
Any tag applied to your AWS Lambda function automatically becomes a new dimension on which you can filter and group your metrics, traces, and logs.

Tags are especially powerful when consistent across the Datadog platform. First-class support is offered for the following tags: env, service and version.

With these tags, you can:

  • Navigate seamlessly across metrics, traces, and logs with consistent tags
  • Filter your functions on the Serverless Homepage
  • View service data based on environment or version in a unified fashion within the Datadog app
  • Organize your service map by service and environment

To tag your serverless application with env, service and version, see the unified service tagging documentation.


  • Lambda function names should adhere to Datadog’s tagging convention. This ties all of your function’s traces, logs, and metrics together seamlessly.
  • Enhanced Lambda metrics do not pick up tags applied to your AWS Lambda function. Use the DD_TAGS environment variable instead.

The env tag

Use env to separate out your staging, development, and production environments. This works for any kind of infrastructure, not just for your serverless functions. As an example, you could tag your production EU Lambda functions with env:prod-eu.

By default, AWS Lambda functions are tagged with env:none in Datadog. Add your own tag to override this.

The service tag

Add the service tag in order to group related Lambda functions into a service.

The default behavior for new Datadog customers is for all Lambda functions to be grouped under the aws.lambda service, and represented as a single node on the Service map. Tag your functions by service to override this.

Note: For some Datadog customers, each Lambda function is treated as its own service. Add your own tag to override this, or reach out to Datadog Support if you would like to your account to adopt the new behavior.

The version tag

Add the version tag to enable Deployment Tracking.

Organize your service map

The Service Map groups services into maps by the env tag, and uses the service tag to show relationships between services and the health of their monitors. Services are represented as individual nodes on the Service Map. The color of the nodes represents the health of the associated monitors. Tag any monitor with the same service tag to associate.

Service Map

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: ashley.yip/dynamic-cost-allocation-docs