El envío doble puede afectar la facturación si estás enviando datos a múltiples organizaciones de Datadog. Para obtener más información sobre cómo afecta esta configuración, contacta con el equipo de asistencia de Datadog.

Información general

Si quieres enviar datos a más de un destino (p. ej., una segunda organización de Datadog u otra infraestructura interna) puedes configurar el Agent para que envíe datos a endpoints adicionales. Si deseas configurarlo para enviar distintos tipos de datos a varios endpoints o claves de API, utiliza las configuraciones que se indican a continuación.

Para ver una lista de destinos de tráfico de red, consulta Network Traffic (tráfico de red).

Métricas y checks de servicio

Puedes añadir la configuración YAML a tu datadog.yaml o iniciar el Agent con las variables de entorno adecuadas.

Configuración YAML

Es necesaria la versión 6.17 o 7.17 del Agent o una posterior.

En datadog.yaml:

  - apikey2
  - apikey3
  - apikey4

Configuración de la variable de entorno

Es necesaria la versión 6.18 o 7.18 del Agent o una posterior.

DD_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS='{\"https://app.datadoghq.com\": [\"apikey2\", \"apikey3\"], \"https://app.datadoghq.eu\": [\"apikey4\"]}'


Configuración YAML

Es necesaria la versión 6.7.0 del Agent o una posterior.

En datadog.yaml:

    - apikey2
    - apikey3
    - apikey4

Configuración de la variable de entorno

Es necesaria la versión 6.19 o 7.19 del Agent o una posterior.

DD_APM_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS='{\"https://trace.agent.datadoghq.com\": [\"apikey2\", \"apikey3\"], \"https://trace.agent.datadoghq.eu\": [\"apikey4\"]}'

Continuous Profiler

Configuración YAML

Es necesaria la versión 6.7.0 del Agent o una posterior.

En datadog.yaml:

    - apikey2
    - apikey3
    - apikey4

Configuración de la variable de entorno

Es necesaria la versión 6.19 o 7.19 del Agent o una posterior.

DD_APM_PROFILING_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS='{\"https://intake.profile.datadoghq.com/api/v2/profile\": [\"apikey2\", \"apikey3\"], \"https://intake.profile.datadoghq.eu/api/v2/profile\": [\"apikey4\"]}'

Nota: Las cargas a endpoints adicionales para el producto Continuous Profiler se realizan mediante el servicio de entrega con el mejor esfuerzo posible.

  • El endpoint principal tiene la máxima prioridad. Las cargas a endpoints adicionales solo se gestionan después de que se hayan completado con éxito las cargas al endpoint principal.
  • Las respuestas de endpoints adicionales no se reenvían de vuelta al generador de perfiles. Los errores que se producen durante la entrega a endpoints adicionales se registran en los logs de errores del Agent.

Live Processes

Configuración YAML

Es necesaria la versión 6.4.0 del Agent o una posterior.

En datadog.yaml:

    - apikey2
    - apikey3
    - apikey4

Configuración de la variable de entorno

Es necesaria la versión 6.20 o 7.20 del Agent o una posterior.

DD_PROCESS_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS='{\"https://process.datadoghq.com\": [\"apikey2\", \"apikey3\"], \"https://process.datadoghq.eu\": [\"apikey4\"]}'

Métricas de Cluster Agent

Configurar el Agent para enviar métricas de Cluster Agent, como Centro de métricas de estado de Kubernetes, a endpoints adicionales.

Configuración de HELM

En valores.yaml de Datadog:

      value: '{"https://app.datadoghq.com": ["apikey2"]}'

Proveedor de métricas de Cluster Agent

Para asegurar que el autoescalado es resistente a fallos, configura el Cluster Agent para ejecutar tus consultas de métricas para el HPA contra tus múltiples regiones de Datadog con datos de doble envío. Configura el manifiesto de Cluster Agent de Datadog con varios endpoints:


  - api_key: <DATADOG_API_KEY>
    app_key: <DATADOG_APP_KEY>
    url: https://app.datadoghq.eu
  - api_key: <DATADOG_API_KEY>
    app_key: <DATADOG_APP_KEY>
    url: https://app.datadoghq.com


Configuración de HELM

En valores.yaml de Datadog:

        - apikey2
        - apikey2 

        - apikey2 

Configuración de la variable de entorno

DD_ORCHESTRATOR_EXPLORER_ORCHESTRATOR_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS='{\"https://orchestrator.datadoghq.com\": [\"apikey2\", \"apikey3\"], \"https://orchestrator.datadoghq.eu\": [\"apikey4\"]}'

CI Visibility

Configuración YAML

Es necesaria la versión 6.38 o 7.38 del Agent o una posterior.

En datadog.yaml:

    - apikey2
    - apikey3
    - apikey4

Configuración de la variable de entorno

DD_EVP_PROXY_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS='{\"https://<VERSION>-app.agent.datadoghq.com\": [\"apikey2\", \"apikey3\"], \"https://<VERSION>-app.agent.datadoghq.eu\": [\"apikey4\"]}'


TCP necesita la versión 6.6 del Agent o una posterior.
HTTPS necesita la versión 6.13 del Agent o una posterior.

