Migrating to Hourly and Monthly Usage Attribution APIs


This guide provides instructions for migrating from the v1 usage attribution APIs to the v2 APIs. The v1 APIs are deprecated, and there are two types: The monthly API (Get usage attribution), and the file based APIs (Get the list of available daily custom reports, Get specified daily custom reports, Get the list of available monthly custom reports, and Get specified monthly custom reports). To use this guide, find the section below for the v1 APIs you are currently using, and follow the instructions to migrate to the corresponding v2 APIs.

Note: Any mention of v1 and v2 in this document does not refer to the version in the URL path. All APIs this documentation are the first versions with their respective paths, and so use v1 in the URL path.

Monthly API

Get usage attribution

This API provides monthly usage attribution.

The v2 monthly usage attribution API Get monthly usage attribution also provides monthly usage attribution and supports querying by combinations of tags.

See the sections below for the differences between the v1 and v2 API, and recommendations for migrating to the v2 API.


In the v1 API, you configure pagination through the query parameters offset and limit. The value in metadata.pagination.total_number_of_records provides the total number of records in all pages.

In the v2 API, you configure pagination through the next_record_id query parameter. The starting value for the next page is returned in metadata.pagination.next_record_id. There is no total number of records in the response.

To migrate to the v2 API, use the next_record_id to advance through pages as described on the API documentation page.

Tag Breakdown

In the v1 API, the usage data is broken down for each tag separately in the same response. This leads to seemingly duplicate data, in which the same resource is counted by multiple tags such as a, b, and c separately.

In the v2 API, you can select the tag breakdown by supplying a tag configuration in the tag_breakdown_keys parameter. You can specify one tag at a time, or multiple tags as a comma separated list. Supplying multiple tags returns usage filtered by the combination of those tags.

To migrate to the v2 API, specify the tags to use in the tag_breakdown_keys parameter. To get the same breakdowns as the v1 API, make separate requests for each tag.


In the v1 API, the aggregates section contains sums of all possible records, resulting in three times the real total because data is triplicated across three different tags. Example:

  "field": "infra_host_usage",
  "value": 293880,
  "agg_type": "sum"

In the v2 API, the aggregates section only contains sums of the records for the tag combination used. Example:

"field": "infra_host_usage",
"value": 97960,
"agg_type": "sum"

To migrate to the v2 API, use the aggregates, as those values represent the total usage for the organization for the months requested.

Decimal Values

In the v1 API, some usage is returned with decimal precision. Example: "cws_containers_usage": 1105642.92

In the v2 API, usage is returned with integer precision. Example: "cws_containers_usage": 1105643

It is not possible to convert from the integer values to the decimal values. The integer values are the rounded decimal values.

Product families

In the v1 API, usage for serverless monitoring is under:

  • lambda_functions_usage
  • lambda_functions_percentage
  • lambda_invocations_usage
  • lambda_invocations_percentage

In the v2 API, usage for serverless monitoring is under:

  • functions_usage
  • functions_percentage
  • invocations_usage
  • invocations_percentage

These usage types are functionally equivalent; the only difference is the new field name.

File Based APIs

This set of APIs provides links to download zip files of the usage attribution data, in daily and monthly granularity.

Get the list of available daily custom reports

This API produces a list of available downloads. As the file downloads are deprecated, there is no replacement for this API.

Get specified daily custom reports

This API returns a link to download a zip file of the usage attribution data for all products for a given day. The zip file contains a TSV (tab separated value) file for each product.

The Get hourly usage attribution API provides this same data.

See the sections below for differences between the v1 and v2 API and recommendations for migrating to the v2 API.

Response format

In the v1 API, the response contains a link to a ZIP file, that contains a TSV file per product.

In the v2 API, the response returns the usage attribution data in JSON format.

To migrate to the v2 API, your processes must handle the data in JSON format. You can apply transformations as needed to the JSON data to create the format that best suits your needs.

Tag breakdown

In the v1 API, usage data is broken down by all chosen tags.

In the v2 API, you can select the tag breakdown by supplying a tag configuration in tag_breakdown_keys, as a comma-separated list.

To migrate to the v2 API, specify all chosen tags in the tag_breakdown_keys query parameter.

