In your main application, add the dd-trace-js
library. See Tracing Node.js applications for instructions.
Set ENV NODE_OPTIONS="--require dd-trace/init"
. This specifies that the dd-trace/init
module is required when the Node.js process starts.
The profiler is shipped within Datadog tracing libraries. If you are already using APM to collect traces for your application, you can skip installing the library and go directly to enabling the profiler. See Enabling the Node.js Profiler to add the environment variables.
The tracing library also collects custom metrics. See the code examples.
The Datadog sidecar collects logs through a shared volume. To forward logs from your main container to the sidecar, configure your application to write all logs to a location such as shared-volume/logs/*.log
using the steps below. You must follow the setup in the GCP UI to add the environment variable DD_SERVERLESS_LOG_PATH
and a shared Volume Mount to both the main and sidecar container. If you decide to deploy using YAML or Terraform, the environment variables, health check, and volume mount are already added.
To set up logging in your application, see Node.js Log Collection. To set up trace log correlation, see Correlating Node.js Logs and Traces.
In your main application, add the dd-trace-py
library. See Tracing Python Applications for instructions. You can also use Tutorial - Enabling Tracing for a Python Application and Datadog Agent in Containers.
The profiler is shipped within Datadog tracing libraries. If you are already using APM to collect traces for your application, you can skip installing the library and go directly to enabling the profiler. See Enabling the Python Profiler to add the environment variables.
The tracing library also collects custom metrics. See the code examples.
The Datadog sidecar collects logs through a shared volume. To forward logs from your main container to the sidecar, configure your application to write all logs to a location such as shared-volume/logs/*.log
using the steps below. You must follow the setup in the GCP UI to add the environment variable DD_SERVERLESS_LOG_PATH
and a shared Volume Mount to both the main and sidecar container. If you decide to deploy using YAML or Terraform, the environment variables, health check, and volume mount are already added.
To set up logging in your application, see Python Log Collection. Python Logging Best Practices can also be helpful. To set up trace log correlation, see Correlating Python Logs and Traces.
In your main application, add the dd-trace-java
library. Follow the instructions in Tracing Java Applications or use the following example Dockerfile to add and start the tracing library with automatic instrumentation:
FROM eclipse-temurin:17-jre-jammy
COPY target/cloudrun-java-1.jar cloudrun-java-1.jar
# Add the Datadog tracer
ADD '' dd-java-agent.jar
# Start the Datadog tracer with the javaagent argument
ENTRYPOINT [ "java", "-javaagent:dd-java-agent.jar", "-jar", "cloudrun-java-1.jar" ]
The profiler is shipped within Datadog tracing libraries. If you are already using APM to collect traces for your application, you can skip installing the library and go directly to enabling the profiler. See Enabling the Java Profiler to add the environment variables.
To collect custom metrics, install the Java DogStatsD client.
The Datadog sidecar collects logs through a shared volume. To forward logs from your main container to the sidecar, configure your application to write all logs to a location such as shared-volume/logs/*.log
using the steps below. You must follow the setup in the GCP UI to add the environment variable DD_SERVERLESS_LOG_PATH
and a shared Volume Mount to both the main and sidecar container. If you decide to deploy using YAML or Terraform, the environment variables, health check, and volume mount are already added.
To set up logging in your application, see Java Log Collection. To set up trace log correlation, see Correlating Java Logs and Traces.
In your main application, add the dd-trace-go
library. See Tracing Go Applications for instructions.
The profiler is shipped within Datadog tracing libraries. If you are already using APM to collect traces for your application, you can skip installing the library and go directly to enabling the profiler. See Enabling the Go Profiler to add the environment variables.
The tracing library also collects custom metrics. See the code examples.
The Datadog sidecar collects logs through a shared volume. To forward logs from your main container to the sidecar, configure your application to write all logs to a location such as shared-volume/logs/*.log
using the steps below. You must follow the setup in the GCP UI to add the environment variable DD_SERVERLESS_LOG_PATH
and a shared Volume Mount to both the main and sidecar container. If you decide to deploy using YAML or Terraform, the environment variables, health check, and volume mount are already added.
To set up logging in your application, see Go Log Collection. To set up trace log correlation, see Correlating Go Logs and Traces.
In your main application, add the .NET tracing library. See Tracing .NET Applications for instructions.
Example Dockerfile:
COPY ./bin/Release/net8.0/publish /app
ADD /opt/datadog/datadog-dotnet-apm_2.56.0_amd64.deb
RUN dpkg -i /opt/datadog/datadog-dotnet-apm_2.56.0_amd64.deb
RUN mkdir -p /shared-volume/logs/
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "dotnet.dll"]
The profiler is shipped within Datadog tracing libraries. If you are already using APM to collect traces for your application, you can skip installing the library and go directly to enabling the profiler. See Enabling the .NET Profiler to add the environment variables.
The previous Dockerfile example also has the environment variables for the profiler.
The tracing library also collects custom metrics. See the code examples.
The Datadog sidecar collects logs through a shared volume. To forward logs from your main container to the sidecar, configure your application to write all logs to a location such as shared-volume/logs/*.log
using the steps below. You must follow the setup in the GCP UI to add the environment variable DD_SERVERLESS_LOG_PATH
and a shared Volume Mount to both the main and sidecar container. If you decide to deploy using YAML or Terraform, the environment variables, health check, and volume mount are already added.
To set up logging in your application, see C# Log Collection. To set up trace log correlation, see Correlating .NET Logs and Traces.
In your main application, add the dd-trace-php
library. See Tracing PHP Applications for instructions.
The tracing library also collects custom metrics. See the code examples.
The Datadog sidecar collects logs through a shared volume. To forward logs from your main container to the sidecar, configure your application to write all logs to a location such as shared-volume/logs/*.log
using the steps below. You must follow the setup in the GCP UI to add the environment variable DD_SERVERLESS_LOG_PATH
and a shared Volume Mount to both the main and sidecar container. If you decide to deploy using YAML or Terraform, the environment variables, health check, and volume mount are already added.
To set up logging in your application, see PHP Log Collection. To set up trace log correlation, see Correlating PHP Logs and Traces.