Amazon Kinesis


Amazon Kinesis est un service entièrement géré dans le cloud assurant en temps réel le traitement de grands flux de données distribués.

Activez cette intégration pour visualiser dans Datadog toutes vos métriques et vos tags personnalisés de Kinesis.



Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez d’abord l’intégration Amazon Web Services. Aucune autre procédure d’installation n’est requise.

Collecte de métriques

  1. Dans le carré d’intégration AWS, assurez-vous que l’option Kinesis est cochée dans la section concernant la collecte des métriques.

  2. Ajoutez ces autorisations à votre stratégie IAM Datadog afin de recueillir des métriques d’Amazon Kinesis :

    • kinesis:ListStreams : répertorie les flux disponibles.
    • kinesis:DescribeStream : ajoute des tags et de nouvelles métriques pour les flux de Kinesis.
    • kinesis:ListTagsForStream : ajoute des tags personnalisés.

    Pour en savoir plus, consultez la section relative aux stratégies Kinesis de la documentation AWS.

  3. Installez l’intégration Datadog/AWS Kinesis.

Collecte de logs

Activer le logging

Datadog est l’une des destinations par défaut pour les streams Amazon Kinesis Delivery. Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose est entièrement géré par AWS : vous n’avez donc pas besoin de maintenir une infrastructure supplémentaire ou une configuration de redirection pour le streaming de logs.

Vous pouvez configurer un stream Kinesis Firehose Delivery dans la console AWS Firehose, ou configurer automatiquement la destination à l’aide d’un modèle CloudFormation :

Toutefois, si vous envoyez vos logs vers un compartiment S3, utilisez la fonction AWS Lambda. Assurez-vous que amazon_kinesis est défini en tant que Target prefix.

  1. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez la fonction Lambda de collecte de logs AWS avec Datadog.

  2. Une fois la fonction Lambda installée, ajoutez manuellement un déclencheur sur le compartiment S3 ou sur le groupe de logs CloudWatch qui contient vos logs Amazon Kinesis dans la console AWS :

