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You can send custom pipelines through HTTP using the public API endpoint. For more information about how pipeline executions are modeled, see Pipeline Data Model and Execution Types.


Pipeline VisibilityPlatformDefinition
Running pipelinesRunning pipelinesView pipeline executions that are running.
Custom tags and measures at runtimeCustom tags and measures at runtimeConfigure custom tags and measures at runtime.
Manual stepsManual stepsView manually triggered pipelines.
ParametersParametersSet custom parameters when a pipeline is triggered.
Partial retriesPartial pipelinesView partially retried pipeline executions.
Pipeline failure reasonsPipeline failure reasonsIdentify pipeline failure reasons from error messages.
Queue timeQueue timeView the amount of time pipeline jobs sit in the queue before processing.

Configure CI Visibility

To send pipeline events programmatically to Datadog, ensure that your DD_API_KEY is configured.

  1. Set the headers of your HTTP request:

  2. Prepare the payload body by entering information about the pipeline execution in a cURL command:

    Parameter NameDescriptionExample Value
    Unique IDThe UUID of the pipeline run. The ID has to be unique across retries and pipelines, including partial retries.b3262537-a573-44eb-b777-4c0f37912b05
    NameThe name of the pipeline. All pipeline runs for the builds should have the same name.Documentation Build
    Git RepositoryThe Git repository URL that triggered the pipeline.
    Commit AuthorThe commit author email that triggered the
    Commit SHAThe commit hash that triggered the pipeline.cf852e17dea14008ac83036430843a1c
    StatusThe final status of the pipeline. Allowed enum values: success, error, canceled, skipped, blocked, or running.success
    Partial RetryWhether or not the pipeline was a partial retry of a previous attempt. This field expects a boolean value (true or false). A partial retry is one which only runs a subset of the original jobs.false
    StartTime when the pipeline run started (it should not include any queue time). The time format must be RFC3339.2024-08-22T11:36:29-07:00
    EndTime when the pipeline run finished. The time format must be RFC3339.2024-08-22T14:36:00-07:00
    URLThe URL to look at the pipeline in the CI provider UI.{pipeline-id}

    For example, this payload sends a CI pipeline event to Datadog:

       curl -X POST "" \
       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
       -H "DD-API-KEY: <YOUR_API_KEY>" \
       -d @- << EOF
         "data": {
           "attributes": {
             "provider_name": "<YOUR_CI_PROVIDER>",
             "resource": {
               "level": "pipeline",
               "unique_id": "b3262537-a573-44eb-b777-4c0f37912b05",
               "name": "Documentation Build",
               "git": {
                 "repository_url": "",
                 "author_email": "",
                 "sha": "cf852e17dea14008ac83036430843a1c"
               "status": "success",
               "start": "2024-08-22T11:36:29-07:00",
               "end": "2024-08-22T14:36:00-07:00",
               "partial_retry": false,
               "url": ""
           "type": "cipipeline_resource_request"
  3. After sending your pipeline event to Datadog, you can integrate additional event types such as stage, job, and step. For more information, see the Send Pipeline Event endpoint.

Running pipelines

Pipeline events sent with the status set to running have the same unique_id as the final pipeline event. Running pipelines can be updated by adding more information while they are still running. A running pipeline consists of the following events:

  1. The initial running pipeline event with the status set to running.
  2. Optionally, N running pipeline events that update the pipeline with more information, with the same unique_id and the status set to running.
  3. The final pipeline event without a running status and the same unique_id.

Note: The most recent value may not always be the one displayed in the UI when a field is updated. For example, if the tag my_tag is set to value1 in the first running pipeline, and then is updated to value2, you may see value1 instead of value2 in the UI. It is recommended to only update running pipelines by adding more fields instead modifying existing ones.

Visualize pipeline data in Datadog

The CI Pipeline List and Executions pages populate with data after the pipelines are accepted for processing.

The CI Pipeline List page shows data for only the default branch of each repository. For more information, see Search and Manage CI Pipelines.

Further reading

PREVIEWING: drodriguezhdez/add_public_docs_log_summarization