Monitor to trigger alerts on predefined thresholds.
Metric to aggregate your logs into long term KPIs, as they are ingested in Datadog.
cURL command to test your queries in the Log Explorer and then build custom reports using Datadog APIs.
CSV (for individual logs and transactions). You can export up to 100,000 logs at once for individual logs, 300 for Patterns, and 500 for Transactions. You can also download a timeseries, top list, or table view as a CSV file.
Share View: Share a link to the current view with your teammates through email, Slack, and more. See all of the Datadog notification integrations available for this feature.
You can also save individual logs to a notebook by selecting Save to notebook in the log event side panel. Logs saved to notebooks are displayed in a reader-friendly format, and this display is saved in the Notebook even after the log event itself has aged out of retention.
To retrieve a log list longer than the maximum 1000 logs limit returned by the Logs API, use the pagination feature.