AWS AppSync


Amazon AppSync simplifie le développement applicatif en vous permettant de créer une API flexible pour accéder à des données, mais également les manipuler et les combiner depuis une ou plusieurs sources de données, et ce en toute sécurité.

Activez cette intégration pour visualiser dans Datadog toutes vos métriques d’AppSync.



Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez d’abord l’intégration Amazon Web Services.

Collecte de métriques

  1. Dans le carré d’intégration AWS, assurez-vous que l’option AppSync est cochée dans la section concernant la collecte des métriques.
  2. Installez l’intégration Datadog/Amazon AppSync.

Collecte de logs

Activer le logging

Configurez Amazon AppSync de façon à ce que ses logs soient envoyés vers un compartiment S3 ou vers CloudWatch.

Remarque : si vous envoyez vos logs vers un compartiment S3, assurez-vous que amazon_appsync est défini en tant que Target prefix.

Envoyer des logs à Datadog

  1. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez la fonction Lambda de collecte de logs AWS avec Datadog.

  2. Une fois la fonction Lambda installée, ajoutez manuellement un déclencheur sur le compartiment S3 ou sur le groupe de logs CloudWatch qui contient vos logs Amazon AppSync dans la console AWS :

Données collectées


The number of errors captured as a result of invalid requests due to incorrect client configuration.
Shown as error
Errors encountered during the execution of a GraphQL query.
Shown as error
The number of concurrent WebSocket connections from clients to AWS AppSync in 1 minute.
The sum of concurrent WebSocket connections from clients to AWS AppSync in 1 minute.
The number of concurrent subscriptions from clients in 1 minute.
The sum of concurrent subscriptions from clients in 1 minute.
The number of WebSocket connections that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors. This could imply that the service is throttled or the Authorization settings are misconfigured.
Shown as error
The sum of WebSocket connections that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors. This could imply that the service is throttled or the Authorization settings are misconfigured.
Shown as error
The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing connections. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The sum of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing connections. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The number of successful WebSocket connections to AWS AppSync. It is possible to have connections without subscriptions.
Shown as success
The sum of successful WebSocket connections to AWS AppSync. It is possible to have connections without subscriptions.
Shown as success
The amount of time that the connection stays open.
Shown as millisecond
The number of client errors that originated from AWS AppSync while disconnecting WebSocket connections.
Shown as error
The sum of client errors that originated from AWS AppSync while disconnecting WebSocket connections.
Shown as error
The number of server errors that originated from AWS AppSync while disconnecting WebSocket connections.
Shown as error
The sum of server errors that originated from AWS AppSync while disconnecting WebSocket connections.
Shown as error
The number of successful WebSocket disconnections from AWS AppSync.
Shown as success
The sum of successful WebSocket disconnections from AWS AppSync.
Shown as success
The average time between when AWS AppSync receives a request from a client and when it returns a response to the client. This doesn't include the network latency encountered for a response to reach the end devices.
Shown as millisecond
The maximum time between when AWS AppSync receives a request from a client and when it returns a response to the client. This doesn't include the network latency encountered for a response to reach the end devices.
Shown as millisecond
The 90th percentile time between when AWS AppSync receives a request from a client and when it returns a response to the client. This doesn't include the network latency encountered for a response to reach the end devices.
Shown as millisecond
The number of subscription event messages that failed to publish because of client-side errors.
Shown as error
The sum of subscription event messages that failed to publish because of client-side errors.
Shown as error
The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while publishing subscription event messages. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while publishing subscription event messages. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The size of subscription event messages published.
Shown as byte
The number of subscription event messages that were successfully published.
Shown as success
The sum of subscription event messages that were successfully published.
Shown as success
The number of requests (queries + mutations) that all APIs in your account have processed.
Shown as request
The number of subscriptions that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors. This can occur when a JSON payload is incorrect, the service is throttled, or the Authorization settings are misconfigured.
Shown as error
The sum of subscriptions that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors. This can occur when a JSON payload is incorrect, the service is throttled, or the Authorization settings are misconfigured.
Shown as error
The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing subscriptions. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The sum of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing subscriptions. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The number of subscriptions that were successfully registered to AWS AppSync through WebSocket. It is possible to have connections without subscriptions, but it isn’t possible to have subscriptions without connections.
Shown as success
The sum of subscriptions that were successfully registered to AWS AppSync through WebSocket. It is possible to have connections without subscriptions, but it isn’t possible to have subscriptions without connections.
Shown as success
The number of unsubscriptions that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors.
Shown as error
The sum of unsubscriptions that were rejected by AWS AppSync because of client-side errors.
Shown as error
The number of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing unsubscriptions. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The sum of errors that originated from AWS AppSync while processing unsubscriptions. This is known to happen when an unexpected server-side issue occurs.
Shown as error
The number of unsubscriptions that were successfully processed from AWS AppSync.
Shown as success
The sum of unsubscriptions that were successfully processed from AWS AppSync.
Shown as success


L’intégration Amazon AppSync n’inclut aucun événement.

Checks de service

L’intégration Amazon AppSync n’inclut aucun check de service.


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PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs