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You can use the Web App component to represent and visualize web applications from your Azure environment.

Screenshot of an isometric Cloudcraft diagram showing interconnected Azure web app components.


Use the toolbar to configure and customize the component. The following options are available:

  • Color: Select accent and fill colors for the body of the component in 3D view.
  • Platform: Select the platform for your web application. Supported options are Windows and Linux.
  • Tier: Select the service level tier for your web application.
  • Instance: Select an instance type for your web application.


Use the Cloudcraft API to programmatically access and render your architecture diagrams as JSON objects. The following is an example JSON object of a Web app component:


  "type": "azurewebapp",
  "id": "274993bf-646d-4046-a20a-063a243e22b7",
  "resourceId": "/subscriptions/4f02467b-945a-4d06-8789-66b52d1c92a3/resourceGroups/CLOUDCRAFT/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/docsite#componentType=azurewebapp",
  "region": "eastus",
  "mapPos": [0, 8],
  "platform": "Windows",
  "tier": "Basic",
  "instance": "B1",
  "color": {
      "isometric": "#ececed",
      "2d": null
  "accentColor": {
      "isometric": "#4286c5",
      "2d": null
  "link": "",
  "locked": true
  • type: string: The type of component. Must be a string of value azurewebapp for this component.
  • id: string, uuid: The unique identifier for the component. The API uses a UUID v4 internally but accepts any unique string.
  • resourceId: string: The globally unique identifier for the component within Azure.
  • region: string: The Azure region for the component. The API supports all global regions, except China.
  • mapPos: array: The position of the component in the blueprint. The API uses a unique X and Y coordinate pair to express positioning.
  • platform: string: The platform for the web application. Accepts one of two values, Windows or Linux. Defaults to Linux.
  • tier: string: The service level tier for the web application. See below for more information. Defaults to Basic.
  • instance: string: The instance type for the web application. See below for more information. Defaults to B1.
  • color: object: The fill color for the component body.
    • isometric: string: A hexadecimal color for the component body in 3D view. Defaults to #ececed.
    • 2d: string: A hexadecimal color for the component body in 2D view. Defaults to null.
  • accentColor: object: The accent color for the component logo.
    • isometric: string: A hexadecimal color for the component logo in 3D view. Defaults to #4286c5.
    • 2d: string: A hexadecimal color for the component logo in 2D view. Defaults to null.
  • link: string, uri: A URI that links the component to another diagram or an external website. Accepts one of two formats, blueprint:// or https://.
  • locked: boolean: Whether to allow changes to the position of the component through the web interface. Defaults to false.

Accepted values for tier

The tier key accepts the following values:

Basic, Free, Isolated, "Isolated v2", "Premium v2", "Premium v3", Shared, Standard

Accepted values for instance

The instance key accepts the following values:

B1, B2, B3, F1, I1, I2, I3, "I1 v2", "I2 v2", "I3 v2", "I4 v2", "I5 v2",
"I6 v2", "P1 v2", "P2 v2", "P3 v2", P0v3, "P1 v3", P1mv3, "P2 v3",
P2mv3, "P3 v3", P3mv3, P4mv3, P5mv3, D1, S1, S2, S3

Valid combinations for tier and instance

The tier and instance keys work together to define the resources allocated to an application, but a valid combination of values must be provided.

The following table shows which combinations are valid.

BasicB1, B2, B3
IsolatedI1, I2, I3
Isolated v2I1 v2, I2 v2, I3 v2, I4 v2, I5 v2, I6 v2
Premium v2P1 v2, P2 v2, P3 v2
Premium v3P0v3, P1 v3, P1mv3, P2 v3, P2mv3, P3 v3, P3mv3, P4mv3, P5mv3
StandardS1, S2, S3
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