
OpenTelemetry Apache metrics in an Apache dashboard

The Apache receiver allows for collection of Apache Web Server metrics. Please configure the receiver according to the specifications of the latest version of the apachereceiver.

For more information, see the OpenTelemetry project documentation for the Apache receiver.


To collect Apache Web Server metrics with OpenTelemetry for use with Datadog:

  1. Configure the Apache receiver in your OpenTelemetry Collector configuration.
  2. Ensure the OpenTelemetry Collector is configured to export to Datadog.

Refer to the Apache receiver documentation for detailed configuration options and requirements.

Data collected

apache.cpu.loadapache.performance.cpu_loadCurrent load of the CPU.
apache.current_connectionsapache.conns_totalThe number of active connections currently attached to the HTTP server.
apache.requestsapache.net.request_per_sThe number of requests serviced by the HTTP server per second.
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.sending_replyThe number of workers in each state.state: sending
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.reading_requestThe number of workers in each state.state: reading
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.open_slotThe number of workers in each state.state: open
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.loggingThe number of workers in each state.state: logging
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.keepaliveThe number of workers in each state.state: keepalive
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.idle_cleanupThe number of workers in each state.state: idle_cleanup
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.gracefully_finishingThe number of workers in each state.state: finishing
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.dns_lookupThe number of workers in each state.state: dnslookup
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.closing_connectionThe number of workers in each state.state: closing
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.starting_upThe number of workers in each state.state: starting
apache.scoreboardapache.scoreboard.waiting_for_connectionThe number of workers in each state.state: waiting
apache.uptimeapache.performance.uptimeThe amount of time that the server has been running in seconds.
apache.workersapache.performance.idle_workersThe number of workers currently attached to the HTTP server.workers_state: idle
apache.workersapache.performance.busy_workersThe number of workers currently attached to the HTTP server.workers_state: busy

See OpenTelemetry Metrics Mapping for more information.

Further reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: brett.blue/add-otel-integrations