Setup Data Streams Monitoring for Java
Supported libraries
To enable Data Streams Monitoring, set the following environment variables to true
on services that are sending or consuming messages:
Run the following when you start your Java application:
java -javaagent:/path/to/dd-java-agent.jar -Ddd.trace.remove.integration-service-names.enabled=true -jar path/to/your/app.jar
One-Click Installation
To set up Data Streams Monitoring from the Datadog UI without needing to restart your service, use Configuration at Runtime. Navigate to the APM Service Page and Enable DSM
Monitoring SQS pipelines
Data Streams Monitoring uses one message attribute to track a message’s path through an SQS queue. As Amazon SQS has a maximum limit of 10 message attributes allowed per message, all messages streamed through the data pipelines must have 9 or fewer message attributes set, allowing the remaining attribute for Data Streams Monitoring.
Monitoring SNS-to-SQS pipelines
To monitor a data pipeline where Amazon SNS talks directly to Amazon SQS, you must perform the following additional configuration steps:
Monitoring Kinesis pipelines
There are no message attributes in Kinesis to propagate context and track a message’s full path through a Kinesis stream. As a result, Data Streams Monitoring’s end-to-end latency metrics are approximated based on summing latency on segments of a message’s path, from the producing service through a Kinesis Stream, to a consumer service. Throughput metrics are based on segments from the producing service through a Kinesis Stream, to the consumer service. The full topology of data streams can still be visualized through instrumenting services.
Manual instrumentation
Data Streams Monitoring propagates context through message headers. If you are using a message queue technology that is not supported by DSM, a technology without headers (such as Kinesis), or Lambdas, use manual instrumentation to set up DSM.
Further Reading
Additional helpful documentation, links, and articles: