
Real User Monitoring (RUM) events are valuable both individually and collectively. The search query contains information to aggregate a subset of events.

Group into fields section of the Search query

Your selection of fields to group, aggregate, and measure your events are preserved as you switch between visualization types.

Aggregate by fields

All RUM events that match your filter query are aggregated into groups based on the value of one or several event facets. You can extract the following measures in addition to the aggregates:

  • Count of events per group

    Group by count of events
  • Unique count of coded values for a facet per group

    Group by unique count of coded values
  • Statistical operations (such as minimum, maximum, average, and percentiles) on a facet’s numerical values per group

    Group into fields using statistical operations

Individual events with multiple values for a single facet belong to that number of aggregates. For example, a RUM event with the country:france and browser:chrome attributes are counted once in the country:france aggregate and once in the browser:chrome aggregate.

The Group into fields aggregation supports one dimension for the Top list visualization and up to three dimensions for the timeseries, list and table visualizations. When there are multiple dimensions, the top values are determined based on the first dimension, then the second dimension within the top values of the first dimension, then the third dimension within the top values of the second dimension, and so on.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: brett.blue/embedded-collector-release