select from calendar… option or enter a custom time frame. If a moving window is chosen, the widgets are updated to move along with the time window.

Widgets not linked to global time show the data for their local time frame as applied to the global window. For example, if the global time selector is set to January 1, 2019 through January 2, 2019, a widget set with the local time frame for Past 1 Minute shows the last minute of January 2, 2019 from 11:59 pm.

Copy and paste widgets

Enable Static Public Data Sharing in your Organization Settings to use this feature.

Widgets can be copied on Dashboards, Notebooks, APM Service, and the APM resource page by using Ctrl + C (Cmd + C for Mac), or by selecting the share icon and choosing “Copy”.

The copied widgets can be pasted within Datadog by using Ctrl + V (Cmd + V for Mac) on:

  • Dashboards: Adds a new widget positioned under your mouse cursor.
  • Notebooks: Adds a new cell at the end of the notebook.

You can also paste the widget into your favorite chat program that displays link previews (like Slack or Microsoft Teams). This displays a snapshot image of your graph along with a direct link to your widget.

Groups of widgets

Timeboard group widgets can be copied by hovering over the group widget area and using Ctrl + C (Cmd + C for Mac) or by selecting the share icon and choosing “Copy”.

Note: When pasting graphs to screenboards or notebooks, individual widgets within the group are pasted.

To copy multiple screenboard widgets (edit mode only), shift + click on the widgets and use Ctrl + C (Cmd + C for Mac).

Note: This only works when sharing within Datadog. It does not generate a preview image.

Widget graphs


PNGTo download a widget in PNG format, click the export button in the upper right hand side of the widget, and select Download as PNG.
CSVTo download data from a timeseries, table, or top list widget in CSV format, click the export button in the upper right hand side of the widget, and select Download as CSV.

Graph menu

Click on any dashboard graph to open an options menu:

Send snapshotCreate and send a snapshot of your graph.
Find correlated metricsFind correlations from APM services, integrations, and dashboards.
View in full screenView the graph in full screen mode.
Lock cursorLock the cursor in place on the page.
View related processesJump to the Live Processes page scoped to your graph.
View related hostsJump to the Host Map page scoped to your graph.
View related logsJump to the Log Explorer page scoped to your graph.
View related tracesPopulate a Traces panel scoped to your graph.
View related profilesJump to the Profiling page scoped to your graph.

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs