Amazon Athena is an interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) using standard SQL.
Enable this integration to see all your Athena metrics in Datadog.
If you haven’t already, set up the Amazon Web Services integration first.
Metric collection
- In the AWS integration page, ensure that
is enabled under the Metric Collection
tab. - Install the Datadog - Amazon Athena integration.
Data Collected
aws.athena.engine_execution_time (gauge) | The number of milliseconds that the query took to run. Shown as millisecond |
aws.athena.processed_bytes (count) | The amount of data that Athena scanned per query. |
aws.athena.query_planning_time (gauge) | The number of milliseconds that Athena took to plan the query processing flow. Shown as millisecond |
aws.athena.query_queue_time (gauge) | The number of milliseconds that the query was in the query queue waiting for resources. Shown as millisecond |
aws.athena.service_processing_time (gauge) | Number of milliseconds that Athena took to process the query results after the query engine finished running the query. Shown as millisecond |
aws.athena.total_execution_time (gauge) | The total amount of time in milliseconds it takes Athena to run the query Shown as millisecond |
The Amazon Athena integration does not include any events.
Service Checks
The Amazon Athena integration does not include any service checks.
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