Infrastructure Hosts | datadog.estimated_usage.hosts , datadog.estimated_usage.hosts.by_tag | Unique hosts seen in the last hour. |
Containers | datadog.estimated_usage.containers , datadog.estimated_usage.containers.by_tag | Unique containers seen in the last hour. |
Fargate Tasks | datadog.estimated_usage.fargate_tasks , datadog.estimated_usage.fargate_tasks.by_tag | Unique Fargate Tasks seen in the last 5 minutes.
Note: This metric tracks both ECS Fargate and EKS Fargate usage. |
Indexed Custom Metrics | datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom , datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom.by_metric , datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom.by_tag | Unique indexed Custom Metrics seen in the last hour. |
Ingested Custom Metrics | datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom.ingested , datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom.ingested.by_metric , datadog.estimated_usage.metrics.custom.ingested.by_tag | Unique ingested Custom Metrics seen in the last hour. |
Logs Ingested Bytes | datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_bytes | Total ingestion of logs in bytes. |
Logs Ingested Events | datadog.estimated_usage.logs.ingested_events | Total number of ingested events, including excluded logs. |
Logs Drop Count | datadog.estimated_usage.logs.drop_count | Total number of events dropped during ingestion. |
Logs Truncated Count | datadog.estimated_usage.logs.truncated_count | Total number of events truncated at ingestion. |
Logs Truncated Bytes | datadog.estimated_usage.logs.truncated_bytes | Volume of truncated events in bytes. |
Error Tracking Logs Events | | Volume of error logs ingested into Error Tracking. |
Analyzed Logs (security) | datadog.estimated_usage.security_monitoring.analyzed_bytes | Total ingestion of Cloud SIEM logs in bytes. |
APM Hosts | datadog.estimated_usage.apm_hosts , datadog.estimated_usage.apm_hosts.by_tag | Unique APM hosts seen in last hour. Does not include Azure App Services hosts. |
APM Indexed Spans | datadog.estimated_usage.apm.indexed_spans | Total number of spans indexed by tag-based retention filters. |
APM Ingested Bytes | datadog.estimated_usage.apm.ingested_bytes | Volume of ingested spans in bytes. |
APM Ingested Spans | datadog.estimated_usage.apm.ingested_spans | Total number of ingested spans. |
APM Fargate Tasks | datadog.estimated_usage.apm.fargate_tasks , datadog.estimated_usage.apm.fargate_tasks.by_tag | Unique APM Fargate Tasks seen in last 5 minutes. |
RUM Sessions | datadog.estimated_usage.rum.sessions | Total number of RUM sessions. |
Serverless Lambda Functions | datadog.estimated_usage.serverless.aws_lambda_functions , datadog.estimated_usage.serverless.aws_lambda_functions.by_tag | Unique serverless functions seen in the last hour. |
Serverless Invocations | datadog.estimated_usage.serverless.invocations | Sum of serverless invocations in the last hour. |
API test runs | datadog.estimated_usage.synthetics.api_test_runs | Estimated usage for API tests. |
Browser test runs | datadog.estimated_usage.synthetics.browser_test_runs | Estimated usage for browser tests. |
Parallel Testing Slots | datadog.estimated_usage.synthetics.parallel_testing_slots | Estimated usage for parallel testing slots. |
Network Hosts | , | Unique CNM hosts seen in the last hour. |
Network Devices | , | Unique NDM devices seen in the last hour. |
Profiled Hosts | datadog.estimated_usage.profiling.hosts , datadog.estimated_usage.profiling.hosts.by_tag | Unique profiling hosts seen in the last hour. |
Profiled Containers | datadog.estimated_usage.profiling.containers , datadog.estimated_usage.profiling.containers.by_tag | Unique profiling containers seen in last 5 minutes. |
Profiler Fargate Tasks | datadog.estimated_usage.profiling.fargate_tasks , datadog.estimated_usage.profiling.fargate_tasks.by_tag | Unique profiling Fargate Tasks seen in the last 5 minutes. |
CSPM Hosts | datadog.estimated_usage.cspm.hosts , datadog.estimated_usage.cspm.hosts.by_tag | Unique CSPM hosts seen in the last hour. |
CSPM Containers | datadog.estimated_usage.cspm.containers , datadog.estimated_usage.cspm.containers.by_tag | Unique CSPM containers seen in the last 5 minutes. |
CWS Hosts | datadog.estimated_usage.cws.hosts , datadog.estimated_usage.cws.hosts.by_tag | Unique CWS hosts seen in the last hour. |
CWS Containers | datadog.estimated_usage.cws.containers , datadog.estimated_usage.cws.containers.by_tag | Unique CWS containers seen in the last 5 minutes. |
Database Hosts | datadog.estimated_usage.dbm.hosts , datadog.estimated_usage.dbm.hosts.by_tag | Unique DBM hosts seen in the last hour. |
ASM Hosts | datadog.estimated_usage.asm.hosts , datadog.estimated_usage.asm.hosts.by_tag | Unique ASM hosts seen in the last hour. |
ASM Tasks | datadog.estimated_usage.asm.tasks , datadog.estimated_usage.asm.tasks.by_tag | Unique ASM Fargate Tasks seen in the last 5 minutes. |
Incident Management (Active Users) | datadog.estimated_usage.incident_management.active_users | Active IM users seen from (calendar) month-to-date. |
CI Visibility Pipeline Committers | datadog.estimated_usage.ci_visibility.pipeline.committers | Pipeline committers seen from (calendar) month-to-date. |
CI Visibility Test Committers | datadog.estimated_usage.ci_visibility.test.committers | Test committers seen from (calendar) month-to-date. |
IOT devices | datadog.estimated_usage.iot.devices , datadog.estimated_usage.iot.devices.by_tag | Unique IoT devices seen in the last hour. |
Observability Pipelines Ingested Bytes | datadog.estimated_usage.observability_pipelines.ingested_bytes | Volume of data ingested by Observability Pipelines. |
Custom Events | | Volume of custom events submitted. |
Events Ingested | | Volume of data ingested by Events. |
Code Security SAST Committers | datadog.estimated_usage.code_security.sast.committers | SAST committers seen from (calendar) month-to-date. |
Code Security SCA Committers | | SCA committers seen from (calendar) month-to-date. |