Tag keys

In the v1 API, chosen tag keys are presented as headers in the TSV file. Example:

public_id       formatted_timestamp     env     service total_usage
abc123          2022-01-01 00:00:00     prod    web     100

In the v2 API, chosen tags are keys in the tags object of each item in the usage array of the response. Example:

  "tags": {
    "service": [
    "env": [

To migrate to the v2 API, retrieve from the tags object on each response row.

Tag values

In the v1 API, if a resource has the same tag multiple times, it appears as a pipe (|) separated string in the column of the tag.


public_id       formatted_timestamp     env     service               total_usage
abc123          2022-01-01 00:00:00     prod    authentication|web    100

In the v2 API, the value corresponding to each tag key in the tags object is an array. If a resource has the same tag multiple times, then it indicates that there are multiple items in this list.


  "tags": {
    "service": [
    "env": [

To migrate to the v2 API, your processes must handle resources with the same tag applied multiple times. Tag values in the v2 response array appear in the same order as they appear in the pipe-separated string in the v1 response, so you can join the array with pipe characters to produce the same tag values as the v1 response.

Total usage

In the v1 API, the total usage is called total_usage in the CSV header.

In the v2 API, the total usage is called total_usage_sum, and is a key in each object in the usage array.

To migrate to the v2 API, use the key total_usage_sum to extract the usage value.

Total usage data type

The v1 API uses CSV, which has no way to specify data types (although total usage is always a number).

In the v2 API, total usage is an integer.

To migrate to the v2 API, handle the total usage as an integer.

Time format

In the v1 API, time is formatted YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.

In the v2 API, time is formatted YYYY-MM-DDThh.

Data in the v1 format always has the value 0 for minute and second (the data is hourly). The data in the v2 format can be parsed and treated as equivalent to the parsed time of the v1 format.

Child organizations

In the v1 API, the file contains only data for the tag configuration set on the parent org. This includes any child orgs of the parent, because tag configurations are also applied to child orgs.

In the v2 API, if the parameter include_descendants=true is supplied (this is the default), then the response contains data for the parent org and all children of the parent. This includes all data from tag configurations inherited from the parent org to the child orgs, and also includes any tag configurations set directly on those child orgs. The origin of a given tag configuration can be discerned from the tag_config_source field.

To migrate to the v2 API, pass the include_descendants=true parameter. To get the same values as the v1 response, filter out any records in the response that do not match the tag_config_source of the tag configuration from the parent org.

Data range

In the v1 API, data is returned for one day at a time. The date is specified in the record_id parameter of the request.

In the v2 API, you can retrieve data for arbitrary time bounds, up to 24 hours at a time, using the start_hr and end_hr parameters.

To migrate to the v2 API, request data with start_hr as midnight (00 hour) on the desired day and end_hr as midnight on the next day.


In the v1 API, data is not paginated. This can result in very large files.

In the v2 API, data is paginated. If a response takes up more than one page, the id for fetching the next page is provided in the field metadata.pagination.next_record_id. This can be supplied in the query parameter next_record_id to retrieve the next page.

To migrate to the v2 API, retrieve all pages for the given day.

Data cardinality

In the v1 API, data is broken down by all three tags.

In the v2 API, data is broken down as specified in the query parameter tag_breakdown_keys.

To migrate to the v2 API, supply all chosen tags in the parameter tag_breakdown_keys.

Usage type names

In the v1 API, files are named daily_<product>_<date>.tsv.

In the v2 API, usage types always have the _usage suffix.

To migrate to the v2 API, provide the _usage suffix to all usage types.

Usage types renamed

The v1 API contains files for:

  • apm
  • infra
  • lambda_invocations
  • lambda_functions
  • profiled_containers
  • npm
  • profiled_hosts

In the v2 API, the corresponding usage types are:

  • apm_host_usage
  • infra_host_usage
  • invocations_usage
  • functions_usage
  • profiled_container_usage
  • npm_host_usage
  • profiled_host_usage

To migrate to the v2 API, map specified usage types to the updated names.

Timeseries usage type

In the v1 API, the timeseries file contains usage for both standard and custom timeseries.