Configuración YAML

En datadog.yaml:

  use_http: true
  - api_key: "apiKey2"
    Host: "agent-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com"
    Port: 443
    is_reliable: true

Configuración de la variable de entorno

Es necesaria la versión 6.18 o 7.18 del Agent o una posterior.

DD_LOGS_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS="[{\"api_key\": \"apiKey2\", \"Host\": \"agent-http-intake.logs.datadoghq.com\", \"Port\": 443, \"is_reliable\": true}]"

When setting up additional endpoints, you must explicitly set use_http to tell the Agent which transport to use. The same transport configuration is shared among all additional endpoints.

The is_reliable setting (First available in Agent 7.34.0) tells the Agent to treat this endpoint with the same priority as the primary endpoint. The primary endpoint is always reliable. This ensures that data is not missed if a destination becomes unavailable.

For example, if you’re sending data to the main endpoint and an additional endpoint with is_reliable: true, and one endpoint becomes unavailable, data continues to flow to the other endpoint. If both endpoints become unavailable, the Agent stops reading and sending data until at least one endpoint recovers. This ensures all data makes it to at least one reliable endpoint.

The is_reliable setting defaults to true in Agent 7.37.0+. Unreliable endpoints only send data if at least one reliable endpoint is available. You may define multiple additional endpoints with a mixed usage of is_reliable values. Datadog recommends that you use the default is_reliable setting.

You can add the YAML configuration to your datadog.yaml or launch the Agent with the appropriate environment variables.

Monitorización de base de datos

Configuración YAML

Es necesaria la versión 6.29 o 7.29 del Agent o una posterior.

En datadog.yaml:

    use_http: true
    - api_key: "apiKey2"
      Host: "dbm-metrics-intake.datadoghq.com"
      Port: 443
      is_reliable: true
    use_http: true
    - api_key: "apiKey2"
      Host: "dbquery-intake.datadoghq.com"
      Port: 443
      is_reliable: true
    use_http: true
    - api_key: "apiKey2"
      Host: "dbm-metrics-intake.datadoghq.com"
      Port: 443
      is_reliable: true

Configuración de la variable de entorno

DD_DATABASE_MONITORING_SAMPLES_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS="[{\"api_key\": \"apiKey2\", \"Host\": \"dbm-metrics-intake.datadoghq.com\", \"Port\": 443, \"is_reliable\": true}]"
DD_DATABASE_MONITORING_ACTIVITY_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS="[{\"api_key\": \"apiKey2\", \"Host\": \"dbquery-intake.datadoghq.com\", \"Port\": 443, \"is_reliable\": true}]"
DD_DATABASE_MONITORING_METRICS_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS="[{\"api_key\": \"apiKey2\", \"Host\": \"dbm-metrics-intake.datadoghq.com\", \"Port\": 443, \"is_reliable\": true}]"

When setting up additional endpoints, you must explicitly set use_http to tell the Agent which transport to use. The same transport configuration is shared among all additional endpoints.

The is_reliable setting (First available in Agent 7.34.0) tells the Agent to treat this endpoint with the same priority as the primary endpoint. The primary endpoint is always reliable. This ensures that data is not missed if a destination becomes unavailable.

For example, if you’re sending data to the main endpoint and an additional endpoint with is_reliable: true, and one endpoint becomes unavailable, data continues to flow to the other endpoint. If both endpoints become unavailable, the Agent stops reading and sending data until at least one endpoint recovers. This ensures all data makes it to at least one reliable endpoint.

The is_reliable setting defaults to true in Agent 7.37.0+. Unreliable endpoints only send data if at least one reliable endpoint is available. You may define multiple additional endpoints with a mixed usage of is_reliable values. Datadog recommends that you use the default is_reliable setting.

You can add the YAML configuration to your datadog.yaml or launch the Agent with the appropriate environment variables.

Dispositivos de red

Configuración YAML

Es necesaria la versión 6.29 o 7.29 del Agent o una posterior.

En datadog.yaml:

    use_http: true
    - api_key: "apiKey2"
      Host: "ndm-intake.datadoghq.com"
      Port: 443
      is_reliable: true
      use_http: true
      - api_key: "apiKey2"
        Host: "ndm-intake.datadoghq.com"
        Port: 443
        is_reliable: true
      use_http: true
      - api_key: "apiKey2"
        Host: "ndm-intake.datadoghq.com"
        Port: 443
        is_reliable: true

Configuración de la variable de entorno

DD_NETWORK_DEVICES_METADATA_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS="[{\"api_key\": \"apiKey2\", \"Host\": \"ndm-intake.datadoghq.com\", \"Port\": 443, \"is_reliable\": true}]"

When setting up additional endpoints, you must explicitly set use_http to tell the Agent which transport to use. The same transport configuration is shared among all additional endpoints.

The is_reliable setting (First available in Agent 7.34.0) tells the Agent to treat this endpoint with the same priority as the primary endpoint. The primary endpoint is always reliable. This ensures that data is not missed if a destination becomes unavailable.

