로그 오류 추적


오류 추적 탐색기 문제 세부 정보

It is critical for your system’s health to consistently monitor the errors collected by Datadog. When there are many individual error events, it becomes hard to prioritize errors for troubleshooting.

Error Tracking simplifies debugging by grouping thousands of similar errors into a single issue. An issue is an aggregation of error data that provides insights such as

  • How many users have been impacted
  • When the error first occurred
  • Which commit probably caused the error

Error Tracking enables you to:

  • Track, triage, and debug fatal errors
  • Group similar errors into issues, so that you can more easily identify important errors and reduce noise
  • Set monitors on error tracking events, such as high error volume or new issues
  • Follow issues over time to know when they first started, if they are still ongoing, and how often they occur

오류 추적 탐색기 설명서에서 주요 오류 추적 기능에 대해 살펴 보세요. Datadog에서 로그 오류 추적 탐색기를 보려면 로그 > 오류 추적으로 이동하세요.


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