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Ce check surveille IBM Db2 avec l’Agent Datadog.



Le check IBM Db2 est inclus avec le package de l’Agent Datadog.


La bibliothèque client ibm_db est requise. Pour l’installer, veillez à avoir un compilateur opérationnel et exécutez :

sudo -Hu dd-agent /opt/datadog-agent/embedded/bin/pip install ibm_db==3.0.1

Pour les versions <= 6.11 de l’Agent :

"C:\Program Files\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded\python.exe" -m pip install ibm_db==3.0.1

Pour les versions >= 6.12 et < 7.0 de l’Agent :

"C:\Program Files\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded<VERSION_MAJEURE_PYTHON>\python.exe" -m pip install ibm_db==3.0.1

Pour le versions >= 7.0 de l’Agent :

"C:\Program Files\Datadog\Datadog Agent\embedded3\python.exe" -m pip install ibm_db==3.1.0

Des fonctionnalités XML peuvent être requises sur Linux. Si vous rencontrez des erreurs durant le processus de création, installez libxslt-dev (ou libxslt-devel pour RPM).

Activer la surveillance

Pour surveiller la santé d’une instance, de ses bases de données et de ses objets de base de données, activez les switches de surveillance du système de base de données pour chacun des objets à surveiller :

  • Statement
  • Lock
  • Tables
  • Buffer pool

Basculez sur l’utilisateur principal de l’instance et exécutez ces commandes dans l’invite db2 :

update dbm cfg using HEALTH_MON on
update dbm cfg using DFT_MON_STMT on
update dbm cfg using DFT_MON_LOCK on
update dbm cfg using DFT_MON_TABLE on
update dbm cfg using DFT_MON_BUFPOOL on

Exécutez ensuite get dbm cfg pour obtenir un résultat similaire à ce qui suit :

 Default database monitor switches
   Buffer pool                         (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = ON
   Lock                                   (DFT_MON_LOCK) = ON
   Sort                                   (DFT_MON_SORT) = OFF
   Statement                              (DFT_MON_STMT) = ON
   Table                                 (DFT_MON_TABLE) = ON
   Timestamp                         (DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP) = ON
   Unit of work                            (DFT_MON_UOW) = OFF
 Monitor health of instance and databases   (HEALTH_MON) = ON



Pour configurer ce check lorsque l’Agent est exécuté sur un host :

Collecte de métriques
  1. Modifiez le fichier ibm_db2.d/conf.yaml dans le dossier conf.d/ à la racine du répertoire de configuration de votre Agent pour commencer à recueillir vos données de performance ibm_db2. Consultez le fichier d’exemple ibm_db2.d/conf.yaml pour découvrir toutes les options de configuration disponibles.

  2. Redémarrez l’Agent.

Collecte de logs

Disponible à partir des versions > 6.0 de l’Agent

  1. La collecte de logs est désactivée par défaut dans l’Agent Datadog. Vous devez l’activer dans datadog.yaml :

    logs_enabled: true
  2. Ajoutez ce bloc de configuration à votre fichier ibm_db2.d/conf.yaml pour commencer à recueillir vos logs IBM Db2 :

      - type: file
        path: /home/db2inst1/sqllib/db2dump/db2diag.log
        source: ibm_db2
        service: db2sysc
          - type: multi_line
            name: new_log_start_with_date
            pattern: \d{4}\-(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\-(0?[1-9]|1[012])
  3. Redémarrez l’Agent.

Environnement conteneurisé

Consultez la documentation relative aux modèles d’intégration Autodiscovery pour découvrir comment appliquer les paramètres ci-dessous à un environnement conteneurisé.

Collecte de métriques
<CONFIG_INIT>vide ou {}
<CONFIG_INSTANCE>{"db": "<NOM_BASEDEDONNÉES>", "username":"<NOMUTILISATEUR>", "password":"<MOTDEPASSE>", "host":"%%host%%", "port":"%%port%%"}
Collecte de logs

Disponible à partir des versions > 6.0 de l’Agent

La collecte des logs est désactivée par défaut dans l’Agent Datadog. Pour l’activer, consultez la section Collecte de logs Kubernetes.

<CONFIG_LOG>`{“source”: “ibm_db2”, “service”: “<NOM_SERVICE>”, “log_processing_rules”: {“type”:“multi_line”,“name”:“new_log_start_with_date”, “pattern”:"\d{4}-(0?[1-9]


Lancez la sous-commande status de l’Agent et cherchez ibm_db2 dans la section Checks.

Données collectées

The number of applications that are currently connected to the database.
Shown as connection
The number of applications for which the database manager is currently processing a request.
Shown as connection
The time elapsed since the latest database backup was completed.
Shown as second
The percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a column-organized table data page request.
Shown as percent
The number of column-organized table data pages read from the logical table space containers for temporary, regular, and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The number of column-organized table data pages read from the physical table space containers for temporary, regular, and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The total number of column-organized table data pages read from the table space containers for temporary, regular, and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a data page request.
Shown as percent
The number of data pages read from the logical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The number of data pages read from the physical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The total number of data pages read from the table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The percentage of time that the group database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a column-organized table data page request.
Shown as percent
The percentage of time that the group database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a data page request.
Shown as percent
The percentage of time that the group database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a page request.
Shown as percent
The percentage of time that the group database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service an index page request.
Shown as percent
The percentage of time that the group database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service an index page request.
Shown as percent
The percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service a page request.
Shown as percent
The percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service an index page request.
Shown as percent
The number of index pages read from the logical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The number of index pages read from the physical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The total number of index pages read from the table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The number of pages read from the logical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The number of pages read from the physical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The total number of pages read from the table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The percentage of time that the database manager did not need to load a page from disk to service an index page request.
Shown as percent
The number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) read from the logical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) read from the physical table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The total number of data pages for XML storage objects (XDAs) read from the table space containers for temporary, regular and large table spaces.
Shown as get
The current number of connections.
Shown as connection
The highest number of simultaneous connections to the database since the database was activated.
Shown as connection
The total number of connections to the database since the first connect, activate, or last reset (coordinator agents).
Shown as connection
The number of locks currently held.
Shown as lock
The total number of deadlocks that have occurred.
Shown as lock
The memory pages (4 KiB each) currently in use by the lock list.
Shown as page
The number of times that a request to lock an object timed out instead of being granted.
Shown as lock
The average wait time for a lock.
Shown as millisecond
The number of agents waiting on a lock.
Shown as lock
The disk blocks (4 KiB each) of active log space in the database that is not being used by uncommitted transactions.
Shown as block
The number of log pages read from disk by the logger.
Shown as read
The disk blocks (4 KiB each) of active log space currently used in the database.
Shown as block
The utilization of active log space as a percentage.
Shown as percent
The number of log pages written to disk by the logger.
Shown as write
The total number of rows inserted, updated, or deleted.
Shown as row
The total number of rows that had to be read in order to return result sets.
Shown as row
The total number of rows that have been selected by and returned to applications.
Shown as row
The total size of the table space in bytes.
Shown as byte
The total usable size of the table space in bytes.
Shown as byte
The total used size of the table space in bytes.
Shown as byte
The utilization of the table space as a percentage.
Shown as percent


  • ibm_db2.tablespace_state_change se déclenche à chaque changement d’état d’un tablespace.

Checks de service

Returns CRITICAL if the Agent is unable to connect to the monitored IBM Db2 database, or OK otherwise.
Statuses: ok, critical

Returns CRITICAL if the monitored IBM Db2 database is quiesced, WARNING for quiesce-pending or rollforwards, or OK otherwise.
Statuses: ok, warning, critical, unknown


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