For example, if you’re sending data to the main endpoint and an additional endpoint with is_reliable: true, and one endpoint becomes unavailable, data continues to flow to the other endpoint. If both endpoints become unavailable, the Agent stops reading and sending data until at least one endpoint recovers. This ensures all data makes it to at least one reliable endpoint.

The is_reliable setting defaults to true in Agent 7.37.0+. Unreliable endpoints only send data if at least one reliable endpoint is available. You may define multiple additional endpoints with a mixed usage of is_reliable values. Datadog recommends that you use the default is_reliable setting.

You can add the YAML configuration to your datadog.yaml or launch the Agent with the appropriate environment variables.

Errores en la gestión de la seguridad en la nube

Configuración YAML

En datadog.yaml:

    use_http: true
    - api_key: "apiKey2"
      Host: "https://<VERSION>-app.agent.datadoghq.eu"
      Port: 443
      is_reliable: true

Configuración de la variable de entorno

DD_COMPLIANCE_CONFIG_ENDPOINTS_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS="[{\"api_key\": \"apiKey2\", \"Host\": \"https://<VERSION>-app.agent.datadoghq.eu\", \"Port\": 443, \"is_reliable\": true}]"

When setting up additional endpoints, you must explicitly set use_http to tell the Agent which transport to use. The same transport configuration is shared among all additional endpoints.

The is_reliable setting (First available in Agent 7.34.0) tells the Agent to treat this endpoint with the same priority as the primary endpoint. The primary endpoint is always reliable. This ensures that data is not missed if a destination becomes unavailable.

For example, if you’re sending data to the main endpoint and an additional endpoint with is_reliable: true, and one endpoint becomes unavailable, data continues to flow to the other endpoint. If both endpoints become unavailable, the Agent stops reading and sending data until at least one endpoint recovers. This ensures all data makes it to at least one reliable endpoint.

The is_reliable setting defaults to true in Agent 7.37.0+. Unreliable endpoints only send data if at least one reliable endpoint is available. You may define multiple additional endpoints with a mixed usage of is_reliable values. Datadog recommends that you use the default is_reliable setting.

You can add the YAML configuration to your datadog.yaml or launch the Agent with the appropriate environment variables.

Amenazas para la gestión de la seguridad en la nube

Configuración YAML

En datadog.yaml:

    use_http: true
    - api_key: "apiKey2"
      Host: "https://<VERSION>-app.agent.datadoghq.eu"
      Port: 443
      is_reliable: true

Configuración de la variable de entorno

DD_RUNTIME_SECURITY_CONFIG_ENDPOINTS_ADDITIONAL_ENDPOINTS="[{\"api_key\": \"apiKey2\", \"Host\": \"https://<VERSION>-app.agent.datadoghq.eu\", \"Port\": 443, \"is_reliable\": true}]"

When setting up additional endpoints, you must explicitly set use_http to tell the Agent which transport to use. The same transport configuration is shared among all additional endpoints.

The is_reliable setting (First available in Agent 7.34.0) tells the Agent to treat this endpoint with the same priority as the primary endpoint. The primary endpoint is always reliable. This ensures that data is not missed if a destination becomes unavailable.

For example, if you’re sending data to the main endpoint and an additional endpoint with is_reliable: true, and one endpoint becomes unavailable, data continues to flow to the other endpoint. If both endpoints become unavailable, the Agent stops reading and sending data until at least one endpoint recovers. This ensures all data makes it to at least one reliable endpoint.

The is_reliable setting defaults to true in Agent 7.37.0+. Unreliable endpoints only send data if at least one reliable endpoint is available. You may define multiple additional endpoints with a mixed usage of is_reliable values. Datadog recommends that you use the default is_reliable setting.

You can add the YAML configuration to your datadog.yaml or launch the Agent with the appropriate environment variables.

Envío doble en Kubernetes

Si estás utilizando el Datadog Agent Helm chart, debes configurar estos ajustes con un configmap. En valores.yaml, configura useConfigMap: verdadero y añade los ajustes pertinentes a customAgentConfig.

# agents.useConfigMap -- Configures a configmap to provide the agent configuration. Use this in combination with the `agents.customAgentConfig` parameter.
  useConfigMap:  true

  # agents.customAgentConfig -- Specify custom contents for the datadog agent config (datadog.yaml)
  ## ref: https://docs.datadoghq.com/agent/configuration/agent-configuration-files/?tab=agentv6
  ## ref: https://github.com/DataDog/datadog-agent/blob/main/pkg/config/config_template.yaml
  ## Note the `agents.useConfigMap` needs to be set to `true` for this parameter to be taken into account.
      - apikey2
      - apikey3
      - apikey4

      use_http: true
      - api_key: "apiKey2"
        Host: ""
        Port: 443
        is_reliable: true

Si utilizas el Datadog Agent operator (operador de Datadog Agent), también puedes configurar la tecla agent.customConfig.configData. Todas las claves configurables están documentadas en v1 y v2.

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