Microsoft Exchange Server

Supported OS Windows

통합 버전4.1.0


Microsoft Exchange Server에서 메트릭 가져오기

  • Exchange Server 성능 시각화 및 모니터링



Exchange 검사는 Datadog Agent 패키지에 포함되어 있으므로 서버에 다른 것을 설치할 필요가 없습니다.


  1. Agent의 구성 디렉터리 루트의 conf.d/ 폴더에 있는 exchange_server.d/conf.yaml 파일을 편집하여 Exchange Server 성능 데이터를 수집합니다.

  2. 에이전트를 다시 시작합니다.

참고: 이 검사의 버전 1.11.0 이상에서는 메트릭 수집을 위한 새로운 구현을 사용하며, Python 3이 필요합니다. Python 3를 사용할 수 없는 호스트의 경우 또는 이 검사의 레거시 버전을 사용하려는 경우 다음 구성을 참조하세요.

로그 수집

  1. Datadog 에이전트에서는 로그 수집이 기본적으로 비활성화되어 있습니다. datadog.yaml 파일에서 활성화해야 합니다.

    logs_enabled: true
  2. Exchange Server 로그 수집을 시작하려면 exchange_server.d/conf.yaml 파일에 다음 구성 블록을 추가합니다.

      - type: file
        path: "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\V15\\TransportRoles\\Logs\\CommonDiagnosticsLog\\*"
        source: exchange-server
      - type: file
        path: "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\V15\\TransportRoles\\Logs\\ThrottlingService\\*"
        source: exchange-server
      - type: file
        path: "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft\\Exchange Server\\V15\\TransportRoles\\Logs\\Hub\\Connectivity\\*"
        source: exchange-server

    참고: Exchange Server가 다양한 유형의 로그를 출력하며 지원되는 로그는 CommonDiagnosticsLog, ThrottlingService, Connectivity 로그입니다. 다른 로그 형식을 요청하려면 Datadog 지원팀에 문의하세요.

    path 파라미터 값을 변경하고 환경에 맞게 설정합니다. 사용 가능한 모든 구성 옵션은 샘플 exchange_server.d/conf.yaml을 참조하세요.

  3. 에이전트를 다시 시작합니다.


Agent의 상태 하위 명령을 실행하고 Checks 섹션에서 exchange_server를 찾습니다.

