The ypserv
package can be removed with the following command:
The NIS service provides an unencrypted authentication service which does
not provide for the confidentiality and integrity of user passwords or the
remote session.
Removing the ypserv
package decreases the risk of the accidental
(or intentional) activation of NIS or NIS+ services.
The following script can be run on the host to remediate the issue.
# CAUTION: This remediation script will remove ypserv
# from the system, and may remove any packages
# that depend on ypserv. Execute this
# remediation AFTER testing on a non-production
# system!
if rpm -q --quiet "ypserv" ; then
yum remove -y "ypserv"
The following playbook can be run with Ansible to remediate the issue.
- name: Ensure ypserv is removed
name: ypserv
state: absent
- CCE-27399-5
- DISA-STIG-RHEL-07-020010
- NIST-800-53-CM-6(a)
- NIST-800-53-CM-7(a)
- NIST-800-53-CM-7(b)
- NIST-800-53-IA-5(1)(c)
- PCI-DSS-Req-2.2.2
- PCI-DSSv4-2.2.4
- disable_strategy
- high_severity
- low_complexity
- low_disruption
- no_reboot_needed
- package_ypserv_removed