You can use the CLI to instrument your AWS Lambda functions with Datadog. The CLI enables instrumentation by modifying existing Lambda functions’ configuration and hence does not require redeployment. It is the quickest way to get started with Datadog serverless monitoring.

You can also add the command to your CI/CD pipelines to enable instrumentation for all your serverless applications. Run the command after your normal serverless application deployment, so that changes made by the Datadog CLI command do not get overridden.


To instrument your Lambda functions using the datadog-ci lambda instrument command, follow the instructions for a specific runtime listed below:



Run datadog-ci lambda instrument to apply Datadog instrumentation to a Lambda. This command adds the Datadog Lambda Library and/or the Datadog Lambda Extension as Lambda Layers to the instrumented Lambda functions and modifies their configurations.

datadog-ci lambda instrument -f <function-name> -f <another-function-name> -r us-east-1 -v 81 -e 49

# Instrument multiple functions specified by full ARNs
datadog-ci lambda instrument -f <lambda-arn> -f <another-lambda-arn> -f <a-third-lambda-arn> -v 81 -e 49

# Instrument function(s) in interactive mode
datadog-ci lambda instrument -i

# Instrument multiple functions that match a regex pattern
datadog-ci lambda instrument --functions-regex <valid-regex-pattern> -r us-east-1 -v 81 -e 49

# Dry run of all updates
datadog-ci lambda instrument -f <function-name> -f <another-function-name> -r us-east-1 -v 81 -e 49 --dry-run


Run datadog-ci lambda uninstrument to revert Datadog instrumentation in a Lambda. This command automatically removes the Datadog configuration, such as the Datadog Lambda Library and the Datadog Lambda Extension layers, as well as other configurations applied by the datadog-ci.

# Uninstrument multiple functions specified by names
datadog-ci lambda uninstrument -f <function-name> -f <another-function-name> -r us-east-1

# Uninstrument function(s) in interactive mode
datadog-ci lambda uninstrument -i

# Uninstrument multiple functions that match a regex pattern
datadog-ci lambda uninstrument --functions-regex <valid-regex-pattern> -r us-east-1

# Dry run of all updates
datadog-ci lambda uninstrument -f <function-name> -f <another-function-name> -r us-east-1 --dry-run

See the configuration section for additional settings.


AWS Credentials

You must have valid AWS credentials configured with access to the Lambda and CloudWatch services where you are running any datadog-ci lambda command.

Environment variables

You must expose these environment variables in the environment where you are running datadog-ci lambda instrument:

Environment VariableDescriptionExample
DATADOG_API_KEYDatadog API Key. Sets the DD_API_KEY environment variable on your Lambda function configuration. For more information about getting a Datadog API key, see the API key documentation.export DATADOG_API_KEY=<API_KEY>
DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET_ARNThe ARN of the secret storing the Datadog API key in AWS Secrets Manager. Sets the DD_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN on your Lambda function configuration. Notes: DD_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN is ignored when DD_KMS_API_KEY is set. Add the secretsmanager:GetSecretValue permission to the Lambda execution role.export DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN=<SECRETS_MANAGER_RESOURCE_ARN>
DATADOG_KMS_API_KEYDatadog API Key encrypted using KMS. Sets the DD_KMS_API_KEY environment variable on your Lambda function configuration. Note: DD_API_KEY is ignored when DD_KMS_API_KEY is set.export DATADOG_KMS_API_KEY=<KMS_ENCRYPTED_API_KEY>
DATADOG_SITESet which Datadog site to send data. Only needed when using the Datadog Lambda Extension. Possible values are , ,,,, and The default is Sets the DD_SITE environment variable on your Lambda function configurations.export DATADOG_SITE=""


Configuration can be done using command-line arguments or a JSON configuration file (see the next section).


You can pass the following arguments to instrument to specify its behavior. These arguments will override the values set in the configuration file, if any.

