Amazon Elemental MediaTailor


AWS Elemental MediaTailor est un service de personnalisation et de monétisation de contenu permettant aux distributeurs de vidéos de mettre en place du contenu publicitaire évolutif côté serveur.

Activez cette intégration pour visualiser dans Datadog toutes vos métriques de Elemental MediaTailor.



Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez d’abord l’intégration Amazon Web Services.

Collecte de métriques

  1. Dans le carré d’intégration AWS, assurez-vous que l’option MediaTailor est cochée dans la section concernant la collecte des métriques.
  2. Installez l’intégration Datadog/Amazon Elemental MediaTailor.

Collecte de logs

Activer le logging

Configurez Amazon MediaTailor de façon à ce que ses logs soient envoyés vers un compartiment S3 ou vers CloudWatch.

Remarque : si vous envoyez vos logs vers un compartiment S3, assurez-vous que amazon_mediatailor est défini en tant que Target prefix.

Envoyer des logs à Datadog

  1. Si vous ne l’avez pas déjà fait, configurez la fonction Lambda de collecte de logs AWS avec Datadog.

  2. Une fois la fonction Lambda installée, ajoutez manuellement un déclencheur sur le compartiment S3 ou sur le groupe de logs CloudWatch qui contient vos logs Amazon MediaTailor dans la console AWS :

Données collectées


The number of 4xx errors.
Shown as error
The number of 5xx errors.
Shown as error
The count of ads included in ad decision server (ADS) responses for the time period that you specified.
The total duration in milliseconds of all ads that MediaTailor received from the ADS in the time period that you specified.
Shown as millisecond
The number of non-HTTP 200 status code responses empty responses and timed-out responses that MediaTailor received from the ADS in the time period that you specified.
Shown as error
The simple average of the rates at which the responses from the ADS fill the times available for the corresponding ad avails.
Shown as percent
The response time in milliseconds for requests made by MediaTailor to the ADS.
Shown as millisecond
The number of timed-out requests to the ADS in the time period that you specified.
The number of times that the ADS pointed at an ad that wasn't yet transcoded by the internal transcoder service.
The number of ads for which MediaTailor bills customers based on insertion.
The total duration in milliseconds of all ad avails that MediaTailor encountered in the time period that you specified.
Shown as millisecond
The simple average of the rate at which MediaTailor filled ad avails.
Shown as percent
The total duration in milliseconds of all ad avails that MediaTailor filled in the time period that you specified.
Shown as millisecond
The number of ads with impression tracking events that MediaTailor sees during server-side beaconing (not the number of impressions).
The observed total number of milliseconds of ad avails that occurred within the CloudWatch time period. Avail.ObservedDuration is emitted at the end of the ad avail, and is based on the duration of the segments reported in the manifest during the ad avail.
Shown as millisecond
The observed simple average of the rates at which MediaTailor filled individual ad avails within the CloudWatch time period.
Shown as percent
The observed number of milliseconds of ad avail time that MediaTailor filled with ads within the CloudWatch time period.
Shown as millisecond
The observed total number of milliseconds of slate that was inserted within the CloudWatch period.
Shown as millisecond
The number of errors received when MediaTailor is generating manifests.
Shown as error
The MediaTailor response time in milliseconds for the request to generate manifests.
Shown as millisecond
The number of non-HTTP 200 status code responses and timed-out responses that MediaTailor received from the origin server in the time period that you specified.
Shown as error
The response time for requests made by MediaTailor to your content origin server.
Shown as millisecond
The file size of the origin manifest in bytes for both HLS and DASH. Typically this metric is used in conjunction with Origin.ManifestFileSizeTooLarge.
Shown as byte
The number of responses from the origin that have a manifest size larger than the configured amount. Typically this metric is used in conjunction with Origin.ManifestFileSizeBytes.
The number of timed-out requests to the origin server in the time period that you specified.
The total number of requests. The transaction count depends largely on how often players request updated manifests and the number of players. Each player request counts as a transaction.
Shown as request
The number of concurrent transactions per second across all request types. The transaction count depends mainly on the number of players and how often the players request updated manifests. Each player request counts as a transaction.
Shown as request
The number of ads that were not inserted into an avail because the ADS returned a duration of ads that was greater than the specified avail duration. A high value for this metric might contribute to a discrepancy between the Avail.Ads and AdDecisionServer.Ads metric.
The number of ads skipped due to an early CUE-IN.
The number of ads skipped due to a MediaTailor internal error.
The number of ads that were not inserted into an avail because it was the first time the asset had been requested by a client. A high value for this metric might temporarily contribute to a low overall Avail.FillRate, until assets can be successfully transcoded.
The number of ads skipped due to there being no variant match between the ad and content.
The duration of ads exceeding the Personalization Threshold setting in this configuration.
The number of ads skipped due to the transcoding profile not being found.
The number of ads skipped due to a transcode error.
The count of the number of ads that were not inserted into an avail because the ad had not yet been transcoded. A high value for this metric might temporarily contribute to a low overall Avail.FillRate, until the assets can be successfully transcoded
The amount of time that the application server took to process the request, including the time used to receive bytes from and write bytes to the client and network.
Shown as millisecond


L’intégration Amazon Elemental MediaTailor n’inclut aucun événement.

Checks de service

L’intégration Amazon Elemental MediaTailor n’inclut aucun check de service.


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