Embeddable Graphs with Template Variables

Embeddable graphs created with the API accept template variables. Below is an example utilizing Python to query avg:system.cpu.user{$var}. In this example, $var is the template variable. Note: This method only supports graphs with timeseries visualization.

from datadog import initialize, api
import json

# Initialize request parameters with Datadog API/APP key
options = {
    'api_key': '<DATADOG_API_KEY>',
    'app_key': '<DATADOG_APPLICATION_KEY>'


# Create an embed graph definition as a dict and format as JSON
graph_json = {
    "requests": [{
        "q": "avg:system.cpu.user{$var}"
    "viz": "timeseries",
    "events": []
graph_json = json.dumps(graph_json)


Example response:

  'embed_id': '<EMBED_ID>',
  'revoked': False,
  'template_variables': ['var'],
  'html': '<iframe src="https://app.datadoghq.com/graph/embed?token=<EMBED_TOKEN>&height=300&width=600&legend=false&var=*" width="600" height="300" frameBorder="0"></iframe>',
  'graph_title': 'Embed created through API',
  'dash_url': None,
  'shared_by': 734258,
  'dash_name': None

Display the embed graph on a website by using the HTML in the response object. Notice the $var template variable is set to * by default in the iframe URL. This is the equivalent of the query avg:system.cpu.user{*}.

<iframe src="https://app.datadoghq.com/graph/embed?token=<EMBED_TOKEN>&height=300&width=600&legend=false&var=*" width="600" height="300" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

Example embed:

Embed Graph with No Filter

Use the template variable to change the graph by updating the iframe URL to define a filter. In the HTML below, * is replaced with host:embed-graph-test.

<iframe src="https://app.datadoghq.com/graph/embed?token=<EMBED_TOKEN>&height=300&width=600&legend=false&var=host:embed-graph-test" width="600" height="300" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

Example embed:

Embed Graph with Filter

Further Reading

Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles:

PREVIEWING: dgreen15/github-error-fix