



Provider name: buildConfig
Description: Describes the Build step of the function that builds a container from the given source.

  • build
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: build
    Description: Output only. The Cloud Build name of the latest successful deployment of the function.
  • docker_registry
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: dockerRegistry
    Description: Docker Registry to use for this deployment. This configuration is only applicable to 1st Gen functions, 2nd Gen functions can only use Artifact Registry. If docker_repository field is specified, this field will be automatically set as ARTIFACT_REGISTRY. If unspecified, it currently defaults to CONTAINER_REGISTRY. This field may be overridden by the backend for eligible deployments.
    Possible values:
    • CONTAINER_REGISTRY - Docker images will be stored in multi-regional Container Registry repositories named gcf.
    • ARTIFACT_REGISTRY - Docker images will be stored in regional Artifact Registry repositories. By default, GCF will create and use repositories named gcf-artifacts in every region in which a function is deployed. But the repository to use can also be specified by the user using the docker_repository field.
  • docker_repository
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: dockerRepository
    Description: User managed repository created in Artifact Registry optionally with a customer managed encryption key. This is the repository to which the function docker image will be pushed after it is built by Cloud Build. If unspecified, GCF will create and use a repository named ‘gcf-artifacts’ for every deployed region. It must match the pattern projects/{project}/locations/{location}/repositories/{repository}. Cross-project repositories are not supported. Cross-location repositories are not supported. Repository format must be ‘DOCKER’.
  • entry_point
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: entryPoint
    Description: The name of the function (as defined in source code) that will be executed. Defaults to the resource name suffix, if not specified. For backward compatibility, if function with given name is not found, then the system will try to use function named “function”. For Node.js this is name of a function exported by the module specified in source_location.
  • gcp_source
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: source
    Description: The location of the function source code.
    • git_uri
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: gitUri
      Description: If provided, get the source from GitHub repository. This option is valid only for GCF 1st Gen function. Example: https://github.com///blob//
    • repo_source
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: repoSource
      Description: If provided, get the source from this location in a Cloud Source Repository.
      • branch_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: branchName
        Description: Regex matching branches to build. The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and described at https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax
      • commit_sha
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: commitSha
        Description: Explicit commit SHA to build.
      • dir
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: dir
        Description: Directory, relative to the source root, in which to run the build. This must be a relative path. If a step’s dir is specified and is an absolute path, this value is ignored for that step’s execution. eg. helloworld (no leading slash allowed)
      • project_id
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: projectId
        Description: ID of the project that owns the Cloud Source Repository. If omitted, the project ID requesting the build is assumed.
      • repo_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: repoName
        Description: Name of the Cloud Source Repository.
      • tag_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: tagName
        Description: Regex matching tags to build. The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and described at https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax
    • storage_source
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: storageSource
      Description: If provided, get the source from this location in Google Cloud Storage.
      • bucket
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: bucket
        Description: Google Cloud Storage bucket containing the source (see Bucket Name Requirements).
      • generation
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: generation
        Description: Google Cloud Storage generation for the object. If the generation is omitted, the latest generation will be used.
      • object
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: object
        Description: Google Cloud Storage object containing the source. This object must be a gzipped archive file (.tar.gz) containing source to build.
  • runtime
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: runtime
    Description: The runtime in which to run the function. Required when deploying a new function, optional when updating an existing function. For a complete list of possible choices, see the gcloud command reference.
  • source_provenance
    Type: STRUCT
    Provider name: sourceProvenance
    Description: Output only. A permanent fixed identifier for source.
    • git_uri
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: gitUri
      Description: A copy of the build’s source.git_uri, if exists, with any commits resolved.
    • resolved_repo_source
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: resolvedRepoSource
      Description: A copy of the build’s source.repo_source, if exists, with any revisions resolved.
      • branch_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: branchName
        Description: Regex matching branches to build. The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and described at https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax
      • commit_sha
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: commitSha
        Description: Explicit commit SHA to build.
      • dir
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: dir
        Description: Directory, relative to the source root, in which to run the build. This must be a relative path. If a step’s dir is specified and is an absolute path, this value is ignored for that step’s execution. eg. helloworld (no leading slash allowed)
      • project_id
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: projectId
        Description: ID of the project that owns the Cloud Source Repository. If omitted, the project ID requesting the build is assumed.
      • repo_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: repoName
        Description: Name of the Cloud Source Repository.
      • tag_name
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: tagName
        Description: Regex matching tags to build. The syntax of the regular expressions accepted is the syntax accepted by RE2 and described at https://github.com/google/re2/wiki/Syntax
    • resolved_storage_source
      Type: STRUCT
      Provider name: resolvedStorageSource
      Description: A copy of the build’s source.storage_source, if exists, with any generations resolved.
      • bucket
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: bucket
        Description: Google Cloud Storage bucket containing the source (see Bucket Name Requirements).
      • generation
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: generation
        Description: Google Cloud Storage generation for the object. If the generation is omitted, the latest generation will be used.
      • object
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: object
        Description: Google Cloud Storage object containing the source. This object must be a gzipped archive file (.tar.gz) containing source to build.
  • worker_pool
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: workerPool
    Description: Name of the Cloud Build Custom Worker Pool that should be used to build the function. The format of this field is projects/{project}/locations/{region}/workerPools/{workerPool} where {project} and {region} are the project id and region respectively where the worker pool is defined and {workerPool} is the short name of the worker pool. If the project id is not the same as the function, then the Cloud Functions Service Agent (service-@gcf-admin-robot.iam.gserviceaccount.com) must be granted the role Cloud Build Custom Workers Builder (roles/cloudbuild.customworkers.builder) in the project.


Provider name: description
Description: User-provided description of a function.


Provider name: environment
Description: Describe whether the function is 1st Gen or 2nd Gen.
Possible values:

  • GEN_1 - Gen 1
  • GEN_2 - Gen 2


Provider name: eventTrigger
Description: An Eventarc trigger managed by Google Cloud Functions that fires events in response to a condition in another service.

  • channel
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: channel
    Description: Optional. The name of the channel associated with the trigger in projects/{project}/locations/{location}/channels/{channel} format. You must provide a channel to receive events from Eventarc SaaS partners.
  • event_filters
    Provider name: eventFilters
    Description: Criteria used to filter events.
    • attribute
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: attribute
      Description: Required. The name of a CloudEvents attribute.
    • operator
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: operator
      Description: Optional. The operator used for matching the events with the value of the filter. If not specified, only events that have an exact key-value pair specified in the filter are matched. The only allowed value is match-path-pattern.
    • value
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: value
      Description: Required. The value for the attribute.
  • event_type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: eventType
    Description: Required. The type of event to observe. For example: google.cloud.audit.log.v1.written or google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished.
  • pubsub_topic
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: pubsubTopic
    Description: Optional. The name of a Pub/Sub topic in the same project that will be used as the transport topic for the event delivery. Format: projects/{project}/topics/{topic}. This is only valid for events of type google.cloud.pubsub.topic.v1.messagePublished. The topic provided here will not be deleted at function deletion.
  • retry_policy
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: retryPolicy
    Description: Optional. If unset, then defaults to ignoring failures (i.e. not retrying them).
    Possible values:
    • RETRY_POLICY_UNSPECIFIED - Not specified.
    • RETRY_POLICY_DO_NOT_RETRY - Do not retry.
    • RETRY_POLICY_RETRY - Retry on any failure, retry up to 7 days with an exponential backoff (capped at 10 seconds).
  • service_account_email
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: serviceAccountEmail
    Description: Optional. The email of the trigger’s service account. The service account must have permission to invoke Cloud Run services, the permission is run.routes.invoke. If empty, defaults to the Compute Engine default service account: {project_number}-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com.
  • trigger
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: trigger
    Description: Output only. The resource name of the Eventarc trigger. The format of this field is projects/{project}/locations/{region}/triggers/{trigger}.
  • trigger_region
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: triggerRegion
    Description: The region that the trigger will be in. The trigger will only receive events originating in this region. It can be the same region as the function, a different region or multi-region, or the global region. If not provided, defaults to the same region as the function.


Provider name: kmsKeyName
Description: [Preview] Resource name of a KMS crypto key (managed by the user) used to encrypt/decrypt function resources. It must match the pattern projects/{project}/locations/{location}/keyRings/{key_ring}/cryptoKeys/{crypto_key}.




Provider name: name
Description: A user-defined name of the function. Function names must be unique globally and match pattern projects/*/locations/*/functions/*












Provider name: satisfiesPzs
Description: Output only. Reserved for future use.


Provider name: serviceConfig
Description: Describes the Service being deployed. Currently deploys services to Cloud Run (fully managed).