--function-fThe ARN of the Lambda function to be instrumented, or the name of the Lambda function (--region must be defined).
--functions-regexA regex pattern to match with the Lambda function name.
--interactive-iAllows the user to interactively choose how their function gets instrumented. There is no need to provide any other flags if you choose to use interactive mode since you will be prompted for the information instead.
--region-rDefault region to use, when --function is specified by the function name instead of the ARN.
--serviceUse --service to group related functions belonging to similar workloads. Learn more about the service tag here.
--versionAdd the --version tag to correlate spikes in latency, load or errors to new versions. Learn more about the version tag here.
--envUse --env to separate out your staging, development, and production environments. Learn more about the env tag here.
--extra-tagsAdd custom tags to your Lambda function in Datadog. Must be a list of <key>:<value> separated by commas such as: layer:api,team:intake.
--profileSpecify the AWS named profile credentials to use to instrument. Learn more about AWS named profiles here.
--layer-version-vVersion of the Datadog Lambda Library layer to apply. This varies between runtimes. To see the latest layer version check the JS or python datadog-lambda-layer repo release notes.
--extension-version-eVersion of the Datadog Lambda Extension layer to apply. When extension-version is set, make sure to export DATADOG_API_KEY (or if encrypted, DATADOG_KMS_API_KEY or DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN) in your environment as well. While using extension-version, leave out forwarder. Learn more about the Lambda Extension here.
--tracingWhether to enable dd-trace tracing on your Lambda.true
--merge-xray-tracesWhether to join dd-trace traces to AWS X-Ray traces. Useful for tracing API Gateway spans.false
--flush-metrics-to-logsWhether to send metrics via the Datadog Forwarder asynchronously. If you disable this parameter, it’s required to export DATADOG_API_KEY (or if encrypted, DATADOG_KMS_API_KEY or DATADOG_API_KEY_SECRET_ARN).true
--capture-lambda-payloadWhether to capture and store the payload and response of a lambda invocation.false
--forwarderThe ARN of the datadog forwarder to attach this function’s LogGroup to.
--dry-run-dPreview changes running command would apply.false
--log-levelSet to debug to see additional output from the Datadog Lambda Library and/or Lambda Extension for troubleshooting purposes.
--source-code-integration-sWhether to enable Datadog Source Code Integration. This will tag your lambda(s) with the Git repository URL and the latest commit hash of the current local directory. Note: Git repository must not be ahead of remote, and must not be dirty.true
--no-source-code-integrationDisables Datadog Source Code Integration.
--upload-git-metadata-uWhether to enable Git metadata uploading, as a part of source code integration. Git metadata uploading is only required if you don’t have the Datadog Github Integration installed.true
--no-upload-git-metadataDisables Git metadata uploading, as a part of source code integration. Use this flag if you have the Datadog Github Integration installed, as it renders Git metadata uploading unnecessary.
--apm-flush-deadlineUsed to determine when to submit spans before a timeout occurs, in milliseconds. When the remaining time in an AWS Lambda invocation is less than the value set, the tracer attempts to submit the current active spans and all finished spans. Supported for NodeJS and Python. Defaults to 100 milliseconds.


The following arguments are passed to uninstrument to specify its behavior. These arguments will override the values set in the configuration file, if any.

Any other argument stated on the instrument table, but not below, will be ignored, this to allow you to uninstrument quicker, if needed.

--function-fThe ARN of the Lambda function to be uninstrumented, or the name of the Lambda function (--region must be defined).
--functions-regexA regex pattern to match with the Lambda function name to be uninstrumented.
--region-rDefault region to use, when --function is specified by the function name instead of the ARN.
--profileSpecify the AWS named profile credentials to use to uninstrument. Learn more about AWS named profiles here.
--forwarderThe ARN of the datadog forwarder to remove from this function.
--dry-run-dPreview changes running command would apply.false

Configuration file

Instead of supplying arguments, you can create a configuration file in your project and simply run the datadog-ci lambda {instrument|uninstrument} --config datadog-ci.json command on each deployment. Specify the datadog-ci.json using the --config argument, and use this configuration file structure:

    "lambda": {
        "layerVersion": 10,
        "extensionVersion": 8,
        "functions": ["arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:autoinstrument"],
        "region": "us-east-1",
        "tracing": true,
        "mergeXrayTraces": true,
        "captureLambdaPayload": true,
        "forwarder": "arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:000000000000:function:datadog-forwarder",
        "logLevel": "debug",
        "service": "some-service",
        "version": "b17s47h3w1n",
        "profile": "my-credentials",
        "environment": "staging",
        "extraTags": "layer:api,team:intake"

Troubleshooting Lambda Instrumentation

To troubleshoot issues you encounter with Datadog monitoring on your Lambda functions, run the datadog-ci lambda flare command in the root of your project directory. This command collects important data about the Lambda function, such as environment variables and the config file. These files will be submitted to Datadog support via a ticket matching the provided Zendesk case ID.

Note: This command works whether or not your Lambda functions were instrumented using datadog-ci lambda instrument.


# Collect and send files to Datadog support for a single function
datadog-ci lambda flare -f <function-arn> -c <case-id> -e <email-on-case-id>

# Include recent CloudWatch logs
datadog-ci lambda flare -f <function-name> -r <AWS region> -c <case-id> -e <email-on-case-id> --with-logs

# Dry run: collect data, but don't send to Datadog support
datadog-ci lambda flare -f <function-arn> -c <case-id> -e <email-on-case-id> --with-logs --dry-run


--function-fThe ARN of the Lambda function to gather data for, or the name of the Lambda function (--region must be defined).
--region-rDefault region to use, when --function is specified by the function name instead of the ARN.
--case-id-cThe Datadog case ID to send the files to.
--email-eThe email associated with the specified case ID.
--with-logsCollect recent CloudWatch logs for the specified function.false
--start and --endOnly gather logs within the time range (--with-logs must be included.) Both arguments are numbers in milliseconds since Unix Epoch.
--dry-run-dPreview collected data which would be sent to Datadog support.false


For product feedback and questions, join the #serverless channel in the Datadog community on Slack.

PREVIEWING: dgreen15/github-error-fix