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The Datadog Agent automatically discovers containers and creates check configurations by using the Autodiscovery mechanism.

Cluster checks extend this mechanism to monitor noncontainerized workloads, including:

  • Datastores and endpoints ran outside of the cluster (for example, RDS or CloudSQL).
  • Load-balanced cluster services (for example, Kubernetes services).

This ensures that only one instance of each check runs as opposed to each node-based Agent Pod running this corresponding check. The Cluster Agent holds the configurations and dynamically dispatches them to node-based Agents. The Agents connect to the Cluster Agent every ten seconds and retrieve the configurations to run. If an Agent stops reporting, the Cluster Agent removes it from the active pool and dispatches the configurations to other Agents. This ensures that one (and only one) instance always runs, even as nodes are added and removed from the cluster.

Metrics, events, and service checks collected by cluster checks are submitted without a hostname, as it is not relevant. A cluster_name tag is added, to allow you to scope and filter your data.

Using cluster checks is recommended if your infrastructure is configured for high availability (HA).

Set up cluster check dispatching

The setup process involves enabling the dispatching ability in the Cluster Agent, as well as ensuring the Agents are prepared to receive configurations from the clusterchecks provider. Once this is done, configurations are passed to the Cluster Agent through mounted configuration files or through Kubernetes service annotations.

Cluster check dispatching is enabled in the Operator deployment of the Cluster Agent by using the spec.features.clusterChecks.enabled configuration key:

apiVersion: datadoghq.com/v2alpha1
kind: DatadogAgent
  name: datadog
      enabled: true

This enables the cluster check setup in the Cluster Agent and allows it to process configurations from the Kubernetes service annotations (kube_services).

Cluster check dispatching is enabled by default in the Helm deployment of the Cluster Agent through the datadog.clusterChecks.enabled configuration key:

    enabled: true
  # (...)
  enabled: true
  # (...)

This enables the cluster check setup in the Cluster Agent and allows it to process configurations from the Kubernetes service annotations (kube_services).

Cluster Agent

Once your Cluster Agent is running, make the following changes to the Cluster Agent deployment:

  1. Set the environment variable DD_CLUSTER_CHECKS_ENABLED to true.
  2. Pass your cluster name as DD_CLUSTER_NAME. To help you scope your metrics, Datadog injects your cluster name as a cluster_name instance tag to all configurations.
  3. If the service name is different from the default datadog-cluster-agent, ensure the DD_CLUSTER_AGENT_KUBERNETES_SERVICE_NAME environment variable reflects the service name.
  4. To enable the Cluster Agent to process configurations from the Kubernetes service annotations, set both DD_EXTRA_CONFIG_PROVIDERS and DD_EXTRA_LISTENERS environment variables to kube_services.


Enable the clusterchecks configuration provider on the Datadog Node Agent. This can be done in two ways:

  • Recommended: By setting the DD_EXTRA_CONFIG_PROVIDERS environment variable in your Agent DaemonSet. This takes a space-separated string if you have multiple values:

  • Or adding it to the datadog.yaml configuration file:

        - name: clusterchecks
          polling: true

Note: With cluster checks, the metrics reported by the Agent are not linked to a given hostname because they are meant to be cluster-centric metrics and not necessarily host-based metrics. As a result, these metrics do not inherit any host-level tags associated with that host, such as those inherited from a cloud provider or added by the Agent’s DD_TAGS environment variable. To add tags to cluster check metrics, use the DD_CLUSTER_CHECKS_EXTRA_TAGS environment variable.

Cluster check runners

The Datadog Helm Chart and the Datadog Operator additionally offer the possibility to deploy cluster check runners, which are a deployment for a small set of Datadog Agents configured to run these dispatched cluster checks only—instead of dispatching these to the normal node-based Agents. See the Cluster Check Runner guide for more details.

Advanced dispatching

The Cluster Agent can use an advanced dispatching logic for cluster checks, which takes into account the execution time and metric samples from check instances. This logic enables the Cluster Agent to optimize dispatching and distribution between cluster check runners.

To configure advanced dispatching logic, set the DD_CLUSTER_CHECKS_ADVANCED_DISPATCHING_ENABLED environment variable to true for the Cluster Agent. See Cluster Agent environment variables for how to set environment variables in your Datadog Operator manifest or Helm chart.

