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Data Jobs Monitoring gives visibility into the performance and reliability of Apache Spark applications on Amazon EMR.
Amazon EMR Release 6.0.1 or later is required.
Follow these steps to enable Data Jobs Monitoring for Amazon EMR.
. Then, click Next.EMR EC2 instance profile is a IAM role assigned to every EC2 instance in an Amazon EMR cluster when the instance launches. Follow the Amazon guide to prepare this role based on your application’s need to interact with other AWS services. The following additional permissions may be required for Data Jobs Monitoring.
. This is a Read action.EMR_EC2_DefaultRole
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Take note of the name of the IAM role you plan to use as the instance profile for your EMR cluster.
When you create a new EMR cluster in the Amazon EMR console, add a bootstrap action on the Create Cluster page:
Save the following script to an S3 bucket that your EMR cluster can read. Take note of the path to this script.
# Set required parameter DD_SITE
export DD_SITE=
# Set required parameter DD_API_KEY with Datadog API key.
# The commands below assumes the API key is stored in AWS Secrets Manager, with the secret name as datadog/dd_api_key and the key as dd_api_key.
# IMPORTANT: Modify if you choose to manage and retrieve your secret differently.
export DD_API_KEY=$(aws secretsmanager get-secret-value --secret-id $SECRET_NAME | jq -r .SecretString | jq -r '.["dd_api_key"]')
# Optional: uncomment to send spark driver and worker logs to Datadog
# export DD_EMR_LOGS_ENABLED=true
# Download and run the latest init script
curl -L https://install.datadoghq.com/scripts/install-emr.sh > djm-install-script; bash djm-install-script || true
The script above sets the required parameters, and downloads and runs the latest init script for Data Jobs Monitoring in EMR. If you want to pin your script to a specific version, you can replace the filename in the URL with install-emr-0.9.1.sh
to use version 0.9.1
, for example. The source code used to generate this script can be found on the Datadog Agent repository.
On the Create Cluster page, find the Bootstrap actions section. Click Add to bring up the Add bootstrap action dialog.
.On the Create Cluster page, find the Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles section. For instance profile dropdown, select the IAM role you have granted permissions in Grant permissions to EMR EC2 instance profile.
When your cluster is created, this bootstrap action installs the Datadog Agent and downloads the Java tracer on each node of the cluster.
Tagging enables you to better filter, aggregate, and compare your telemetry in Datadog. You can configure tags by passing -Ddd.service
, -Ddd.env
, -Ddd.version
, and -Ddd.tags
options to your Spark driver and executor extraJavaOptions
In Datadog, each job’s name corresponds to the value you set for -Ddd.service
spark-submit \
--conf spark.driver.extraJavaOptions="-Ddd.service=<JOB_NAME> -Ddd.env=<ENV> -Ddd.version=<VERSION> -Ddd.tags=<KEY_1>:<VALUE_1>,<KEY_2:VALUE_2>" \
--conf spark.executor.extraJavaOptions="-Ddd.service=<JOB_NAME> -Ddd.env=<ENV> -Ddd.version=<VERSION> -Ddd.tags=<KEY_1>:<VALUE_1>,<KEY_2:VALUE_2>" \
In Datadog, view the Data Jobs Monitoring page to see a list of all your data processing jobs.
If you don’t see any data in DJM after installing the product, follow those steps.
The init script installs the Datadog Agent. To make sure it is properly installed, ssh into the cluster and run the Agent status command:
sudo datadog-agent status
런타임의 Spark 스팬(span)에서 태그를 설정할 수 있습니다. 본 태그는 태그가 추가된 후 실행되는 스팬(span)에만 적용됩니다.
// 다음 모든 Spark 컴퓨팅에 태그 추가
sparkContext.setLocalProperty("spark.datadog.tags.key", "value")
런타임 태그를 제거하려면 다음을 수행합니다.
// 다음 모든 Spark 컴퓨팅에서 태그 제거
sparkContext.setLocalProperty("spark.datadog.tags.key", null)
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