Datadog APM is available for Kong Gateway using the kong-plugin-ddtrace plugin.


The plugin is installed using luarocks.

luarocks install kong-plugin-ddtrace

Kong Gateway is not a bundled plugin, so it needs to be configured before it can be enabled. To enable it, include bundled and ddtrace in the KONG_PLUGINS environment variable, or set plugins=bundled,ddtrace in /etc/kong/kong.conf. Next, restart Kong Gateway to apply the change.

# Set the KONG_PLUGINS environment variable or edit /etc/kong/kong.conf to enable the ddtrace plugin
export KONG_PLUGINS=bundled,ddtrace
kong restart


The plugin can be enabled globally or on specific services in Kong Gateway.

# Enabled globally
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace'
# Enabled for specific service only
curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/services/example-service/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace'

Options are available for setting the service name, environment, and other features within the plugin. The example below sets the service name to mycorp-internal-api in the prod environment.

curl -i -X POST --url http://localhost:8001/plugins/ --data 'name=ddtrace' --data 'config.service_name=mycorp-internal-api' --data 'config.environment=prod'

More configuration options can be found on the kong-plugin-ddtrace plugin documentation.

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: