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Datadog monitors every aspect of your Istio environment, so you can:

  • View individual distributed traces for applications transacting over the mesh with APM (see below).
  • Assess the health of Envoy and the Istio control plane with logs.
  • Break down the performance of your service mesh with request, bandwidth, and resource consumption metrics.
  • Map network communication between containers, pods, and services over the mesh with Cloud Network Monitoring.

To learn more about monitoring your Istio environment with Datadog, see the Istio blog.

Datadog APM is available for supported Istio releases.

Datadog Agent installation

  1. Install the Agent
  2. Make sure APM is enabled for your Agent.
  3. Uncomment the hostPort setting so that Istio sidecars can connect to the Agent and submit traces.

Istio configuration and installation

To enable Datadog APM, a custom Istio installation is required to set two extra options when installing Istio.

  • --set
  • --set values.pilot.traceSampling=100.0
istioctl manifest apply --set --set values.pilot.traceSampling=100.0

Traces are generated when the namespace for the pod has sidecar injection enabled. This is done by adding the istio-injection=enabled label.

kubectl label namespace example-ns istio-injection=enabled

Traces are generated when Istio is able to determine the traffic is using an HTTP-based protocol. By default, Istio tries to automatically detect this. It can be manually configured by naming the ports in your application’s deployment and service. More information can be found in Istio’s documentation for Protocol Selection

By default, the service name used when creating traces is generated from the deployment name and namespace. This can be set manually by adding an app label to the deployment’s pod template:

      app: <SERVICE_NAME>

For CronJobs, the app label should be added to the job template, as the generated name comes from the Job instead of the higher-level CronJob.

Istio Sampling

To control the volume of Istio traces that are sent to Datadog, configure a sampling rule whose "sample_rate" is a value between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%). Configure sampling rules with the DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES environment variable. If DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES is not specified, then 100% of Istio traces are sent to Datadog.

Note: These environment variables apply only to the subset of traces indicated by the values.pilot.traceSampling setting, hence the required --set values.pilot.traceSampling=100.0 during Istio configuration.

Explicitly specifying an empty array of rules is different from not specifying rules.

To configure DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES, in each deployment whose namespace is labeled istio-injection=enabled, set the environment variable as part of the annotation of the deployment spec template:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
      annotations: '{"DD_ENV": "prod", "DD_SERVICE": "my-service", "DD_VERSION": "v1.1", "DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES": "[]"}' is a string whose content is a JSON object mapping environment variable names to values. The environment variable values are themselves strings, and in the case of DD_TRACE_SAMPLING_RULES, the string value is a JSON array of objects.

Environment variables

Environment variables for Istio sidecars can be set on a per-deployment basis using the annotation. This is unique for deployments employing Istio sidecars and is set in addition to the labels for unified service tagging.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
      annotations: '{ "DD_ENV": "prod", "DD_SERVICE": "my-service", "DD_VERSION": "v1.1"}'

Deployment and service

If the Agents on your cluster are running as a deployment and service instead of the default DaemonSet, then an additional option is required to specify the DNS address and port of the Agent. For a service named datadog-agent in the default namespace, that address would be datadog-agent.default.svc.cluster.local:8126.

  • --set

If Mutual TLS is enabled for the cluster, then the Agent’s deployment should disable sidecar injection, and you should add a traffic policy that disables TLS.

This annotation is added to the Agent’s Deployment template.

      annotations: "false"

For Istio v1.4.x, the traffic policy can be configured using a DestinationRule. Istio v1.5.x and higher do not need an additional traffic policy.

kind: DestinationRule
  name: datadog-agent
  namespace: istio-system
  host: datadog-agent.default.svc.cluster.local
      mode: DISABLE

Automatic Protocol Selection may determine that traffic between the sidecar and Agent is HTTP, and enable tracing. This can be disabled using manual protocol selection for this specific service. The port name in the datadog-agent Service can be changed to tcp-traceport. If using Kubernetes 1.18+, appProtocol: tcp can be added to the port specification.

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs