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Type: INT32
Provider name: AccessKeysPerUserQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: AccountAccessKeysPresent




Type: INT32
Provider name: AccountMFAEnabled


Type: INT32
Provider name: AccountSigningCertificatesPresent


Type: INT32
Provider name: AttachedPoliciesPerGroupQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: AttachedPoliciesPerRoleQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: AttachedPoliciesPerUserQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: GlobalEndpointTokenVersion


Type: INT32
Provider name: GroupPolicySizeQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: Groups


Type: INT32
Provider name: GroupsPerUserQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: GroupsQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: MFADevices


Type: INT32
Provider name: MFADevicesInUse


Provider name: PasswordPolicy
Description: A structure that contains details about the account’s password policy.

  • allow_users_to_change_password
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: AllowUsersToChangePassword
    Description: Specifies whether IAM users are allowed to change their own password. Gives IAM users permissions to iam:ChangePassword for only their user and to the iam:GetAccountPasswordPolicy action. This option does not attach a permissions policy to each user, rather the permissions are applied at the account-level for all users by IAM.
  • expire_passwords
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: ExpirePasswords
    Description: Indicates whether passwords in the account expire. Returns true if MaxPasswordAge contains a value greater than 0. Returns false if MaxPasswordAge is 0 or not present.
  • hard_expiry
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: HardExpiry
    Description: Specifies whether IAM users are prevented from setting a new password via the Amazon Web Services Management Console after their password has expired. The IAM user cannot access the console until an administrator resets the password. IAM users with iam:ChangePassword permission and active access keys can reset their own expired console password using the CLI or API.
  • max_password_age
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: MaxPasswordAge
    Description: The number of days that an IAM user password is valid.
  • minimum_password_length
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: MinimumPasswordLength
    Description: Minimum length to require for IAM user passwords.
  • password_reuse_prevention
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: PasswordReusePrevention
    Description: Specifies the number of previous passwords that IAM users are prevented from reusing.
  • require_lowercase_characters
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireLowercaseCharacters
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one lowercase character (a to z).
  • require_numbers
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireNumbers
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one numeric character (0 to 9).
  • require_symbols
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireSymbols
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one of the following symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | ‘
  • require_uppercase_characters
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireUppercaseCharacters
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one uppercase character (A to Z).


Provider name: PasswordPolicy

  • allow_users_to_change_password
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: AllowUsersToChangePassword
    Description: Specifies whether IAM users are allowed to change their own password. Gives IAM users permissions to iam:ChangePassword for only their user and to the iam:GetAccountPasswordPolicy action. This option does not attach a permissions policy to each user, rather the permissions are applied at the account-level for all users by IAM.
  • expire_passwords
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: ExpirePasswords
    Description: Indicates whether passwords in the account expire. Returns true if MaxPasswordAge contains a value greater than 0. Returns false if MaxPasswordAge is 0 or not present.
  • hard_expiry
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: HardExpiry
    Description: Specifies whether IAM users are prevented from setting a new password via the Amazon Web Services Management Console after their password has expired. The IAM user cannot access the console until an administrator resets the password. IAM users with iam:ChangePassword permission and active access keys can reset their own expired console password using the CLI or API.
  • max_password_age
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: MaxPasswordAge
    Description: The number of days that an IAM user password is valid.
  • minimum_password_length
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: MinimumPasswordLength
    Description: Minimum length to require for IAM user passwords.
  • password_reuse_prevention
    Type: INT32
    Provider name: PasswordReusePrevention
    Description: Specifies the number of previous passwords that IAM users are prevented from reusing.
  • require_lowercase_characters
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireLowercaseCharacters
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one lowercase character (a to z).
  • require_numbers
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireNumbers
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one numeric character (0 to 9).
  • require_symbols
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireSymbols
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one of the following symbols: ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - = [ ] { } | ‘
  • require_uppercase_characters
    Type: BOOLEAN
    Provider name: RequireUppercaseCharacters
    Description: Specifies whether IAM user passwords must contain at least one uppercase character (A to Z).


Type: INT32
Provider name: Policies


Type: INT32
Provider name: PoliciesQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: PolicySizeQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: PolicyVersionsInUse


Type: INT32
Provider name: PolicyVersionsInUseQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: ServerCertificates


Type: INT32
Provider name: ServerCertificatesQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: SigningCertificatesPerUserQuota




Type: INT32
Provider name: UserPolicySizeQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: Users


Type: INT32
Provider name: UsersQuota


Type: INT32
Provider name: VersionsPerPolicyQuota

PREVIEWING: dgreen15/github-error-fix