The following environment variables are required to configure the node Agents (or cluster check runners) to expose their check stats. The stats are consumed by the Cluster Agent and are used to optimize the cluster checks’ dispatching logic.

      value: "true"
    - name: DD_CLC_RUNNER_HOST
          fieldPath: status.podIP

Custom checks

Running custom Agent checks as cluster checks is supported, as long as all node-based Agents are able to run the check. This means your custom check code:

  • Must be installed on all node-based Agents where the clusterchecks config provider is enabled.
  • Must not depend on local resources that are not accessible to all Agents.

Setting up check configurations

Configuration from configuration files

When the URL or IP of a given resource is constant (for example, an external service endpoint or a public URL), a static configuration can be passed to the Cluster Agent as YAML files. The file name convention and syntax are the same as the static configurations on the node-based Agent, with the required addition of the cluster_check: true line.

In Cluster Agent v1.18.0+, you can use advanced_ad_identifiers and Autodiscovery template variables in your check configuration to target Kubernetes services (see example).

With the Datadog Operator, these configuration files can be created within the spec.override.clusterAgent.extraConfd.configDataMap section:

          <INTEGRATION_NAME>.yaml: |-
            cluster_check: true
              - <INIT_CONFIG>
              - <INSTANCES_CONFIG>            

Alternatively, you can create a ConfigMap to store the static configuration file and mount this ConfigMap to the Cluster Agent using the spec.override.clusterAgent.extraConfd.configMap field:

          name: "<NAME>-config-map"
            - key: <INTEGRATION_NAME>-config
              path: <INTEGRATION_NAME>.yaml
kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: "<NAME>-config-map"
  <INTEGRATION_NAME>-config: |-
    cluster_check: true

With Helm, these configuration files can be created within the clusterAgent.confd section.

    <INTEGRATION_NAME>.yaml: |-
      cluster_check: true
        - <INIT_CONFIG>
        - <INSTANCES_CONFIG>      

Note: This is separate from the datadog.confd section, where the files are created in the node-based Agents. The <INTEGRATION_NAME> must exactly match the desired integration check you want to run.

With the manual approach you must create a ConfigMap to store the desired static configuration files, and then mount this ConfigMap into the corresponding /conf.d file of the Cluster Agent container. This follows the same approach for mounting ConfigMaps into the Agent container. For example:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: "<NAME>-config-map"
  <INTEGRATION_NAME>-config: |-
    cluster_check: true

Then, in the manifest for the Cluster Agent deployment, define the volumeMounts and volumes with respect to your ConfigMap and the corresponding key of your data.

          - name: <NAME>-config-map
            mountPath: /conf.d/
            # (...)
        - name: <NAME>-config-map
            name: <NAME>-config-map
              - key: <INTEGRATION_NAME>-config
                path: <INTEGRATION_NAME>.yaml

This creates a file in the /conf.d/ directory of the Cluster Agent corresponding to the integration. For example: /conf.d/mysql.yaml or /conf.d/http_check.yaml.

Example: MySQL check on an externally hosted database

After you set up an externally hosted database, such as CloudSQL or RDS, and a corresponding Datadog user to access the database, mount a /conf.d/mysql.yaml file in the Cluster Agent container with the following content:

cluster_check: true
    - server: "<PRIVATE_IP_ADDRESS>"
      port: 3306
      user: datadog
      pass: "<YOUR_CHOSEN_PASSWORD>"

Example: HTTP_Check on an external URL

If there is a URL you would like to perform an HTTP check against once per cluster, mount a /conf.d/http_check.yaml file in the Cluster Agent container with the following content:

cluster_check: true
    - name: "<EXAMPLE_NAME>"
      url: "<EXAMPLE_URL>"

Example: HTTP_Check on a Kubernetes service

If there is a Kubernetes service you would like the to perform an HTTP check against once per cluster:

Use the spec.override.clusterAgent.extraConfd.configDataMap field to define your check configuration:

          http_check.yaml: |-
              - kube_service:
                  name: "<SERVICE_NAME>"
                  namespace: "<SERVICE_NAMESPACE>"
            cluster_check: true
              - url: "http://%%host%%"
                name: "<EXAMPLE_NAME>"            