In the v2 API, there is one custom_timeseries_usage usage type.

Datadog only bills for custom timeseries usage, so standard timeseries usage is not needed.

Synthetics usage type

In the v1 API, the synthetics file contains usage for both API and browser tests.

In the v2 API, there are two synthetics usage types, api_usage and browser_usage.

To migrate to the v2 API, use the new usage types for retrieving synthetics usage.

Get the list of available monthly custom reports

This API produces a list of available downloads. Since the file downloads are deprecated, there is no replacement for this API.

Get specified monthly custom reports

This API returns a link to download a ZIP file of the usage attribution data for all products for a given month. The ZIP file contains a TSV file for each product, as well as a summary file for each tag. The approaches to replicate the two different types of files are described below.

Hourly data by product files

The hourly data files use the naming format monthly_<product>_<date>.tsv. Each product file is a concatenated version of the daily zip files available from Get specified daily custom reports .

The Get hourly usage attribution API provides this same data.

As the hourly data files are very similar to files available from Get specified daily custom reports , the same guide applies, except the recommendation for time ranges. To migrate from the v1 monthly files, request all pages for each day in the month. Requests are limited to 24 hours at a time in the v2 API.

Monthly summary by tag files

The monthly summary files use the naming format summary_<tag>_<date>.tsv. They provide a rollup for all usage across the month for each tag. The Get monthly usage attribution API provides this same data.

See the sections below for differences between the v1 API and v2 API and recommendations for migrating to the v2 API.

Response format

The v1 API response contains a link to a ZIP file, containing a TSV file for each chosen tag.

The v2 API response returns the usage attribution data in JSON format.

To migrate to the v2 API, your processes must handle the data in JSON format. You can apply transformations as needed to the JSON data to create the format that best suits your needs.

Tag breakdown

In the v1 API, there is a separate TSV file for each chosen tag.

In the v2 API, you can select the tag breakdown by supplying a tag configuration in tag_breakdown_keys as a comma-separated list.

To migrate to the v2 API, make requests with each tag specified individually in tag_breakdown_keys.

Tag values

In the v1 API, if a resource is tagged with the same tag multiple times, it appears as a pipe (|) separated string in the column of the tag.


month   public_id       team        infra_host_usage ....
2022-01 abc123          billing|sre 100

In the v2 API, the value corresponding to each tag key in the tags object is an array. If a resource is tagged with the same tag multiple times, there are multiple items in this list.


  "tags": {
    "team": [

To migrate to the v2 API, your processes must handle resources with the same tag applied multiple times. Tag values in the v2 response array appear in the same order as they appear in the pipe-separated string in the v1 response, so you can join the array with pipe characters to produce the same tag values as the v1 response.

Total usage

In the v1 API, the second row of the file contains aggregated usage for all tags.

In the v2 API, the metadata.aggregates section of the response contains aggregated usage for all tags.

To migrate to the v2 API, retrieve total usage from the metadata.aggregates section.

Usage data type

In the v1 API, some usage is returned with decimal precision. Example:


In the v2 API, usage is returned with integer precision. Example: "container_usage": 55

It is not possible to convert from the integer values to the decimal values. The integer values are the rounded decimal values.

Child organizations

In the v1 API, the file contains only data for the tag configuration set on the parent org. This includes any child orgs of the parent, because tag configurations are also applied to child orgs.

In the v2 API, if the parameter include_descendants=true is supplied (this is the default), the response contains data for the parent org and all children of the parent. This includes all data from tag configurations inherited from the parent org to the child orgs, and also includes any tag configurations set directly on those child orgs. The origin of a given tag configuration can be discerned from the tag_config_source field.

Serverless Monitoring Usage

In the v1 API, usage for serverless monitoring uses the names:

  • lambda_functions_usage
  • lambda_functions_percentage
  • lambda_invocations_usage
  • lambda_invocations_percentage

In the v2 API, usage for serverless monitoring uses the names:

  • functions_usage
  • functions_percentage
  • invocations_usage
  • invocations_percentage

To migrate to the v2 API, look for serverless monitoring usage under the updated field names. These usage types are functionally equivalent; the only difference is the new field name.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

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