Avoid new operators with the Function object

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ID: javascript-code-style/no-new-func

Language: JavaScript

Severity: Warning

Category: Best Practices


The Function constructor can lead to code similar to eval executions. Use function declarations instead of the Function constructor.

Non-Compliant Code Examples

var a = new Function("b", "c", "return b+c");
var a = Function("b", "c", "return b+c");
var a = Function.call(null, "b", "c", "return b+c");
var a = Function.apply(null, ["b", "c", "return b+c"]);
var a = Function.bind(null, "b", "c", "return b+c")();
var a = Function.bind(null, "b", "c", "return b+c");
var a = Function["call"](null, "b", "c", "return b+c");
var a = (Function?.call)(null, "b", "c", "return b+c");
const fn = () => { class Function {} }; new Function('', '');
var fn = function () { function Function() {} }; Function('', '');

Compliant Code Examples

var a = new _function("b", "c", "return b+c");
var a = _function("b", "c", "return b+c");
// Scoped re assign not supported
// class Function {}; new Function()
// const fn = () => { class Function {}; new Function() }
// function Function() {}; Function()
// var fn = function () { function Function() {}; Function() }
// var x = function Function() { Function(); }
new Class(Function)
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