Use the clusterAgent.confd field to define your check configuration:

    http_check.yaml: |-
        - kube_service:
            name: "<SERVICE_NAME>"
            namespace: "<SERVICE_NAMESPACE>"
      cluster_check: true
        - url: "http://%%host%%"
          name: "<EXAMPLE_NAME>"      

Mount a /conf.d/http_check.yaml file in the Cluster Agent container with the following content:

  - kube_service:
      name: "<SERVICE_NAME>"
      namespace: "<SERVICE_NAMESPACE>"
cluster_check: true
  - url: "http://%%host%%"
    name: "<EXAMPLE_NAME>"

Note: The field advanced_ad_identifiers is supported in Datadog Cluster Agent v1.18+.

Configuration from Kubernetes service annotations

Note: AD Annotations v2 was introduced in Datadog Agent 7.36 to simplify integration configuration. For previous versions of the Datadog Agent, use AD Annotations v1.

The syntax for annotating services is similar to that for annotating Kubernetes Pods:

ad.datadoghq.com/service.checks: |
      "init_config": <INIT_CONFIG>,
      "instances": [<INSTANCE_CONFIG>]

This syntax supports a %%host%% template variable, which is replaced by the service’s IP. The kube_namespace and kube_service tags are automatically added to the instance.

Example: HTTP check on an NGINX-backed service

The following service definition exposes the Pods from the my-nginx deployment and runs an HTTP check to measure the latency of the load balanced service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: my-nginx
        run: my-nginx
        tags.datadoghq.com/env: "prod"
        tags.datadoghq.com/service: "my-nginx"
        tags.datadoghq.com/version: "1.19.0"
      ad.datadoghq.com/service.checks: |
          "http_check": {
            "init_config": {},
            "instances": [
                "name":"My Nginx",
        - port: 80
          protocol: TCP
        run: my-nginx

In addition, each Pod should be monitored with the NGINX check, as it enables the monitoring of each worker as well as the aggregated service.

The syntax for annotating services is similar to that for annotating Kubernetes Pods:

ad.datadoghq.com/service.check_names: '[<INTEGRATION_NAME>]'
ad.datadoghq.com/service.init_configs: '[<INIT_CONFIG>]'
ad.datadoghq.com/service.instances: '[<INSTANCE_CONFIG>]'

This syntax supports a %%host%% template variable, which is replaced by the service’s IP. The kube_namespace and kube_service tags are automatically added to the instance.

Example: HTTP check on an NGINX-backed service

The following service definition exposes the Pods from the my-nginx deployment and runs an HTTP check to measure the latency of the load balanced service:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    name: my-nginx
        run: my-nginx
        tags.datadoghq.com/env: "prod"
        tags.datadoghq.com/service: "my-nginx"
        tags.datadoghq.com/version: "1.19.0"
        ad.datadoghq.com/service.check_names: '["http_check"]'
        ad.datadoghq.com/service.init_configs: '[{}]'
        ad.datadoghq.com/service.instances: |
                "name": "My Nginx",
                "url": "http://%%host%%",
                "timeout": 1
        - port: 80
          protocol: TCP
        run: my-nginx

In addition, each Pod should be monitored with the NGINX check, as it enables the monitoring of each worker as well as the aggregated service.


The Datadog Cluster Agent dispatches each cluster check to a node Agent to run. Run the Datadog Cluster Agent’s clusterchecks subcommand and look for the check name under the node Agent’s hostname:

# kubectl exec <CLUSTER_AGENT_POD_NAME> agent clusterchecks
===== Checks on default-pool-bce5cd34-ttw6.c.sandbox.internal =====

=== http_check check ===
Source: kubernetes-services
Instance ID: http_check:My service:5b948dee172af830
empty_default_hostname: true
name: My service
- kube_namespace:default
- kube_service:my-nginx
- cluster_name:example
timeout: 1
Init Config:

Now, run the node Agent’s status subcommand and look for the check name under the Checks section.

# kubectl exec <NODE_AGENT_POD_NAME> agent status
    http_check (3.1.1)
      Instance ID: http_check:My service:5b948dee172af830 [OK]
      Total Runs: 234
      Metric Samples: Last Run: 3, Total: 702
      Events: Last Run: 0, Total: 0
      Service Checks: Last Run: 1, Total: 234
      Average Execution Time : 90ms

Further Reading

PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs