Seguimiento de errores en aplicaciones web y móviles

Información general

Detalles de un problema en el Explorador de seguimiento de errores

It is critical for your system’s health to consistently monitor the errors collected by Datadog. When there are many individual error events, it becomes hard to prioritize errors for troubleshooting.

Error Tracking simplifies debugging by grouping thousands of similar errors into a single issue. An issue is an aggregation of error data that provides insights such as

  • How many users have been impacted
  • When the error first occurred
  • Which commit probably caused the error

Error Tracking enables you to:

  • Track, triage, and debug fatal errors
  • Group similar errors into issues, so that you can more easily identify important errors and reduce noise
  • Set monitors on error tracking events, such as high error volume or new issues
  • Follow issues over time to know when they first started, if they are still ongoing, and how often they occur

Los problemas que derivan de los errores de RUM incluyen las líneas de tiempo de las sesiones de usuario, stack traces y metadatos, incluida la localización del usuario, la versión y cualquier atributo personalizado que hayas incluido en tus informes de errores.

Echa un vistazo a las principales funciones de Error Tracking en la documentación de Error Tracking Explorer. A fin de ver el Error Tracking Explorer para RUM, dirígete a Digital Experience (Experiencia digital) > Error Tracking.


A fin de empezar a usar Datadog Error Tracking para RUM, consulta la documentación correspondiente:

Referencias adicionales

PREVIEWING: dgreen15/github-error-fix