Données collectées


Average number of bytes per GetRecords operation
Shown as byte
Maximum number of bytes per GetRecords operation
Shown as byte
Minimum number of bytes per GetRecords operation
Shown as byte
Total number of bytes returned over all GetRecords operations
Shown as byte
Average difference between the current time and when the last record of a GetRecords call was written to the stream.
Shown as second
Maximum difference between the current time and when the last record of a GetRecords call was written to the stream.
Shown as second
Difference between the current time and when the last record of a GetRecords call was written to the stream.
Shown as millisecond
Maximum difference between the current time and when the last record of a GetRecords call was written to the stream.
Shown as millisecond
Average time taken per GetRecords operation.
Shown as millisecond
Maximum time taken per GetRecords operation.
Shown as millisecond
Average number of records per GetRecords operation
Shown as record
Maximum number of records per GetRecords operation
Shown as record
Minimum number of records per GetRecords operation
Shown as record
Total number of records returned over all GetRecords operations
Shown as record
Sum of successful GetRecords operations per stream.
Shown as event
Average number of successful GetRecords operations per stream.
Shown as event
Average number of bytes successfully put to the Amazon Kinesis stream per operation.
Shown as byte
Total number of bytes successfully put to the Amazon Kinesis stream.
Shown as byte
Total number of records sucessfully put to the Amazon Kinesis stream.
Shown as record
Average number of records sucessfully put to the Amazon Kinesis stream per operation.
Shown as record
The age of the last record in all GetRecords calls made against a shard, measured over the specified time period.
Shown as millisecond
Average number of bytes retrieved in a GetRecords operation
Shown as byte
Total number of bytes retrieved from the Amazon Kinesis stream
Shown as byte
The number of records retrieved from the shard, measured over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The average number of records retrieved from the shard, measured over the specified time period.
Shown as record
Average number of bytes per PutRecord operation
Shown as byte
Maximum number of bytes per PutRecord operation
Shown as byte
Minimum number of bytes per PutRecord operation
Shown as byte
Total number of bytes for all PutRecord operation
Shown as byte
Average time taken per PutRecord operation.
Shown as millisecond
Maximum time taken per PutRecord operation.
Shown as millisecond
Sum of successful PutRecord operations per Amazon Kinesis stream.
Shown as event
Average number of successful PutRecord operations per Amazon Kinesis stream.
Shown as event
Average number of bytes per PutRecords operation.
Shown as byte
Maximum number of bytes per PutRecords operation.
Shown as byte
Minimum number of bytes per PutRecords operation.
Shown as byte
Total number of bytes for all PutRecords operation.
Shown as byte
The number of records rejected due to internal failures in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, summed over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records rejected due to internal failures in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, averaged over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records rejected due to internal failures in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, maximum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records rejected due to internal failures in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, minimum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
Average time taken per PutRecords operation.
Shown as millisecond
Maximum time taken for all PutRecords operation.
Shown as millisecond
Average number of records per PutRecords operation
Shown as record
Maximum number of records for PutRecords operations
Shown as record
Minimum number of records for PutRecords operations
Shown as record
Total number of records for PutRecords operations
Shown as record
Sum of successful PutRecords operations per Amazon Kinesis stream.
Shown as event
Average number of successful PutRecords operations per Amazon Kinesis stream.
Shown as event
The number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, summed over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, averaged over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, maximum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of successful records in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, minimum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records rejected due to throttling in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, summed over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records rejected due to throttling in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, averaged over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records rejected due to throttling in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, maximum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records rejected due to throttling in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, minimum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The total number of records sent in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, summed over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The total number of records sent in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, averaged over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The total number of records sent in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, maximum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The total number of records sent in a PutRecords operation per Kinesis data stream, minimum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
Number of GetRecords calls throttled for the stream
Shown as record
Average of GetRecords calls throttled for the stream
Shown as record
Maximum number of GetRecords calls throttled for the stream
Shown as record
Minimum number of GetRecords calls throttled for the stream
Shown as record
The number of bytes received from the shard, averaged over the specified time period.
Shown as byte
The number of bytes received from the shard, maximum over the specified time period.
Shown as byte
The number of bytes received from the shard, minimum over the specified time period.
Shown as byte
The number of bytes received from the shard, summed over the specified time period.
Shown as byte
The difference between the current time and when the last record of the SubscribeToShard event was written to the stream.
Shown as millisecond
The difference between the current time and when the last record of the SubscribeToShard event was written to the stream.
Shown as millisecond
The number of records received from the shard, averaged over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records received from the shard, maximum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records received from the shard, minimum over the specified time period.
Shown as record
The number of records received from the shard, summed over the specified time period.
Shown as record
This metric is emitted every time an event is published successfully. It is only emitted when there's an active subscription.
Shown as event
This metric is emitted every time an event is published successfully. It is only emitted when there's an active subscription.
Shown as event
This metric is emitted when a new subscription attempt fails because there already is an active subscription by the same consumer or if you exceed the number of calls per second allowed for this operation.
Shown as record
This metric is emitted when a new subscription attempt fails because there already is an active subscription by the same consumer or if you exceed the number of calls per second allowed for this operation.
Shown as record
This metric is emitted when a new subscription attempt fails because there already is an active subscription by the same consumer or if you exceed the number of calls per second allowed for this operation.
Shown as record
This metric is emitted when a new subscription attempt fails because there already is an active subscription by the same consumer or if you exceed the number of calls per second allowed for this operation.
Shown as record
This metric records whether the SubscribeToShard subscription was successfully established. The subscription only lives for at most 5 minutes. Therefore, this metric gets emitted at least once every 5 minutes.
Shown as event
This metric records whether the SubscribeToShard subscription was successfully established. The subscription only lives for at most 5 minutes. Therefore, this metric gets emitted at least once every 5 minutes.
Shown as event
Number of records rejected due to throttling for the stream
Shown as record
Average of records rejected due to throttling for the stream
Shown as record
Maximum number of records rejected due to throttling for the stream
Shown as record
Minimum number of records rejected due to throttling for the stream
Shown as record

Chacune des métriques récupérées à partir d’AWS se voit assigner les mêmes tags que ceux qui apparaissent dans la console AWS, y compris, mais sans s’y limiter, le hostname et les groupes de sécurité.


L’intégration AWS Kinesis n’inclut aucun événement.

Checks de service

L’intégration AWS Kinesis n’inclut aucun check de service.


Besoin d’aide ? Contactez l’assistance Datadog.