Code Security capabilities support

The following code security capabilities are supported in the PHP library, for the specified tracer version:

Code Security capabilityMinimum PHP tracer version
Runtime Software Composition Analysis (SCA)0.90.0
Runtime Code Analysis (IAST)not supported
If you would like to see support added for any of the unsupported capabilities, let us know! Fill out this short form to send details.

Supported deployment types

TypeRuntime Software Composition Analysis (SCA)Runtime Code Analysis (IAST)
Amazon ECS
AWS Fargate
AWS Lambda

Language and framework compatibility

Note: It's recommended to use officially supported versions of PHP, especially 8.0, 8.1 and 8.2.
PHP VersionSupport levelPackage version
8.3.xGeneral Availability> 0.95.0+
8.2.xGeneral Availability> 0.82.0+
8.1.xGeneral Availability> 0.66.0+
8.0.xGeneral Availability> 0.52.0+
7.4.xGeneral AvailabilityAll
7.3.xGeneral AvailabilityAll
7.2.xGeneral AvailabilityAll
7.1.xGeneral AvailabilityAll
7.0.xGeneral AvailabilityAll

Code Security capabililties for PHP support the following SAPI’s:

SAPISupport type
apache2handlerFully Supported
cliFully Supported
fpm-fcgiFully Supported
cgi-fcgiFully Supported

Supported processor architectures

Code Security capabililties for PHP support the following architectures:

Processor architecturesSupport levelPackage version
Linux GNU amd64 (x86-64-linux-gnu)GAAll
Linux MUSL amd64 (x86-64-linux-musl)GAAll
Linux GNU arm64 (aarch64-linux-gnu)GA> 0.95.0
Linux MUSL arm64 (aarch64-linux-musl)GA> 0.95.0

The Datadog PHP library supports PHP version 7.0 and above on the following architectures:

  • Linux (GNU) x86-64 and arm64
  • Alpine Linux (musl) x86-64 and arm64

The library supports the use of all PHP frameworks, and also the use of no framework.