  • all_traffic_on_latest_revision
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: allTrafficOnLatestRevision
    Description: Whether 100% of traffic is routed to the latest revision. On CreateFunction and UpdateFunction, when set to true, the revision being deployed will serve 100% of traffic, ignoring any traffic split settings, if any. On GetFunction, true will be returned if the latest revision is serving 100% of traffic.
  • available_cpu
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: availableCpu
    Description: [Preview] The number of CPUs used in a single container instance. Default value is calculated from available memory. Supports the same values as Cloud Run, see https://cloud.google.com/run/docs/reference/rest/v1/Container#resourcerequirements Example: “1” indicates 1 vCPU
  • available_memory
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: availableMemory
    Description: The amount of memory available for a function. Defaults to 256M. Supported units are k, M, G, Mi, Gi. If no unit is supplied the value is interpreted as bytes. See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/master/staging/src/k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource/quantity.go a full description.
  • ingress_settings
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: ingressSettings
    Description: The ingress settings for the function, controlling what traffic can reach it.
    Possible values:
    • ALLOW_ALL - Allow HTTP traffic from public and private sources.
    • ALLOW_INTERNAL_ONLY - Allow HTTP traffic from only private VPC sources.
    • ALLOW_INTERNAL_AND_GCLB - Allow HTTP traffic from private VPC sources and through GCLB.
  • max_instance_count
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: maxInstanceCount
    Description: The limit on the maximum number of function instances that may coexist at a given time. In some cases, such as rapid traffic surges, Cloud Functions may, for a short period of time, create more instances than the specified max instances limit. If your function cannot tolerate this temporary behavior, you may want to factor in a safety margin and set a lower max instances value than your function can tolerate. See the Max Instances Guide for more details.
  • max_instance_request_concurrency
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: maxInstanceRequestConcurrency
    Description: [Preview] Sets the maximum number of concurrent requests that each instance can receive. Defaults to 1.
  • min_instance_count
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: minInstanceCount
    Description: The limit on the minimum number of function instances that may coexist at a given time. Function instances are kept in idle state for a short period after they finished executing the request to reduce cold start time for subsequent requests. Setting a minimum instance count will ensure that the given number of instances are kept running in idle state always. This can help with cold start times when jump in incoming request count occurs after the idle instance would have been stopped in the default case.
  • revision
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: revision
    Description: Output only. The name of service revision.
  • secret_volumes
    Provider name: secretVolumes
    Description: Secret volumes configuration.
    • mount_path
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: mountPath
      Description: The path within the container to mount the secret volume. For example, setting the mount_path as /etc/secrets would mount the secret value files under the /etc/secrets directory. This directory will also be completely shadowed and unavailable to mount any other secrets. Recommended mount path: /etc/secrets
    • project_id
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: projectId
      Description: Project identifier (preferably project number but can also be the project ID) of the project that contains the secret. If not set, it is assumed that the secret is in the same project as the function.
    • secret
      Type: STRING
      Provider name: secret
      Description: Name of the secret in secret manager (not the full resource name).
    • versions
      Provider name: versions
      Description: List of secret versions to mount for this secret. If empty, the latest version of the secret will be made available in a file named after the secret under the mount point.
      • path
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: path
        Description: Relative path of the file under the mount path where the secret value for this version will be fetched and made available. For example, setting the mount_path as ‘/etc/secrets’ and path as secret_foo would mount the secret value file at /etc/secrets/secret_foo.
      • version
        Type: STRING
        Provider name: version
        Description: Version of the secret (version number or the string ’latest’). It is preferable to use latest version with secret volumes as secret value changes are reflected immediately.
  • security_level
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: securityLevel
    Description: Security level configure whether the function only accepts https. This configuration is only applicable to 1st Gen functions with Http trigger. By default https is optional for 1st Gen functions; 2nd Gen functions are https ONLY.
    Possible values:
    • SECURE_ALWAYS - Requests for a URL that match this handler that do not use HTTPS are automatically redirected to the HTTPS URL with the same path. Query parameters are reserved for the redirect.
    • SECURE_OPTIONAL - Both HTTP and HTTPS requests with URLs that match the handler succeed without redirects. The application can examine the request to determine which protocol was used and respond accordingly.
  • service
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: service
    Description: Output only. Name of the service associated with a Function. The format of this field is projects/{project}/locations/{region}/services/{service}
  • service_account_email
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: serviceAccountEmail
    Description: The email of the service’s service account. If empty, defaults to {project_number}-compute@developer.gserviceaccount.com.
  • timeout_seconds
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: timeoutSeconds
    Description: The function execution timeout. Execution is considered failed and can be terminated if the function is not completed at the end of the timeout period. Defaults to 60 seconds.
  • uri
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: uri
    Description: Output only. URI of the Service deployed.
  • vpc_connector
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: vpcConnector
    Description: The Serverless VPC Access connector that this cloud function can connect to. The format of this field is projects/*/locations/*/connectors/*.
  • vpc_connector_egress_settings
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: vpcConnectorEgressSettings
    Description: The egress settings for the connector, controlling what traffic is diverted through it.
    Possible values:
    • PRIVATE_RANGES_ONLY - Use the VPC Access Connector only for private IP space from RFC1918.
    • ALL_TRAFFIC - Force the use of VPC Access Connector for all egress traffic from the function.


Provider name: state
Description: Output only. State of the function.
Possible values:

  • STATE_UNSPECIFIED - Not specified. Invalid state.
  • ACTIVE - Function has been successfully deployed and is serving.
  • FAILED - Function deployment failed and the function is not serving.
  • DEPLOYING - Function is being created or updated.
  • DELETING - Function is being deleted.
  • UNKNOWN - Function deployment failed and the function serving state is undefined. The function should be updated or deleted to move it out of this state.


Provider name: stateMessages
Description: Output only. State Messages for this Cloud Function.

  • message
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: message
    Description: The message.
  • severity
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: severity
    Description: Severity of the state message.
    Possible values:
    • SEVERITY_UNSPECIFIED - Not specified. Invalid severity.
    • ERROR - ERROR-level severity.
    • WARNING - WARNING-level severity.
    • INFO - INFO-level severity.
  • type
    Type: STRING
    Provider name: type
    Description: One-word CamelCase type of the state message.




Provider name: updateTime
Description: Output only. The last update timestamp of a Cloud Function.


Provider name: url
Description: Output only. The deployed url for the function.

PREVIEWING: brett.blue/embedded-collector-release