수집한 데이터


Shows the number of active database copies on the server.
Shows the number of ping commands currently pending in the queue.
Shown as command
Shows the number of HTTP requests received from the client via ASP.NET per second. Determines the current Exchange ActiveSync request rate. Used only to determine current user load.
Shown as request
Shows the number of sync commands processed per second. Clients use this command to synchronize items within a folder.
Shown as command
Shows the time in milliseconds (ms) to send an LDAP read request to the specified domain controller and receive a response.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP read request to the specified domain controller and receive a response.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the time (in ms) to send an LDAP search request and receive a response.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the number of Autodiscover service requests processed each second. Determines current user load.
Shown as request
Shows the number of database read operations per second for each attached database instance.
Shown as read
Shows the average length of time, in ms, per passive database read operation.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the number of database write operations per second for each attached database instance.
Shown as write
Shows the average length of time, in ms, per passive database write operation.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the average length of time, in ms, per Log write operation.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the number of log writes per second for each database instance.
Shown as write
Shows the average length of time, in milliseconds (ms), per database read operation.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the average length of time, in ms, per database write operation.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the average time spent authenticating CAS requests over the last 200 samples.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the average latency (ms) of CAS processing time (does not include time spent proxying) over the last 200 requests.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the percentage of connectivity related failures between this Client Access Server and MBX servers over the last 200 samples.
Shown as percent
Shows the number of concurrent outstanding proxy requests.
Shown as request
Shows the number of proxy requests processed each second.
Shown as request
Shows the number of requests processed each second.
Shown as request
Shows the average latency (ms) of MailboxServerLocator web service calls.
Shown as millisecond
Shows a server RPC latency, in ms, averaged for the past 1,024 packets for a particular client protocol.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the number of RPC operations per second for each client type connection.
Shown as operation
RPC Latency average (msec) is the average latency in milliseconds of RPC requests per database. Average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the number of RPC operations per second for each database instance.
Shown as operation
Indicates the overall RPC requests currently executing within the information store process.
Shown as request
Shows the amount of physical memory, in megabytes (MB), immediately available for allocation to a process or for system use. It's equal to the sum of memory assigned to the standby (cached), free, and zero page lists.[Not Exchange Server specific metric]
Shown as mebibyte
Shows the ratio of Memory\Committed Bytes to the Memory\Commit Limit.[Not Exchange Server specific metric]
Shown as percent
The total number of times that the semaphore has been obtained over the lifetime of the security channel connection, or since system startup for _Total.
The average time (in seconds) that the semaphore is held over the last sample.
Shown as second
The number of threads that are holding the semaphore.
Shown as thread
The total number of times that a thread has timed out while it waited for the semaphore over the lifetime of the security channel connection, or since system startup for _Total.
Shown as timeout
The number of threads that are waiting to obtain the semaphore.
Shown as thread
Indicates the number of outbound packets that couldn't be transmitted because of errors.
Shown as error
Shows the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.[Not Exchange Server specific metric]
Shown as connection
Shows the number of TCP connections for which the current state is either ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT.[Not Exchange Server specific metric]
Shown as error
Shows the number of times TCP connections have made a direct transition to the CLOSED state from either the ESTABLISHED state or the CLOSE-WAIT state.[Not Exchange Server specific metric]
Shown as connection
Shows the number of requests handled by Outlook Web App per second. Determines current user load.
Shown as request
Shows the number of unique users currently logged on to Outlook Web App. This value monitors the number of unique active user sessions, so that users are only removed from this counter after they log off or their session times out. Determines current user load.
Shown as user
Shows the percentage of processor time spent in privileged mode. Privileged mode is a processing mode designed for operating system components and hardware-manipulating drivers. It allows direct access to hardware and all memory.
Shown as percent
Shows the percentage of time that the processor is executing application or operating system processes. This is when the processor isn't idle.
Shown as percent
Shows the percentage of processor time spent in user mode. User mode is a restricted processing mode designed for applications, environment subsystems, and integral subsystems.
Shown as percent
Indicates the number of threads each processor is servicing. Processor Queue Length shows the number of threads that are delayed in the Processor Ready Queue and are waiting to be scheduled for execution. The value listed is the last observed value at the time the measurement was taken.[Not Exchange Server specific metric]
Shown as thread
Shows the number of unique users that have shown some activity in the last 2 minutes.
Shown as user
Shows the latency, in milliseconds (ms), averaged for the past 1,024 packets.
Shown as millisecond
Shows the total number of client connections maintained.
Shown as connection
Shows the rate at which RPC operations occur, per second.
Shown as operation
Shows the number of client requests currently being processed by the RPC Client Access service.
Shown as request
Shows the number of users connected to the service.
Shown as user
Shows the number of active tasks currently running in the background for workload management.
Shown as task
Shows the number of workload management tasks that have been completed.
Shown as task
Shows the number of workload management tasks that are currently queued up waiting to be processed.
Shown as task
Shows the rate that connections to the Web service are being attempted. Determines current user load.
Shown as connection
Shows the current number of connections established to the Default website which corresponds to the number of connections hitting the Front End CAS server role. Determines current user load.
Shown as connection
Shows the current number of connections established with the Web service. Determines current user load.
Shown as connection
Shows the rate HTTP requests are made that don't use the OPTIONS, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, TRACE, MOVE, COPY, MKCOL, PROPFIND, PROPPATCH, SEARCH, LOCK, or UNLOCK methods. Determines current user load.
Shown as connection
Shows the number of requests processed each second. Determines current user load.
Shown as request


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Exchange Server 점검은 서비스 점검을 포함하지 않습니다.


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