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This check monitors Zenoh router.
Zenoh is an open source Zero Overhead Network Protocol.
Zenoh (/zeno/) is a pub/sub/query protocol unifying data in motion, data at rest, and computations. It elegantly blends traditional pub/sub with geo distributed storage, queries, and computations, while retaining a level of time and space efficiency that is well beyond any of the mainstream stacks.
The Zenoh router integration allows you to monitor router metrics and router/peer/client connection statuses in Datadog.
For Agent v7.21+ / v6.21+, follow the instructions below to install Zenoh router check on your host.
On your host, run the following command to install the Agent integration:
datadog-agent integration install -t datadog-zenoh_router== <INTEGRATION_VERSION>
The datadog-zenoh_router integration version 1.0.0 is compatible with Zenoh router versions below 1.0. For Zenoh router versions above or equal 1.0, integration version 1.1.0 should be used. To install the Zenoh router check on your host:
Install the developer toolkit on any machine.
Run ddev release build zenoh_router
to build the package.
Upload the build artifact to any host with the Agent installed
On the host, run datadog-agent integration install -w path/to/zenoh_router/dist/<ARTIFACT_NAME>.whl
Make sure that the Zenoh REST API plugin is enabled. Note:
The default Zenoh router provides only session information. To access full statistics, this feature needs to be enabled at Zenoh router build time using the stats feature. For example: cargo build --features stats
Alternatively, you can use routers from the Zetta Platform
Edit the zenoh_router.d/conf.yaml
file in the conf.d/
folder at the root of your Agent’s configuration directory to start collecting your Zenoh router metrics .
See the sample zenoh_router.d/conf.yaml for all available configuration options.
Restart the Agent .
Run the Agent’s status subcommand and look for zenoh_router
under the Checks section.
zenoh.router.sessions (count)The number of active sessionsShown as connection zenoh.router.rx_bytes (gauge)The number of received bytesShown as byte zenoh.router.rx_n_dropped (gauge)The number of dropped network messagesShown as message zenoh.router.rx_n_msgs (gauge)The number of received network messagesShown as message zenoh.router.rx_t_msgs (gauge)The number of received transport messagesShown as message zenoh.router.rx_z_del_msgs (gauge)The number of received zenoh del messagesShown as message zenoh.router.rx_z_put_msgs (gauge)The number of received zenoh put messagesShown as message zenoh.router.rx_z_put_pl_bytes (gauge)The number of received bytes in zenoh put message payloadsShown as byte zenoh.router.rx_z_query_msgs (gauge)The number of received zenoh query messagesShown as message zenoh.router.rx_z_query_pl_bytes (gauge)The number of received bytes in zenoh query message payloadsShown as byte zenoh.router.rx_z_reply_msgs (gauge)The number of received zenoh reply messagesShown as message zenoh.router.rx_z_reply_pl_bytes (gauge)The number of received bytes in zenoh reply message payloadsShown as byte zenoh.router.tx_bytes (gauge)The number of sent bytesShown as byte zenoh.router.tx_n_dropped (gauge)The number of dropped network messagesShown as message zenoh.router.tx_n_msgs (gauge)The number of sent network messagesShown as message zenoh.router.tx_t_msgs (gauge)The number of sent transport messagesShown as message zenoh.router.tx_z_del_msgs (gauge)The number of sent zenoh del messagesShown as message zenoh.router.tx_z_put_msgs (gauge)The number of sent zenoh put messagesShown as message zenoh.router.tx_z_put_pl_bytes (gauge)The number of sent bytes in zenoh put message payloadsShown as byte zenoh.router.tx_z_query_msgs (gauge)The number of sent zenoh query messagesShown as message zenoh.router.tx_z_query_pl_bytes (gauge)The number of sent bytes in zenoh query message payloadsShown as byte zenoh.router.tx_z_reply_msgs (gauge)The number of sent zenoh reply messagesShown as message zenoh.router.tx_z_reply_pl_bytes (gauge)The number of sent bytes in zenoh reply message payloadsShown as byte
Zenoh router does not include any events.
zenoh.router.can_connect Returns CRITICAL
if the Agent can’t connect to the Zenoh router, OK otherwiseStatuses: ok, critical
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